It’s a funny thing how our brains work. We look at a sparkling diamond flashing crisp light and we don’t question it’s value. Although we may not know the price we understand the value. Yet, when it comes to people it’s easy to miss the value and only put a price on them. From the moment we meet someone we start assessing each individual as worthless, important, insignificant, beautiful, boring, witty….you name it. Why is it so easy to miss the incalculable worth of a breath. Oxygen in and carbon monoxide out. Fairly simple right? Done involuntarily. Yet oh the importance it has to our bodies. Without it a lifeless shell is all that exists. But it’s more than that isn’t it. It’s the soul. It’s the LIFE. And it comes in all shapes and sizes. Diamonds in their uncut, unwashed state look like dull expressionless chunks of cloudy glass. Until they are given the care and attention they need to shine. I don’t know much about life but I’m pretty sure the same thought applies to humans. Each of us needs care and attention and the confidence to live up to our potential. When I look at my kiddos in India this is what I see: Beautiful, amazing humans and their potential…well it would blow our minds if we could see it. Being artists, speakers, teachers, preachers, doctors, lawyers, musicians, moms, dads, presidents, authors, or scientists could easily be in their futures. But for now theses incredible people need to be nurtured and loved. I don’t know about you but getting to be a tiny part in these future world changers lives gets me excited. Crazy excited. So excited that I HAVE to do something about it. Will you join me? Will you count the cost and consider their lives worth it? It’s all about perspective and what’s important isn’t it Elaini. Just giving myself a pep talk here. All my kiddos are diamonds. Strong, resilient, and beautiful and some of them just need a little more time learning to shine although the process has already begun. I can’t wait to see how light and hope radiate out of them 3, 5, 10, 15, 2o years from now. Mind blown. Please consider donating today to this future generation. Just $5 dollars feeds one of these sweet little darlings for a month. That’s equivalent to about 90 meals for them or one coffee for you…
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” ~Dr. Seuss
i’m reading these thoughts of yours…and i’m thinking back over our conversation in the lodge about this here blog and the direction that the Lord might have for you…
and i’m glancing out my window and pondering it all…
and the only words that keep coming to me is…”you’re a writer.”
these little diamond-in-the-rough thoughts that swirl through your head need to be chiseled out and polished off and written down here…so that they can gleam and shine and sparkle…catching the attention of all of the rest of us out here!
’cause there is TRUTH in the words you put down!
no thought too small…or insignificant…
God has put them there! and He is using you! to the glory of His name…and as a means of His vastless grace towards all those precious little people!
and that’s all i’ve got to say about that!
Oh you are such grace to me! Thank you is not enough to express how grateful I am for this sweet note from you wonderful friend. In fact I sent you an email… Thank you for encouraging me today when I needed it so greatly. I’ve been feeling like a very dull diamond. Somehow you always have the perfect thing to say. I love you.
“Yet, when it comes to people it’s easy to miss the value and only put a price on them.” Painfully, true. Why can’t we see the beauty in every moment, the soul in every person? Maybe, when we get nearer to the maker of the soul is when we start to see aright.
Love your last comment. I think that’s the truth.
Well said….it’s not what counts on the outside, it’s what counts on the inside.
May I always see that!