{Day 209}

I don’t feel that it’s very often that I have a profound moment but yesterday while reading I experienced a known truth in a new way.  These are the words from Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon and it fit so well for my life right now I felt that it could have come from my heart:

“Lord, help me to glorify You; I am poor, help me to glorify You by contentment; I am sick, help me to give You honor by patience; I have talents, help me to extol You by spending them for You; I have time, Lord, help me to redeem it, that I may serve You; I have a heart to feel, Lord, let that heart feel no love but Yours and glow with no flame but affection for You; I have a head to think, Lord, help me to think of You and for You; You have put me in this world for something, Lord, show me what that is, and help me to work out my life purpose: I cannot do much, but as the widow put in her two small coins, which were all her living, so, Lord, I cast my time and eternity, too, into Your treasury; I am all Yours; take me, and enable me to glorify You now, in all that I do, and with all that I have.”

It was as I read over the words “all her living” that the print popped off the page.  Jesus wasn’t as concerned about the money that she gave as he cared about her life.  Not her wealth or the lack of it but the way she was living.  Her story was important to him.  My life, your life, and our living is what matters.  This daily giving of our very selves.  God doesn’t want us to just give him our livelihood he wants us to give him our living out.  To spend all our life on him.  Expending what little we might think we have because it is the little things that matter.  That our every breath might be a praise and every movement a recognition of grace.  Let our lives be a currency of thankfulness.

This penny represents the approximate amount that the widow gave.  And it’s date is the year I was born.  Because I want to give the living out of my life to him.

6 Responses to {Day 209}

  1. Jackie C. February 16, 2012 at 3:14 am #

    Charles Spurgeon and Elaini Garfield…what a great way to start my day…thank you for these words of inspiration!

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:07 am #

      You’re so sweet Jackie! Thank you. 🙂

  2. Christine February 16, 2012 at 9:03 am #

    Absolutely beautiful, Elaini. Thanks for the always welcome reminder to be thankful and generous in every circumstance!

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:09 am #

      Thank you Christine. Always learning how much I take for granted and that I need to give thanks more quickly and frequently!

  3. duoimagery February 16, 2012 at 10:00 am #

    This was so beautiful, Elaini. <3 -beth

    • misselaini February 21, 2012 at 12:10 am #

      Thank you sweet friend. I <3 you!

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