{Day 165}

Knowing that they are praying for me and that they pray for their daily provision helps keep me going.  I’ll be honest…I’m a bit frustrated today.  I read that some $40,000 dollar purses can’t be kept on the shelves because people are buying them like crazy.  I don’t care if it is crocodile, no purse should cost $40,000 dollars! Right?  Right.  Especially when “my” children in India and around the world don’t even have food.  The fact that the vast majority of able bodied people don’t help because they can’t do “that” while it is the weak and poor that often do the most for others is hard for me to swallow.  I have been one of those that neglects what I should do and many times that is still the case, but I want that to change in my life and I pray it will change in your life too.  If we say we love then let’s put that into action.  For those of you that do sacrifice: thank you.  I am humbled by your actions.  You inspire me.

Let’s stop saying what we can’t do and start being creative about what we CAN do…

Have you checked out the 10.for.10 dare?  If not please do so!

(Photo: courtesy of Warm Blankets)

10 Responses to {Day 165}

  1. Kendra November 3, 2011 at 4:21 am #

    That’s sickening that someone would pay $40,000 for a purse . I hope you get more money!

    • misselaini November 4, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

      That’s what I thought…
      Thank you! Are you taking the 10.for.10 challenge?

  2. Alesha November 3, 2011 at 7:51 am #

    I completely understand what you’re saying! Most people would quickly put down $10 or more for a new CD or DVD but when it comes to something like this, they’re hesitant. It’s like we don’t want to spend “so much” on something that we won’t benefit from. But the Bible says we will benefit from it! Spending our earthly money on others to benefit them and take care of their needs ahead of our own lays up the kind of treasure that really matters- in Heaven.
    Even though my family is short on funds and I don’t have money for a lot of the things most people have, giving to others brings more joy than buying something for myself. If I were in these orphan’s shoes, I would be greatful to know that someone was willing to do something for me . It’s important to remember what’s more important!

    • misselaini November 4, 2011 at 6:36 pm #

      Perfectly put. Thank you! 🙂

  3. Grace November 3, 2011 at 2:52 pm #

    That is so aggravating. If more people would do anything at all, then there wouldn’t be the faithful few having to do everything. Let us pray that more join under the standard of helping the less fortunate.

    • misselaini November 4, 2011 at 6:35 pm #

      Yes it is aggravating…Thank you for being someone who is faithful!

  4. Kailyn Coss November 4, 2011 at 1:00 pm #

    I totally agree with Grace…40,000? For one purse? Thats ridiculous…where did you hear that anyway?

    • misselaini November 4, 2011 at 6:32 pm #

      There was a news article about Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s luxury brand…if you google their names and $40K purse one of the articles will come up….but its insane.

  5. M.J.A. November 4, 2011 at 8:36 pm #

    $40,000????? For one purse? Seriously? That is just plain DUMB. I wish that people would give $40,000 dollars to this! Keep going! I’ll pray for you.
    P.S. I am so happy when you respond to people’s comments. It’s so fun to read your replies!

    • misselaini November 4, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

      Yeah and reading the article made me even more astonished…if that was possible.
      Thank you for your prayers!
      I appreciate my readers and always try to respond to every one. Sometimes it just takes a while…

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