{ Life lately (DAY 477) }

“What other new crazy stuff you got in there?”
“I’m alive.”
“Heck, that’s old!”
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Thinking about it, noticing it, is new.  You do things and don’t watch.  Then all of a sudden you look and see what you’re doing and it’s the first time, really.  I’m going to divide the summer up in two parts.  First part of this tablet is titled: RITES AND CEREMONIES.  The first root beer pop of the year.  The first time running barefoot in the grass of the year.  First time almost drowning in the lake of the year.  First water-melon.  First mosquito.  First harvest of dandelions.  Those are the things we do over and over and over and never think.  Now here in back, like I said, is DISCOVERIES AND REVELATIONS or maybe ILLUMINATIONS, that’s a swell word, or INTUITIONS, okay?  In other words you do an old familiar thing, like bottling dandelion wine, and you put that under RITES AND CEREMONIES.  And then you think about it, and what you think, crazy or not, you put under DISCOVERIES AND REVELATIONS.  Here’s what I got on the wine: Every time you bottle it, you got a whole chunk of 1928 put away, safe.  How do you like that, Tom?”

“I got lost a mile back somewhere.” ~Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

IMG_0189 IMG_0137 IMG_0097As you may or may not have noticed I was MIA last week.  It was a very full yet wonderful two weeks for me and I just needed to live in the moment.  But don’t worry, I took a ridiculous amount of pictures so I have a few to share.  Since so much happened I’ll just list a few of the things that come to mind.

Got to go on a date with Andrew Garfield.  No, not the famous one….my amazing brother one! 😉  It was so fun having him and my sister in law in town.

I ate my first waffle ice cream cone. EVER.  You better believe I enjoyed every minute of it.  Also ice cream cones can be messy.  I think it adds to the fun.

We went thrifting.  I don’t mean a few stores.  When I say thrifting I mean that my brother had a list (a list! he’s so organized) of all the thrift stores they wanted to see.  We had a grand time and found some treasures.  No adventure is complete without treasure ya know. 😉

My niece and nephew had a darling lemonade stand complete with organic lemonade and polka dot straws…and homemade cookies.

We ate.  And ate.  AND ATE.  I don’t know why that’s a vacation thing but it is.

One day we went on a scenic drive and discovered a lavender field…and some alpacas not too far from that.  Alpacas are funny looking creatures and when they are sheared they are truly hilarious to see.  God totally has a sense of humor.

Most nights we stayed up wayyyyy too late watching The Lord of the Rings series…the extended version.  Those are some of my favorite movies and I hadn’t watched them in a while so it was fun to get into that story again.

There was a wonderful sale on ice cream.  We bought a lot.  Did I mention we ate heaps these past few weeks?!  Hopefully that round of miniature golf helped keep us trim. 😉

All in all though the best part was just having my whole family in one place for so many days.  It wasn’t long enough but we made the most of it and I can’t wait for next time.

What parts of summer are you enjoying most? 🙂  I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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