{ DAY 432 }

photo(45)When we head out on that highway there’s no telling what we might discover.  Sunday drives turn into adventures.  The sea got into the sky and made it all azure which made the day that much better.  “Daddy can we stop at the park?”  So he pulls over and we scramble out to breath in all that fresh air and soak up some vitamin D.  I practically skip along the winding paths through towering trees because I’m so enthralled.  The wind is chasing itself in circles around me playing tag and laughing my cheeks rosy.  Maybe that’s what’s making me skip… Somewhere along the walk my nose and fingers go numb so that when I climb back into the car it feels cozy warm.  We make a wrong turn that gives us a clue to the place we should go.  Turning right around we seek it out among the concrete Legos rising up from city blocks.  This time we have success and find something yummy to sip on.  At first our taste buds tingle and wonder at the smokey chai tea blended with creamy coconut milk and honey but by the bottom of the glass I’m doing my best to inhale every last drop through my straw.  Sitting with my two best friends I feel inexplicably happy.  Our conversation turns from this to that as we just enjoy one another.  The sun is getting sleepy and crawling into bed but we head off to Powell’s books to hunt down a certain one.  Looking through the pages our faces stare back at the ones printed there, these humans of New York, and I whisper the inscriptions and we try not to chuckle too loudly at some.  Because it was a perfect day I insist we stop and take a picture like tourists in our own city.  Mom and dad oblige but we laugh at the results…  Without a doubt these two people are my favorites in a love-you-like-it-might-make-me-burst kinda way.  I’m half of him and half of her and I couldn’t imagine wanting any other genes but these.  They’re like a good pair of jeans that fit me just right and hug me perfectly.  The type where they’ve been through the wash so many times that the fibers are soft yet more comfortable for it and where the wear and tear gives them that undeniable character.  We’re the three musketeers.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into our escapades.  I hope there are many more!  What adventures have you been on recently and who would you take with you?

P.S.  Picture taken as we went over the bridge on our way back to home…mom wouldn’t let me post the selfie we took. 😉

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