{Day 220}

Part one, two, three, four, and five.

No U turn signs…  Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the past.  Always looking back and trying to get back to what has gone by.  We reach out to recapture that moment that seemed like pure bliss.  Bottle up that point in time and relive it again and again.  We shouldn’t forget how God has been faithful and we should smile with delight at incredible experiences but at the same time these passing rhythmic breaths counting seconds of now are such a present.  My God is a creator.  Why ask him to turn me around to go back?  Instead why not ask him to create a new experience of beauty, depth, or revelation?  Oh how I want to let Jesus unfurl my soul to new, awe inspired, unending graces before me.  Just thinking about that makes me feel more alive!

“For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other.'” Isaiah 45:18

So I set a new goal! Why? Because my kids in India still need support.  If you feel the nudge to donate then please do so and know that you donation is truly changing lives.  Will you help me?  $5 dollars can get you a cup of coffee or maybe two but if you donate that much you can feed a child for a month! 🙂  It’s something to think about…and act on. 😀

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