Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 176}

It’s coming!!! You will not want to miss what’s coming to the blog this week. 🙂  Every.Single.Day.  Going to be like old times. 😉  Yes, it is going to be grand. We are bringing you the 12 days of Christmas project.  A different lovely lady will be appearing on the blog for the 12 days leading up to Christmas.  These sweet, wonderful women are pledging to each try and raise $1,000 by the end of the year.  Feel free to help them out as their day comes up. 🙂  I’m so excited!!!!

UPDATE!  $41,359.40 😀

Posted on December 11, 2011 by |

{Day 175}

I’m needing to dwell on this…and pray this.

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” ~Isaiah 26:3

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.  Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” ~Psalm 25:4-5

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” ~Psalm 107:1

“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.” ~1 Samuel 12:24

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:6-7

Grateful for all you amazing readers and for those that have donated!!!

UPDATE! $41,213.40 On our way to $42K. 😀

The 10.for.1o challenge is still on.  :)   If you want to take it just get 10 friends to donate 10 dollars for orphans.

Posted on December 8, 2011 by |

{Day 174}

No one thought I would even make it to the $10K mark let alone anything above that.  Even my very supportive parents had their doubts about the goal (they’re so great that they never let on though till much later).  Yet in the last 4 days God has graciously brought in $3,000 dollars, for the sweet orphans, putting us over the $40K mark.  I may be a little odd but I’m not special.  I have my bad days just like everyone else and I am constantly needing God to help me every second of every day.  My body is weakened by health issues.  I did not do this project on my own and when I did try it didn’t go well… In light of that fact I share this:  2 Corinthians 12:9,10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me….For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I am weak.  Without Jesus helping me I wouldn’t have come this far, but with him I have.  If you are weak in any way and feel like you can’t do anything please stop and reconsider.  You may not be able to do what someone else is doing but I bet if you really want to you will find something you CAN do.  You, dear reader can make a difference.

The 10.for.1o challenge is still on.  :)   If you want to take it just get 10 friends to donate 10 dollars for orphans.  I still really need 2 more lovely ladies who are willing to be fashionable for a cause!  It has something to do with the song the 12 days of Christmas.  :)   Check it out here.

Thank you everyone who donated!  UPDATE!!! $40,998.40  Anyone want to tip it over the $41K mark?  😀

Posted on December 3, 2011 by |

{Day 173}

December 1st…Already?!?!  Does anyone else start wondering where this year went about now?  I do…  In my mind I think I will always see this as the year of THE dress.  And the year that God showed me more of himself.  More of his love for me and the orphans.  Let me explain one of the ways.  Back at the beginning of the year before the project started someone asked me something to the effect of, “So even after the 100 days are over you still have to raise the money if it hasn’t come in right?  Because that is what you committed to.”  My response was laughter and a big NO.  Note to self:  Sarah in the Bible laughed and it wasn’t a good thing. 😉  In all honesty though I really didn’t think that I would keep raising the money after the 100 days were over.  Yet my heart was changed.  I love orphans like I never have before.  Even though I feel a bit insane at times working towards my goal of $50,000 I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.  You see I got a note from Belgium yesterday.  A lady had heard about the project (via Facebook) and had shared with her family on Thanksgiving about these children in need.  So they all pitched in a little to help.  As a result $200 more came in!  If I would have stopped in August we would have raised about $31,000.  Yet I probably would never have received that letter and certainly not raised 39K.  Right when I am thinking that the money is coming in sooo slow God sent this amazing update and I am encouraged.  He is a God of the details and he is a God who cares.  I am praying that the rest of the money will come in by the end of the year.  Will you help me?  You can take the 10.for.1o challenge.  🙂  Just get 10 friends to donate 10 dollars.  I’m loving the stories I hear about people doing this!  I still need more lovely ladies who are willing to be fashionable for a cause!  It has something to do with the song the 12 days of Christmas.  🙂  Check it out here.

LOVE this UPDATE!!!! $39,124.14  yep you read that right! Almost to the $40K mark.  Wanna help us get there faster? 😀

(This picture is from one of the new homes…that you helped open!)

Posted on December 1, 2011 by |

{Day 172}

Last week was crazy… Tuesday I took my last big CLEP test for the year and passed! Praising the Lord for that. 🙂  Wednesday I got in a really bad accident and my car was totaled.  Grateful that I was able to walk away from the wreck.  Thursday was Thanksgiving for all of us in the states and what a blessing it was to rest and spend time with family.  My niece discovered the word cornucopia and would randomly insert it into conversation which cracked me up.  Lol!  Friday I had the last of my iron IV’s and then went to the wedding rehearsal and dinner.  Saturday was the wedding and it was lots of fun and so beautiful.  🙂  I got to be a bridesmaid for the sixth time and was very honored.  Looking back on last week I am so thankful for all the little ways that Jesus was with me and gifted me in hundreds of ways.  Living life with him is so wonderful!  I am rejoicing greatly and I pray you are too!

I still need 3 more lovely ladies who are willing to be fashionable for a cause!  It has something to do with the song the 12 days of Christmas. 🙂  Check it out here.  And the 10.for.10 challenge is still on!  Will you join me and others this holiday season to give to those who have less than we do?  I’m wanting to have another update. 🙂

Posted on November 28, 2011 by |

{Day 171}

Happy Thanksgiving! Things I am thankful for…

To be loved and known by Jesus

To have a wonderful family and friends

For an abundance of food

For a bed

That this is my 200th post

That I have amazing readers

That I am alive after being in a horrible car accident last night

That I can walk and still be a bridesmaid on Saturday

I could go on and on because I am crazy blessed…

May you all have a wonderful day!

If you are thankful today would you consider taking the 10.for.10 challenge to help those that are needy?  You just have to get 10 people to donate $10 dollars to the orphans by the end of the year. 🙂

What are some things you are thankful for today?  Feel free to tell us in the comment below! 🙂

Posted on November 24, 2011 by |

{Day 170}

Sorry I have been pretty quiet this last week.  I have a good excuse and some exciting news!  But first please watch this video.  No, really, please watch it before you keep reading.  Did you?  O.K.  Soooo by now you probably know that I get crazy ideas…well I got another one.  I realized that we have about $12,000 left to raise and the second thought that jumped into my head was the song “The 12 days of Christmas”.  Naturally of course. 😉  What?!  The 12 days of Christmas doesn’t just start playing in your head after you hear $12K?  Haha!  Anyways right now I am searching for 12 normal yet brave, willing, beautiful women to pledge to try and raise $1,000 dollars by the end of the year.  Here is the fun part and where the 12 days of Christmas comes in.  Each lovely lady will get a day of Christmas to interpret into a high fashion evening gown look (think a Vouge spread) to be shown on the blog for the 12 days leading up to Christmas.  Currently I have 7 amazing ladies who are taking on this challenge.  Yet I still have 5 more days to fill.  Any of you gals up to giving this Christmas season and looking fabulous while doing so?  If you are interested in being one of the 12 then please send me an email at: misselaini @ gmail . com  (remove spaces)

Oh and don’t forget that you can still take the 10.for.10 challenge.  Some people are getting 100 dollar bills just because they were willing to ask for $10. 😀

Yay! UPDATE: $38,010.50  SO happy we tipped it over the $38K mark. 😀 😀 😀

Posted on November 21, 2011 by |

{Day 169}

…The unfortunate commits himself to You; You have been the helper of the orphan.  Psalms 10:14

So grateful that while I can’t help all the millions of orphans God just calls me to do my part for He is the true helper of these needy little ones.

… be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.  Luke 6:36

Pretty excited about how quick we made it to this UPDATE:  $37,990 😀  Only need $10 dollars to push it over.  Take the 10.for.10 challenge?

Posted on November 14, 2011 by |

{Day 168}

I’m a goner.  And yes I’m in love.  And my heart aches because I found out that the ones I love were all excited about their bunk beds and so was I until I saw that there were no mattresses on these bunk beds.  Yes “my” precious children are sleeping on boards.  And while it must hurt their little bodies it hurts my heart.  And while their bones ache my heart does too.  It costs $50 per mattress.  If you figure all 11 homes need them, and each home has around 10 kids, that would be $5,500.  This isn’t including pillows and such.  It is $100 per home for pillows, sheets, and blankets.  O.K. so what do we do.  Do we just let them sleep on hard boards??  No?  Well then will you help me help them today?  What if this was you…or your child?  So if you haven’t already will you take the 10.for.10 challenge.  I hope you don’t have to think about it but if you do then think on it tonight…while you sleep in your comfy bed…

I so love putting in these UPDATES! $37,850.50  Thank you everyone!  Can we keep it coming??  We only need $150 more to hit the 38K mark!  You all are amazing.  Seriously.  xxx

Posted on November 10, 2011 by |

{Day 167}

I’m really happy to write this post. 🙂  You see I have had the privilege of “meeting” some of you wonderful readers and I get to introduce you to one of them today.  Her name is Bethany and frankly she is wonderful.  There are lots of reasons why but here is just one of them.  You see a few weeks ago she posted on the Facebook page that she was going to keep her profile picture about the project…until I raise the $50,000!!!  Now there’s dedication for you.  I informed her that she might never have a normal profile picture again (hey it IS taking a while… 😉 ) and she happily responded with, “But I do want to, cuz just maybe it helps, maybe one of my friends will see it when they’re looking for someone to help out.  I don’t know.  I like to hope so.”  She also added this, “Sometimes I think its easier for us to do little things. Like, hey. I can do that!”  I agree with her.  But you see about a week and a half ago this sweet lady’s husband, John, had a piece of metal fly in his eye and he has had to have several surgeries since.  Needless to say this wonderful couple has been through a lot.  Yet in the midst of this huge trial Bethany still responded so cheerfully to the 10.for.10 challenge….I was humbled and blessed to say the least.  As if that wasn’t amazing enough she emailed me just a few days later and said that she had gotten fourteen friends to pledge ten dollars.  WOW.  And one friend she asked handed her a hundred dollar bill and said he wanted to give it to someone who needed it.  All because Bethany asked.  I pray you are as encouraged as I am by this amazing couple and that you are inspired to go do what you can do for these sweet orphans.  Also if you are the praying type please pray for Bethany and John in this difficult time.  We are praying that God would restore full vision to John.  Thank you to all you wonderful people who are reading and following this journey.  I am blessed to be able to share life with you. xxx

UPDATE!!! $37,563 😀  So excited about such a big jump in the numbers! Onward to the 600 mark. 🙂

~1st Photo by: Gretta of Grettagraphy ~

~All other photos by Bethany of Duoimagery ~

Posted on November 8, 2011 by |

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