One of the most important things to me is the Bible. It’s a precious gift. A love letter to me from God. It speaks both encouragement and challenge. It speaks grace and life. It speaks truth.
Day 8: Thankful for my Bible and the freedom to read it in the open.
P.S. Psalm 34 is one of my favorites (I have a lot of favorites 😉 ). I love verse 5, “Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.” There’s a lot packed into that little verse…another post for another day though.
I second that. The freedom to read it. Have you read The Heavenly Man about Brother Yun from China who tried to memorize as much as he could and would preach the word of God and how handy it became for him as he would preach the Word in prison and through his persecution? Amazing how a group of people could suck in the Word so easily in that country, while here only about 9% of people actually open up their Bibles!
I have read that book! In fact I got the honor of meeting Brother Yun himself and having him pray for me. It is something I will never forget. What a blessing he is! It is a good challenge for me to memorize scripture even though I have a hard time remembering. Wow I had no idea about the 9%…that grieves me.