Author Archive | misselaini

To the amazing women

To the amazing women | Misselainious blogIf you didn’t know mother’s day is this Sunday.  I love mother’s day because I have the most amazing mom.  Yet I’ve been wrestling with thinking through this post because this day carries so many feelings of all kinds for so many different people.  For some, it is a happy day and for others it is painful.

There are those who are mothers because they gave their baby life.  There are those who are mothers because they stayed and were there.  There are those who are mothers because they raised another child that didn’t come from their own body but whom they love as if that child did.

There are those who aren’t mothers who’s hearts are breaking.  Maybe they are single and desire children.  Maybe they are wives who have wrestled with infertility.

Maybe you didn’t have a good mom.  Maybe you didn’t have a mom at all growing up.  Maybe you had an awesome mother and you are a mother yourself.  I don’t know what your story is or what side you’re on.  But I do know this: the world needs mothers.  It needs them in so many forms.  We need women who give life to others and I don’t just mean physically.  The dictionary definition of nurturing is the, “the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.”

So to all the women out there who have encouraged the growth of others and who lovingly care for people in so many different ways, thank you.  We need you.  We want to be like you.  We want to bring life wherever we go.  To the mothers, mentors, biological mothers, nurturing friends and women in our lives we celebrate you!

Thank you for being the selfless people who lay down your lives for those around you.  Thank you for being the caring souls that we can find a safe haven in.  Thank you for sharing our joy and our pain.  Thank you for being our cheerleaders and for kicking us in the butt when we need it.  Thank you for giving us a chance.  Thank you for taking a huge risk on us.  Thank you for opening up your heart so we could learn to do the same.

Please make sure you take the time this week to reflect on those who have nurtured your life (especially your mom!) and then thank that woman for how she’s given to you and blessed you and shaped your life.

Posted on May 4, 2016 by |

Mother’s Day meals

Mother's Day Meal Plans |  Misselainious blogHello friends!  So mother’s day is right around the corner and I thought it might be fun to make a list of meals you could surprise your mother with and make for her!  Often it’s the meal planning part that is the hardest thing for me to come up with so I thought I’d take the guess work out of it and help you out with these options.  I’ve also pinned these yummy recipes to my Pinterest food board if you want to make these exact options! 🙂  (My Pinterest user name is MissElaini)


Avocado strawberry + goat cheese toast. (This can be a gluten free.)
Asparagus crustless quiche
Bacon or sausage if you didn’t already but it in the quiche
Watermelon with mint

To drink: tea, coffee, orange juice, or a smoothie.


Pear arugula salad
Grilled (or baked) honey mustard chicken
Roasted red potatoes with garlic
Sourdough rolls or crusty bread

To drink: Sweet tea, sparkling water, or lemon water


Grilled steak and veggie kabobs
Buttered rice or Cilantro-Lime rice (use beef broth…)
Vanilla ice cream with peach chutney (for dessert)

To drink: Martinelli’s

You can buy a lot of these things at the store instead of making it all from scratch but if you do want to get in the kitchen and make some of these fresh you can just check out the pin on my Food board on Pinterest! 🙂  (Misselaini is my username.)

Posted on May 2, 2016 by |

Have a fun weekend!

Link love 4-29-16 | Misselainious blogHave a fun and wonderful weekend lovely friends! Here’s a little link love for you to explore and enjoy. 🙂

This deconstructed garden is so gorgeous. 

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done?  People 0-100 tell what the coolest thing is they’ve done.

Generational photos always get me…plus can you imagine having this be your legacy and future?!

Okay this game is addicting and also helps you learn a lot of history so it’s a win win.

I need to keep this list of 18 healthy snacks on hand...

In my dreams I get to use this when I travel…

Um these are the coolest crackers.  Now I want to play with these!

I dare you not to get sucked in reading these raw heartfelt snippets of people’s lives.

Posted on April 29, 2016 by |

Easy smoothies

Easy smoothie recipes | Misselainious blogHello friends!  Years ago my family started our own juice bar where we made smoothies and fresh juice. (That’s another story for another day though.)  They were amazing and I loved trying all the varieties we had.  Since that time I’ve never stopped making up easy smoothies and so I thought it would be fun to share some of my go to combos and links to other yummy looking easy smoothie recipes.  Enjoy!  Also I’ve created a list just for you of easy add-in ideas to make your smoothie even better/healthier!  You’ll want to pin this one for those hot days when you need a refreshing drink or even if you just need a quick pick me up snack/lunch.

1 cup plain or honey yogurt
1 cup mixed frozen berries
1/2 a banana
1 tablespoon honey

1 cup plain or honey yogurt
1 1/2 cups frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup orange juice (more if it’s a little thick)

10 ounces of honey yogurt
1 1/2 teaspoon lime concentrate
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
16 ounces ice (preferably crushed ice…)

Here are some more yummy sounding ones I want to try!

Easy Peach Fruit Smoothie

Pineapple Paradise Spinach Smoothie

Raspberry Coconut Smoothie

All this talk of these easy yummy drinks are making me hungry…I’m off to make one of these folks!  I love learning new smoothie combos so if you have a favorite please share it with us in the comments below. And don’t forget to get your free list of add-ins here! 🙂

Posted on April 27, 2016 by |

Tiny victories

Tiny victories | Misselainious blogShe walked in the door and I could see that it had been a rough day.  Tears were close to the surface.  It was one of those days you dread but you know you have to go through anyways.  She’d done the hard thing though and I was so proud of her for it.  Victory

Another friend called almost in tears she was so upset about some relational things going on in her life.  But she’d made it through the week and I was proud of her.  Victory

I sent a birthday message to a sweet friend and I knew it was a hard day because another birthday for her just marked another year still sick.  I was so proud of her for persevering.  Victory.

I’m part of this awesome blogging group on Facebook.  Someone posted today that her post had been pinned by someone else.  She was excited and rightly so.  Day after day I get on there and I see people celebrating things like getting to 400 followers on Instagram or figuring out how to run a new part of their blog.  Everyone joins in on the fun.  Here’s what I’ve realized through all these posts.  I’ve realized that celebrating the little things is super important.  I’m learning that we need to celebrate even the seemingly tiny wins.

So when my friend walked through the door almost in tears (and after a good long hug) I pulled out some fancy glasses and a bottle of Martinelli’s.  “We’re going to celebrate!”  “Celebrate what?”  “We are going to celebrate the fact that you did something that was really hard for you even when you didn’t want to do it.  And we are celebrating that it’s behind you!”  “Now?”  “Yes, now!”  So we poured the Martinelli’s and immediately her demeanor started to change.  We may have even pulled out some chocolate too since we wanted to make sure we really celebrated. 😉

Tears turned to laughter.  My friends, life is hard and messy and can cause a lot of pain.  Sometimes it’s easy to just get bogged down in all that but today I hope you don’t.  From here on out I hope you find the little things to celebrate even if it’s just getting out of bed.  For some people that’s a huge accomplishment.  (I know from years of being sick in high school or from others who’ve been through depression.)

You see it’s the little things that go unnoticed that actually end up making the most impact in how you live.  To some people having 400 followers on social media or making it through the week might not mean much but to others it could actually mean a great deal.  Instead of always wanting the next big thing what if we celebrated the little victories right were we are?  What if we chose to see that all the little victories add up to a life that celebrates that we get to be here.  You can either look a the glass half empty or half full but I hope you look at is as half full of Martinelli’s.  I hope you keep a bottle of it in your fridge at all times so that you’re prepared to celebrate the little wins.  I promise it will change your perspective.  Find something to celebrate today.  Find a friend that needs some encouragement and celebrate them.  It really is the little things in life that make the difference.  Cheers!

P.S. I just want to say to any Christians that since Jesus defeated death and we are now his there is ultimate victory in what he has done.  Let this fact cheer your heart today!

Posted on April 25, 2016 by |


"Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?" ~ A.A. Milne | Quotes 4-22-16 Misselainious blogHope you’re all enjoying this spring weather! Here are some quotes to help you pause and reflect.  Feel free to pass them on and encourage someone else today! 🙂

“In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out. By myself I am not large enough to call the whole man into activity; I want other lights than my own to show all his facets… Hence true Friendship is the least jealous of loves.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us – and those around us – more effectively. Look for the learning.” ~ Louisa May Alcott

“Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” ~ A.A. Milne

“We live in a world of wants ads.  Some of them are printed on pages; many more are unspoken.  Wanted: A woman who is a perfect friend, mom, wife, coworker, housekeeper, cook, driver, thinker, encourager, and more.  Messy, real, in-progress people need not apply.  God has a very different idea in mind.  Wanted: A woman who is imperfect, in need of grace, gloriously gifted, flawed, and beautiful and who dares to believe she’s loved through it all by a God who has an amazing purpose for her life.  No need to apply.  You’ve already been chosen.”  ~ Holly Gerth

“Lord, let me make a difference for you that is utterly disproportionate to who I am.”  ~ David Brainerd

“Instead of fighting against weakness and trying to escape vulnerability and transparency, we should stand in the middle of it until we see Jesus.  And as a woman of influence, invite others in, as it’s a chance to let others see God through our weakness.” ~Ashley Proffitt

“We won’t be distracted with comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” ~ Bob Goff

Posted on April 22, 2016 by |

Half up top knot

Half up top knot | Misselainious blogHalf up top knot | Misselainious blog -2“My hair hasn’t been washed in two days…okay maybe three.” “Perfect!”  My friends this half up top knot hair style is literally so easy and is the perfect option if you haven’t washed you hair in a few days.  In fact it’s so simple I threw my hair up too while shooting these pictures and we snapped one of me.  Thanks to my lovely friend Michelle for modeling this look for me! (I have the prettiest friends!)

Step one:  Section off the top part of your hair starting about the highest point of your eyebrows.

Step two:  Pull that section into a ponytail and on the last pull through only pull a tiny bit through sot hat you have a little loop.

Step three:  Wrap the ends around the base of the ponytail and secure with some bobby pins.  The messier the better! That’s it! So easy my friends.  If you want to add a little softness to this look add some flowers. 🙂

If you try this I’d love to see it so please tag me on Instagram with #misselainioushair.

Posted on April 20, 2016 by |

When someone gets exactly what you want

When others get exactly what you want | Misselainious blogYou know that moment when you open up social media and there in front of you is someone with a post showing you exactly what you want but don’t have and they do?  I know I’m not the only one that’s had this happen!

Recently this happened to me in such a specific way that it pierced my heart.  A sweet girl had accomplished a dream that was so crazy similar to mine that it was hypothetically spelled out the same way.  I’d worked toward that specific dream a few years ago only to have door after door shut in my face.  It wasn’t the right time.  It wasn’t the right season.  But seeing her accomplish what I had longed for and had fought for was painful in that moment.  To top it off the opportunity had been dropped in her lap.  It’s hard for me to admit this to you.  Yet the reality is I was resentful.  I wasn’t upset with her but I was upset that I didn’t have it too.  It’s not that I didn’t want her to have it but I wanted both of us to.

People will get what you want and you wont.  That’s the simple fact.  But what do we do when someone gets exactly what you want?  How do you deal with that?  I’m not here to say I have all the answers on this one but I do hope to encourage your heart.

What happens to be the best story for one person isn’t always the best story for another.  As a Christian woman I ultimately believe that God is in control yet so often my life shows otherwise.  Typically I like my life as long as it’s going according to my plan.  God graciously reminds me again and again that his plan while different is always best.  He doesn’t just do things for my good but my best! That’s really amazing if you think about it.  If you trust Jesus with your life then you can rest assured that the God that knows every single outcome is picking the best one for you.  Let me clarify, this doesn’t mean that it will feel best.  As my mom says, “Lord can you please give me a blessing and not one in disguise?”  The reality is that sometimes blessings do come in painful ways.

So what do we do with these painful circumstances and denied desires?  We are longing.  Every one of  us is longing for something and even if we do get it then it will be replaced by a new longing…unless we are satisfied.  Those longings can remind us that we are ultimately longing for heaven and Jesus.  He allows denied desires to point us to him.  Because he’s the only thing that can satisfy.  He’s the infinite good we’re looking for.  He’s the ultimate purpose we crave.  He’s the beauty our hearts seek.  He’s the worth we are trying to find.  Let those denied desires draw you close to the heart of God.  Let those longings turn your gaze to the One who can actually satisfy them.

The story isn’t over.  This isn’t the ending.  Sometimes God allows us to eventually get the desires we see others getting and sometimes he doesn’t.   Either way we can calm our hearts knowing that he loves us enough to do what’s for our best.

Posted on April 18, 2016 by |

Have a beautiful weekend!

Link Love 4-8-16 | Misselainious blogHave a lovely weekend everyone! Here’s some fun link love for you to read, watch, or make. 🙂

If you don’t have a green thumb this will help! #plantcare

Haven’t had a watch in years (always use my phone…) but I like this one a lot.

British Library offers over 1 million free vintage images for download.

You can sleep a little better knowing these pjs help women in India escape the sex trade.

These look beautiful and I bet they smell amazing!

Could you do this?  (It’s actually a lot harder than it sounds… Also the older couple in this is too funny and cute!)

Ack! Please say these things things aren’t getting “lost”…maybe I’m old fashioned…

I actually made something off of Pinterest and these brownies were surprisingly simple and quite yummy.  (They don’t have any unhealthy ingredients which means you can eat more right?


Posted on April 15, 2016 by |


Invisible | Misselainious blogThis week on my walk I had an experience that I just can’t stop thinking about.  It stopped me in my tracks and honestly let me feeling a touch of sadness.  “I’m invisible.”  Those were the words he spoke.

It started with my mom and I doing our normal walk route.  Part way through we saw a small group of four people chatting and admiring the most gorgeous huge white haired dog.  We smiled and kept going but a few blocks later we met the same man and his dog.  It was hot out and we were in a hurry to get home but due to the way we crossed paths the dog stopped us and we politely petted him.  We made small talk about the dog and my mom asked the dog’s name.  We’d made eye contact with the owner and exchanged pleasantries.

Somewhere in our conversation he said that short phrase that broke my heart, “I’m invisible to most people.”  I asked him his name and his jaw fell open.  “Not once has anyone asked my name when I’m out,” he responded.  And then I’m pretty sure my jaw fell open.  When I reached out to shake his hand the look of complete shock was something I hope I never forget.  This man thought he was invisible to people.  And that’s not okay.

It reminded me of another time last year when I was standing in line at an event and while I was waiting I asked the man who was helping orchestrate things how his day was going.  He just looked at me surprised and said I was the first person (at the end of a line of 200 people!) that had asked him anything about himself that day.  That’s not okay.

How many times in my hurry and rush do I forget about people?  How many times do I not stop to see those who are right in front of me.  Because honestly it only takes a few seconds but it matters.  People shouldn’t be invisible.

I can’t remember where but I do recall reading an article that talked about how sales people are often just asked questions about things all day and rarely does anyone even say hi first.  They just dive in with their questions of “what aisle can I find this?” or “can you help me with…”  I know I’ve done it.  Ever since then I’ve tried to remember to say hello first and even ask how their day is going.  One time I forgot and just started in with all my questions to the check out lady and then remembered mid sentence and stopped and said, “You know I didn’t even say hi, hello!”  And she thanked me because she said most people don’t.  See the theme here?  People because invisible to us so quickly.

Maybe you feel invisible today.  Maybe you feel like everyone else’s life is going beautifully and you’re just over there feeling unseen and plodding along.  I want to tell you today that you are seen and known and NOT invisible.  The God of the universe knows your name and he cares.  You’re not forgotten.  Your life matters.  So today this is my little love note to whoever needs it to say I’m so glad you exist.

And for all of us I hope that whomever we come in contact with will know that we truly see them.

Do you feel invisible?  If so please leave a comment below so I can give you a virtual hug!

Posted on April 13, 2016 by |

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