You know I love numbers. That’s why I keep numbering my posts despite the fact that I title them. So of course I can’t let this day go by because TODAY IS MY SISTER’S 40th BIRTHDAY! I’m so thankful to have an older sister in my life. She’s the sole reason I can pass any 80’s/90’s test floating around on Facebook even though I was just a kiddo at the time. 😉 She’s also the reason I had the coolest birthday cakes ever!
More than that though she’s the most creative and resourceful woman I have ever met, keeps lists like a pro (just like our mom!), makes everything prettier, has a knack for reaching out to those most people pass over, writes very well, and so much more. Oh and I love that she’s given me three nephews and one niece!
Happy birthday sis! I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what this year holds for you. May it be filled with all of the very best kinds of things and people. At least it’s not going to be filled with you, me, and mom wearing matching dresses. It was a phase. Things can only go up from there! 😉
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