Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 206}

These pictures are a re-post from last year. 🙂 

I went into a store last night and it looked like Valentines day had thrown up all over the front of the place.  Despite the fact that Valentines day has been over commercialized and that there are so many different opinions about it… Anyways I have always like this holiday because I have happy memories of making cards and cookies with my older sister.  Of course hers looked like they were for the Martha Stewart catalog while mine looked like a craft project gone bad.  The point is I had a fun time and got to make something to bless someone else.  So will you be making Valentines this year?  (If I’m going to send some I need to get movin!)  What about sending one to someone you don’t think will get one and let them know just how important they are?

UPDATE!!! $56,759.54 How incredible is that!?  Getting close to $57K mark. 😀  Sooo how many of you think that we can get to that mark by Valentines Day?  Wanna send some love to India and get these darlings mattresses?  (5 of the 20 homes still need mattresses and if you want to donate towards that then please leave a comment in the box provided when you donate)

Posted on February 8, 2012 by |

{Day 205}

Isn’t it so easy to get caught up in the cycle of “When this happens then I’ll be happy”?  If I were in this season of life, if I had this job, this house, this outfit, this friend, this vacation, this body, or NOT this, that, and the other thing then I’ll be content.  The myth of self fulfillment.  Let me tell you a little hint:  IT WON’T HAPPEN!  These things won’t bring contentment.  Only one thing does bring that deep soul satisfaction yet so often it seems that I forget that.  I get muddled up in the lie that something will make me content when only someONE will.  If I’m not filled up to overflowing from the endless source in Jesus and instead trying to drink up something else…well that something else will eventually run dry.  Sooner or later it will.  Guaranteed.  Then the searching begins all over and the thirst is stronger.  Because we haven’t been satisfied.  Thankfully there is hope for me and for you as well if you want it.  John 6:35 says this: Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”  Beautiful, refreshing, soul watering, heart quenching truth.  I want to always find my contentment in Jesus and the gospel and that starts for me right now by being grateful for all that he has done on my behalf.  Doing that right there makes me satisfied.

A few things I’m thankful for:  shopping with mom and dad for clothes for dad and laughing so hard, a child’s book that shows a familiar story in words that sink deeper and makes me ponder anew, a friendship that has withstood the test of 14 crazy, changing, wonderful, formative years, and the shoes God brought me! (more on the shoe thing later)

Will you join me today and be thankful for what you have presently?  If so feel free to leave a comment about what it is you are thankful for. 🙂

UPDATE!!! $56,392.54  If you keep donating I’ll certainly keep updating!  If you want to donate towards mattresses (5 of the 20 homes still need them) then please leave a comment in the box provided on the donation page.  Thanks!

Posted on February 6, 2012 by |

{Day 204}

Searching tirelessly for rest.  Isn’t that what we do?  Looking for rest for our souls, minds, and these bodies we dwell in.  We wear ourselves out with the searching while all along it is right there for us.  It’s in the pausing that I can see that Jesus is God and I am not.  The laying of my head down that reminds me that I need him.  And if he cares enough to give to his beloved sleep will he not much more give us rest.  For his promises are true.  When we are sluggish with the cares of this life then let us dwell on the words of Jesus, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)  It is in the coming and the surrender that we give over our burdens to God and there that we find perfect and complete rest.  Not in our doing but in his.

As promised here are some of my kiddos with their new mattresses!  Those beaming faces just made my day and I hope they make your day better too. 🙂  There are still 5 more homes that need mattresses which works out to a cost of about $2,500.  Thanks to all your generous giving 15 homes have been provided for!!!

UPDATE!!! $56,247.54  😀  If you keep donating I’ll certainly keep updating! 🙂  If you want to donate towards mattresses please leave a comment in the box provided on the donation page.  Thanks!

Posted on February 2, 2012 by |

{Day 203}

It’s been a little while now but a few months ago I had some requests to do this hairstyle.  It takes under 5 minutes and is best done on dirty hair (for reals).  In fact I was having a hard time with my hair for these pictures because it was too clean!  I’m going to explain as clearly as possible how to do it but I’m hoping the pictures help. 🙂

1.  Make a side part.

2.  Section off the portion of hair from the small side of the part down to behind the ear.

3.  Now take that section and divide it into 3 equal parts and braid the hair slightly up.  Finish the braid and rough it up a bit.

4.  Now take the braided hair and lay it across the top of your forehead, but not too high (I pulled mine down as low as possible).  Secure on the opposite side of your head with two bobby pins crisscrossed.  If needed use hair pins to secure the braid along the top of your forehead.

5. Enjoy wearing! You can also curl the rest of your hair or just wear it messy.  🙂

I’ve been debating about whether or not to do posts without pictures and just write….I think I would post more often but I really don’t like seeing a post without a picture so I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!  Thanks everyone and I hope your week is off to a great start.

P.S.  I have an update coming and hopefully pictures of the children that have received mattresses.  Only 5 more homes have yet to be provided for so if you want to give towards that please do and just make sure to leave a note in the comments box when you donate.  Thanks everybody!

(Photos by: Dorene Vandermeer)

Posted on January 31, 2012 by |

{Day 202}

While in Chicago I was given the blessing of talking with a group of ladies about the project, orphans, and what God has been doing in my life.  There was also a time for the other women to share what God had been leading them to do.  It was an amazing evening and I went away so encouraged.  Not to mention that our lovely host Debbie did an amazing job creating a beautiful atmosphere.  I felt so privileged to be there with the incredible women from Warm Blankets and seeing all the little touches they had added to make the night special.  One idea that I had was for the women to write on a mirror in lipstick their “word” or dream for this year.  Looking at it I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with gratefulness at how God is moving in his people to make a difference.    I hope that each and every one of them went home and wrote their word on their own bathroom mirror.  In fact let me challenge you to go write your word on your own mirror.  I’d love to hear your word in the comments if you feel comfortable with telling me. 🙂

Special thanks to Kyle for coming and taking all these great pictures for us!  Also thank you Debbie for all you did to make us feel special and at home.  You are a perfect hostess!

P.S.  For those of you that have been around for a while you may or may not have noticed that I’m wearing THE little black dress. 🙂

(Photos by: Klye Flubacker of Kyle Flubacker Photography)

Posted on January 26, 2012 by |

{Day 201}

Oh the weather outside was quite chilly but I was so happy I barely noticed the 5° weather.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  Did I mention it was cold?!  We bundled up, got frosted with snow, laughed, talked (and talked some more), ate, and altogether had a lovely time.  My time in Chicago was wonderful and literally a whirlwind.  It was really delightful getting to hug (for the first time!) the friends that have been so important in this fundraising process.  I can’t wait to get the pictures so that I can share them with you and a little bit about my time.  I was given a very special gift and I’m looking forward to showing it to you as well. 🙂  I’m so blessed to have been able to strengthen friendships and develop new ones!  How are you all doing?  I hope you are smiling today. 🙂

P.S.  All flights to Portland (and 250 other flights) were canceled due to weather.  Thankful I was able to make it home. 🙂

From left to right: Christine (Deputy Director of Orphan Rescue Operations and my main point person), Janet (VP Financial Accountability and the lady who gives me the official updates), Craig (President and CEO of Warm Blankets), and Kristen (Orphan Rescue Operations Specialist and one of the 12 days of Christmas project ladies).  Other picture is me with Tressa who is the Vice President of Orphan Rescue Operations and and the most incredible connector ever!  All of these people are SO wonderful!

All iphone photos… 🙂

Posted on January 24, 2012 by |

{Day 200!!!}

For my 200th post since the start of the 100 days project I thought I should share with you some fun news that I found out after I had gone past my goal.  Warm Blankets Orphan Care is flying me out to meet their team.  In CHICAGO!!!!! I’ve been crazy excited about this since I found out and really looking forward to celebrating with them what God has done.  S0 yes, this week I will be flying off to the Windy City and needing to be be all “rugged up” (i.e dress warmly) as my Aussie friends would say.  Even though I am currently sitting in front of a crackling, blazing, warm fire and can barley imagine being cold I’m doing my best to pack lots of cozy things.  If you think to, please pray for me as I will be sharing at a tea they are hosting.  I want to spread the love of Christ wherever I go and inspire others to know true joy in Jesus and to make their lives count.  Also hello to all anyone reading this who might be from Chicago. 🙂  I’m thrilled I get to come to your city!  Anyways I hope to have pictures and stories to share with you next week. 🙂

P.S.  I just had to put this picture in ’cause I love my kids so much. 🙂  Also there are still needs, such as mattresses and bedding, for these homes so if you want to donate you still can! 😀 Each donation helps to change a life.

Posted on January 17, 2012 by |

{Day 199}

I’ve decided that this week should be about amazing meetings since you already heard about Paige and Sean.  So you remember the crazy story here?  Well I finally get to bring you another chapter to that story!  Since I finally got to officially meet my sweet friend Elizabeth I want you to “meet” her on here too.  Annddd to make it even better I get to introduce to you her lovely sisters Ruth and Miriam!  Each one is of them is so wonderful and incredible.  A couple of months ago Elizabeth emailed me and said they were going to be coming to the states (from Australia!) and asked if they could stay a few days over Christmas.  I was thrilled to say the least.  These beautiful ladies ended up coming for 4 days and it wasn’t even close to long enough because these three wonderful women felt like sisters.  All because of one email… I am so grateful for the time with them.  A chance to laugh and grow and revel in God’s goodness.  He is so kind to give us friendship.  We are all excited to see where God will take us and how he will develop our friendship.  (Not to mention that we had a ton of fun making perfume, seeing Multnomah falls, celebrating Christ’s birth, staying up way too late and being goofy, drinking apple cider, playing in the snow at Mount Hood…you get the idea.)  One of the greatest joys of this project has been to connect with people from all over and be involved in their lives.  Thank you for taking the time to be involved in my life.  It has been such a gift!

(left to right: Miriam, me, Ruth, and Elizabeth)

Posted on January 13, 2012 by |

{Day 198}

Something really wonderful happened last night.  I got to meet the amazing couple that works with “my” darlings in India.  When I heard they were coming back to the states for a rest I really wanted to meet them but figured that they wouldn’t be anywhere in the near vicinity.  It was a heart desire that I didn’t even pray about but God in his kindness just went and blessed me to overflowing.  Lo and behold I found out that Paige and Sean were going to be driving all the way from down in California up into Washington.  In one day.  They graciously agreed to meet with me and we had such a sweet time.  I’m grateful that the Lord has allowed this friendship to start.  I pray that I can visit them in India soon. 🙂  Even though we just officially met in person I already miss this great couple and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for them as they faithfully serve Jesus and the ones he loves.  So very grateful for this divine appointment!

Update!!! $56,130.34 😀  So a few of you asked about the mattresses for the homes.  We helped open 11 NEW homes last year in India but total there are 2o.  So 15 of the homes have mattresses but the other 5 don’t yet.  If you want to help change that then please make a donation today.

Posted on January 10, 2012 by |

{Day 197}

One year ago toady at 1:15 AM I wrote in my journal (something I never do…).  In the wee hours of the morning of January 8th, 2011 God gave me an idea.  Here are some snippets of what I jotted down:

“Yep, can’t sleep.  I have this crazy idea that’s making my heart beat fast.  What if I could raise thousands of dollars for orphans… By wearing a dress.  Wear the same dress for a month and get people to donate to Warm Blankets.”

You see I’ve been afraid all my life.  Afraid of failing and this had stopped me from stepping out.  I knew I needed to change and I knew I sure couldn’t do it on my own.  That’s when God gave me this crazy idea to wear a dress for 100 days.  Then he topped it all off with an insane goal of $50,000.  Yeah…  Forget about baby steps and just jump in the deep end.  I knew that I couldn’t do this on my own and that God would have to carry me every step of the way.  I knew it would be hard but I also knew it would be exciting to walk this path with Jesus.  And it has been.  I’ve changed now and I have an even greater desire to worship Jesus with all that is in me.  I have no idea what this year will bring but I do know that my God is faithful.  And I shall seek him.

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” Deuteronomy 7:9

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12

Posted on January 8, 2012 by |

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