{Day 205}

Isn’t it so easy to get caught up in the cycle of “When this happens then I’ll be happy”?  If I were in this season of life, if I had this job, this house, this outfit, this friend, this vacation, this body, or NOT this, that, and the other thing then I’ll be content.  The myth of self fulfillment.  Let me tell you a little hint:  IT WON’T HAPPEN!  These things won’t bring contentment.  Only one thing does bring that deep soul satisfaction yet so often it seems that I forget that.  I get muddled up in the lie that something will make me content when only someONE will.  If I’m not filled up to overflowing from the endless source in Jesus and instead trying to drink up something else…well that something else will eventually run dry.  Sooner or later it will.  Guaranteed.  Then the searching begins all over and the thirst is stronger.  Because we haven’t been satisfied.  Thankfully there is hope for me and for you as well if you want it.  John 6:35 says this: Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”  Beautiful, refreshing, soul watering, heart quenching truth.  I want to always find my contentment in Jesus and the gospel and that starts for me right now by being grateful for all that he has done on my behalf.  Doing that right there makes me satisfied.

A few things I’m thankful for:  shopping with mom and dad for clothes for dad and laughing so hard, a child’s book that shows a familiar story in words that sink deeper and makes me ponder anew, a friendship that has withstood the test of 14 crazy, changing, wonderful, formative years, and the shoes God brought me! (more on the shoe thing later)

Will you join me today and be thankful for what you have presently?  If so feel free to leave a comment about what it is you are thankful for. 🙂

UPDATE!!! $56,392.54  If you keep donating I’ll certainly keep updating!  If you want to donate towards mattresses (5 of the 20 homes still need them) then please leave a comment in the box provided on the donation page.  Thanks!

8 Responses to {Day 205}

  1. AMY February 6, 2012 at 4:32 am #

    I’m thankful for:
    1. having so many amazing friends who love me even though I don’t deserve it
    2. God always being there and answering my prayers
    3. God’s gift of music
    4. This Beautiful World that God put us in

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:02 am #

      Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. Kem February 6, 2012 at 5:56 pm #

    Right along the lines of CS Lewis’ Weight of Glory statement:

    “If a transtemporal, transfinite good is our real destiny, then any other good on which our desire fixes must be in some degree fallacious, must bear at best only a symbolical relation to what will truly satisfy.”

  3. duoimagery February 7, 2012 at 7:08 pm #

    I love this post.. 🙂 and .. I’m thankful for you!

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:04 am #

      Thanks friend! I’m thankful for you too. Very, very thankful.

  4. Parker Pessolano March 14, 2012 at 10:03 am #

    Time is the scarcest resource and unless it’s managed nothing else may be managed.
    High achievement always occurs within the framework of high expectation.

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

      Yes, time is scarce and we must use it wisely…

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