{Day 215}

Continued from part 2…see part 1 here.

Oh those yield signs…I don’t have a problem with them when I’m in my car but when I see I need to yield in my life that’s when the struggle occurs.  Am I willing to give up my self for the sake of others?  Am I willing to defer to someone else needs?  Am I willing to relinquish my desire to be comfortable for the well being of others?  A yielded life…that is what I want.  May my life be a surrendered life to the One who gave up everything to come down to earth so that he might give me himself, true heaven.  The yield and abundance that we reap from yielding our lives will be great.

“Nothing that you have not given away will ever truly be yours.” C.S. Lewis

“Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love” – Virgil

(Sorry about the lack of posts but I’m currently out of town…hopefully lots to blog about when I get back.)

P.S. There are still 5o of these beautiful children that need mattresses and they cost $50 each.  Would you be willing to help a child sleep better?  If so please leave a comment in the box provided when you are donating that that is what you want your money to go towards. :)

8 Responses to {Day 215}

  1. Rhesa Simmons March 14, 2012 at 12:50 am #

    What a beautiful little girl that is! So much character in her sweet little face! I love the analogy you’ve made with the road signs. It’s such a powerful truth.

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:45 pm #

      I agree! She melts my heart completely.
      I’m such a visual learner that it helped me and I’m thankful that you enjoy the analogy. 🙂

  2. duoimagery March 14, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

    Your posts are so inspiring my dear. =} Thank you.. 🙂 And I love the photo, what a sweetie! I’m praying with you for those kids to get mattresses! love you , beth

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:46 pm #

      You’re the sweetest! Thank you.
      I so appreciate you and your prayers.
      I love you my amazing friend! Grateful for you. <3

  3. Rachel Hooper March 17, 2012 at 6:06 pm #

    Mom and I were just talking about you on our walk this afternoon.
    Hope you are well.

    Love from Boise,

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:49 pm #

      Hello friend!
      I’m doing well and I hope you are too. 🙂 Wish we could go for tea and a chat…
      Much love from Oregon. <3

  4. Starz April 16, 2012 at 8:50 am #

    She is a cutey:)

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