{Day 199}

I’ve decided that this week should be about amazing meetings since you already heard about Paige and Sean.  So you remember the crazy story here?  Well I finally get to bring you another chapter to that story!  Since I finally got to officially meet my sweet friend Elizabeth I want you to “meet” her on here too.  Annddd to make it even better I get to introduce to you her lovely sisters Ruth and Miriam!  Each one is of them is so wonderful and incredible.  A couple of months ago Elizabeth emailed me and said they were going to be coming to the states (from Australia!) and asked if they could stay a few days over Christmas.  I was thrilled to say the least.  These beautiful ladies ended up coming for 4 days and it wasn’t even close to long enough because these three wonderful women felt like sisters.  All because of one email… I am so grateful for the time with them.  A chance to laugh and grow and revel in God’s goodness.  He is so kind to give us friendship.  We are all excited to see where God will take us and how he will develop our friendship.  (Not to mention that we had a ton of fun making perfume, seeing Multnomah falls, celebrating Christ’s birth, staying up way too late and being goofy, drinking apple cider, playing in the snow at Mount Hood…you get the idea.)  One of the greatest joys of this project has been to connect with people from all over and be involved in their lives.  Thank you for taking the time to be involved in my life.  It has been such a gift!

(left to right: Miriam, me, Ruth, and Elizabeth)

7 Responses to {Day 199}

  1. Amnada January 13, 2012 at 9:54 am #

    Your blog is one of my favorites!!!! I love all the gorgeous but modest outfits you wear, and I love your Christian testimony too! 🙂 I was just wondering – are you a model? And if you are, how did you become one? I’m kinda interested in modelling for a Christian agency or something. 🙂

    Please reply at my blog http://meandjesus-amanda.blogspot.com

    Thankssss!!! 🙂

    • misselaini January 17, 2012 at 2:32 pm #

      Aww thanks Manda! No, I am not a model. Just for my blog and occasionally a friend. 🙂 God bless you!

  2. Emily Ruth January 15, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

    This is simply wonderful! Sisters in Christ are amazing. 🙂

    • misselaini January 17, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

      So, so, so wonderful! Yes, they are!! 🙂

  3. Danielle January 16, 2012 at 7:54 pm #

    Oh, so precious! I’ve known these beautiful girls since Miriam was four years old. They are such treasures. xx

    • misselaini January 17, 2012 at 2:40 pm #

      They are SUCH treasures. A bit envious really that you have had the joy of knowing them so long. xxx


  1. Day 200!!! | miss elaini ous' - January 17, 2012

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