Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 255}

Her piercing scream cut right through the sunshine as I whipped around to see what had happened.  There was my sweet mother stretched out on the concrete and my heart immediately went to my throat.  A thoughts flooded my brain.  Had she hit her head?  How bad was it?  Was she going to be O.K.?  Countless other things traversed my brain at a rapid rate while I pulled out my phone to call my dad who was nearby in the park.  In moments he was there with me trying to help her off of the slick wet floor.  She was unable to walk and her wrist was deformed into a position that made me feel sick.

It’s been a week now since my mum fell and broke her wrist and fractured her pelvis.  She’s going to be O.K. and for that I am immensely thankful.  Yet, I’ve been thinking a lot about how fragile life is.  Besides Jesus I love my parents more than anything.  They are my best friends and so dear to me.  The thought of losing them makes me shudder and feel horrible.  On that day that she fell though I was reminded once again that my hope must be in something else.  Someone else actually.  That someone is Jesus.  No matter what happens God still sits on the throne and he is good.  Even if he would have taken my mom to be with him last week he would still be good.  I’m grateful he didn’t ask me to walk through that right now.  Today please tell the people that you love how you feel about them.  Serve those around you with joy and enjoy the gifts all around you.  They are there.  Are you looking for them?

Today I am thankful for: great doctors/nurses, nice new hospital rooms, fresh cut garden flowers, the opportunity to watch the Olympics, my family, “my” kids in India, a personal relationship with Jesus.  I could go on and on because the grace of God is unending.

Posted on August 1, 2012 by |

{Day 254}

This is a special post for me.  I get to introduce you to my whole family!  My brother and his wife came for a visit and while they were here my amazing friend Christa took these family photos.  Thankfully it wasn’t chaos although coordinating clothing for ten people was a bit interesting… 😉  I love my family and I am so grateful to have them in my life.  Sometimes we’re crazy but we have fun. 🙂

In the group photo from left to right: Me, Drew (brother), Mel (sister-in-law), Dan (dad), Gay (mom), Keenan (nephew), Lucy (niece), Judah (nephew), Mike (brother-in-law), and Beka (sister).

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

Posted on July 30, 2012 by |

{Day 253}

Sunday we took a drive up to Hood River.  On the way back we stopped at Crown Point to see a sweeping view of the gorge.  It was stunning.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1

“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!'” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Posted on July 25, 2012 by |

{Day 252}

My brother and sister in law have been in town this last week and as a result I’ve been seeing Portland in a new way.  We’ve had a great time going to the food carts, eating in the park, trying new things, taking drives in a old limo (really old), having family pictures done, and perusing the farmers market.  Just to mention a few things of course… 😉  Oh, and I had the chance to go in a double decker bus that had been transformed into a vintage dress shop.  Yes, it was adorable.  It’s been a week of Saturdays.  Completely a win win situation.  🙂

Posted on July 23, 2012 by |

{Day 251}

I miss my beautiful, amazing kids 100%.  I put that statement on Facebook and my incredible friends in India who work with the children said that, “they (the kids) tell us the feeling is mutual, in English and Telugu”.  Knowing that my kids miss me…that right there is priceless and it MADE.MY.MONTH.  Anyways it’s been a little while since I put up some photos of them and I thought you might like to see what delights my heart.  Also would you be willing to give just $5 today to feed one of them for a month? 🙂  We still haven’t gotten to the goal amount…

Posted on July 21, 2012 by |

{Day 250}

These tiny treasures of eloquent hymns and prayers were discovered by a friend of mine a few weeks ago while in an antique store.  Each one is over a hundred years old and I marvel that the words inside resonate with my heart.  It reminded me that truth is timeless and transcends culture.  What beauty there is in the fact that truth is always relevant.

Posted on July 17, 2012 by |

{Day 249}

If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been doing any posts with pictures of my outfit it’s because I haven’t really added anything new to my wardrobe lately and I’ve been non creative with what I do have.  I get in a rut and stop shopping my closet.  Frankly I just feel…boring with what I have to offer on the blog style wise.  I tend to have go to pieces that I just wear over and over and neglect my other clothes that I’m sure would take a complaint to the fashion police if they could saying how they’ve been held against their will in my closet.  Yes, I just gave my clothing personalities.  I’m pretty sure that I can almost hear my summer clothing singing for joy that the sun has finally made an appearance.  I’m also pretty sure my winter clothes don’t mind going into hibernation. 😉  Hope your day is lovely!

Posted on July 11, 2012 by |

{Day 248}

There is golden sunlight filtering through the trees and lighting up the leaves as I sit here at my desk thinking about what to write.  It’s lovely.  I’m a bit “glowy” from being out in the warmth of the evening picking juicy raspberries, but a whole bowl full of plump little fruit makes the messy, wispy, haphazard hair pushed carelessly back from my face all worth it.  I enjoy those moments where I just stop, take a long deep thoughtful breath, and then experience my body relaxing.  I’m learning to take things in.  This past week at the beach I made sure to just grab my mind and focus it on the stunning beauty that makes me awed yet also giddy with delight.

I’ve never seen the ocean so flat as it was on that perfect Monday that we went down.  The waves were gentle and rolling.  It always astounds me the amount of water that stretches out to meet with the horizon.  Blue clasping blue.  As I wandered down the beach soaking it all in a small dark object scuttled right as I stepped left.  When I bent down to get a closer look I saw the tiniest crab I’ve ever seen.  It wasn’t any bigger than a quarter and I must have looked a little silly with my face inches from the sand mesmerized by this creature.  After taking far to many pictures of it and examining its pincers to see if they could actually hurt me I scooped it up in my hand.  We had a moment, that crab and I, and then he walked off sideways back onto the beach and I continued on my way grateful for moments captured.  What captured your attention last week?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Posted on July 9, 2012 by |

{Day 247}


To my fellow Americans

May we truly be grateful for the independence that we have been given and the freedoms we enjoy.  How are you celebrating today?  We’re hoping to go out on our friend’s boat and have good food and fellowship.  Have a fun and safe day everyone!

Posted on July 4, 2012 by |

{Day 246}

Hello!  I’m off to the beach today to wriggle my toes in the sand, take long walks, get true beach hair, and most importantly see dear friends.  I’m looking forward to contemplating the immensity of the ocean and the awe factor of who my God is.  The One who holds it all in the palm of his hand.  I hope to bring you some pictures once I get back.  🙂  In the meantime I’ve been listening to this song on repeat for a while now.  These lyrics have been the prayer of my heart.  I wish to make my boast in Jesus and him alone.  I hope you take the time to listen and I pray you are blessed as I have been.  Have a great Monday!

Posted on July 2, 2012 by |

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