{Day 208}

What is love?  Isn’t that the age old question?  I’ve been thinking about what true love really is since I had an interesting conversation on this subject with a family member back in September.  We throw the word around so much that I think we have lost what it really means.  (At least I know I have been guilty of throwing that word around…)  I’m still learning what this little yet powerful word encapsulates and means.  One thing that I’ve been awakening to even more is that true love is sacrificial.  Not superficial…SACRIFICIAL.  No, it’s not all about little hearts.  And the key word in sacrificial is sacrifice.  What is sacrifice you may ask?  It is a surrendered offering.  So when we truly love we surrender ourselves.  When we love someone we seek to offer them ourselves.  To lay down our lives to serve them.  To seek another’s good interest and not our own.  Really, truly, purely loving someone takes a divine strength.  Thankfully Jesus went before me to show me.  His very heart ran red liquid love and he offered up his life so that I might be saved.  He gave up everything he had and deserved so that I could have what I didn’t deserve.  Life and the knowing of true love.  “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2

For love’s sake will you give some of your worldly goods (money) to those who have none?  Will you give to the sweet orphans today so they can experience real love?  I’d love to see the total rise past the $57K mark… Wouldn’t you?

2 Responses to {Day 208}

  1. Christina February 14, 2012 at 8:11 am #

    Jesus went before me to show me.
    Yes, yes, yes!

    Elaini, it is absolutely amazing what you do here, and your words resonate as much as your actions do.

    I’m so glad God lives through you. 🙂

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:06 am #

      Christina that is so encouraging and humbling. Thank you for your kind words. I’m grateful to be the Lord’s and that he helps me do the things he is calling me to do.

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