{ Why you don’t need clarity (DAY 448) }

forget clarityThis past week I read this article about why one woman stopped asking God for clarity and I felt like she had listened into my conversations with God for the past two years.  You see for the past three years I have been intensely asking God for direction for my life.  It isn’t that I didn’t ask for direction before but the path I was treading seemed a bit more smooth and clear.  Two years ago when I wrote this post about swinging the Lord used it to show me I didn’t trust Him.  I said I did but I was always holding back.  Since then every time I ask Him what I should be doing with my life He just gently says,  “Trust me.”  Why is it that something so simple can be so hard?

It’s because I want to control what happens in my life.  I want to see what comes next.  Any real relationship though is built on trust.  When I read Mandy’s article it just confirmed everything I have been learning.  Yes, of course He wants to teach me trust because He wants me to love Him fully.  Besides He is the only one who can be truly trusted anyways! Jesus has been whispering to my heart to be faithful in the season that He has me.  He hasn’t asked me to do anything crazy or amazing and yet I find myself challenged.  It’s not easy for me.

I’m challenged in being faithful with what is right in front of me.  My flesh craves more, more excitement and more adventure.  Yet there is so much beauty right in front of me and I’m beginning to think that maybe the greatest adventure of all is the one where I can’t see anything except what is right in front of me.  Maybe the greatest excitement comes from having to trust the one you love and let Him guide you.  Maybe by resting in where He has me I will be more free than I can imagine.  I’m feeling a yes to all those maybes.

So Elaini trust, be faithful and rest.  Jesus wants to give you more of Himself.  That is the best gift I can dream of so I surrender again to being right here doing the mundane tasks of life because the story is happening right now.  I trust that it is good.  And when I see who I am doing all these “mundane” tasks for the really aren’t so mundane.  They are the water turned to wine because they are done for Jesus.

(Photo by: Rachel Coker)

2 Responses to { Why you don’t need clarity (DAY 448) }

  1. Jon March 26, 2014 at 8:35 am #

    Elaini, what an incredibly thought-provoking post. Lately I’ve been discovering that I don’t give God my whole heart… and it really pains me. I desire to love him, to know him, and to trust him fully, but I haven’t given him everything yet. Thank you for this post. I need to run back to God with complete abandon.

  2. misselaini March 31, 2014 at 8:21 pm #

    Thank you Jon. Really appreciate your encouragement as you are a great writer yourself. Join the club… May we always desire more of God. I think as we grow he keeps revealing new ways to surrender… 🙂 It’s a lifelong process.

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