{Day 367}

elaini_temps-5wildflowerdressSo this dress has been a long time in coming.  My dear friend that made my little black dress gifted me this beautiful fabric and it has been sitting in a box for the past two years.  That is partly due to the fact that my sewing machine was broken and also because I hadn’t been bit by the sewing bug.  But when it does bite it bites me hard.  So I borrowed my sisters’ sewing machine and worked away.  I’m a bit irritated since I made it to the right measurements on the instructions and it still doesn’t fit right but I’m not ready to do any more alterations at this point so this will just have to do!  I used this pattern in case you were wondering. 🙂  Now if only it would stop raining so I can wear it out in the sun! Oh, and that’s my Yia yia’s purse.  It’s so special to have things that were hers.

Also it’s almost June! Which means my 25th birthday is almost here… Translation: will you please help me get to at least the $75K goal by the 5th?  I’d love it if everyone gave $25 dollars. 🙂  And if there are any June babies that want to share their birthdays that would be amazing.  If you decide to join me in this venture you can ask your friends and family to donate the amount that matches your age for your birthday as their gift. :)   So if you want to join me would you leave a comment below?  It would be fun to get a list of names (and places) from which people are going to share “their” day.  I think this is going to be fun!

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

10 Responses to {Day 367}

  1. Victoria / Justice Pirate May 28, 2013 at 5:21 am #

    This is a beautiful dress! You really are talented to be able to make it look so amazing like that!!! I’m truly impressed! I hope you reach your goal for your birthday! I hope to help you when we have funds! These are pretty shoes too! I love that you seemed to lengthen the dress compared to the pattern!

    • misselaini May 29, 2013 at 11:05 pm #

      Thank you! You’re so sweet. I’m really not that talented. You should have seen me sighing over the directions…that half the time were upside down. 😉
      Thank you Victoria! I really want to reach it as well. That would be a beautiful gift to know that some of my kiddos were provided for for a month. You are just such a blessing to me and your heart for others in so many areas is just beautiful.
      Oh I love these shoes! My sweet friend Rachel sent them to me and it was such a surprise. And yes, I used the longer skirt pattern since I don’t like my hemline to be too much above my knee. I guess being shorter has it’s advantages too? 😉 (And I used a thick bias tape instead of taking length off the way you would typically hem a dress…)

  2. Hannah May 28, 2013 at 5:52 am #

    Love this dress! You did a great job! I’d love to share my birthday! I’ll make a donation as soon as I can!

    • misselaini May 29, 2013 at 11:06 pm #

      Thanks Hannah! That is a huge compliment coming from you since you are quite the seamstress. 🙂
      YAY!!!!!!!! I’m THRILLED you want to share your birthday! I will put your name on the birthday post. 😀

  3. Andrea May 28, 2013 at 12:34 pm #

    You are the most fabulous girl I know!

    • misselaini May 29, 2013 at 11:07 pm #

      Sweet Andrea, you just made my day. I love you friend. You’re absolutely wonderful. <3

  4. Sayna May 28, 2013 at 4:09 pm #

    You wear those booties so well!
    I would love to be able to give a donation, however I am not old enough to be giving donations to anyone (unless physically.) Hopefully sometime in the next future I could… 🙂

    The print on your dress goes well with the bag!

    • misselaini May 29, 2013 at 11:08 pm #

      Thanks! My sweet friend Rachel sent them to me and I like them quite a lot. 🙂

  5. Karen May 28, 2013 at 8:45 pm #

    Ah, Elaini-
    This just makes my heart soar. Light and feminine, of days gone by, summer picnics and afternoon soirees. It whispers of innocence and of a longing to dance among the wildflowers. And you, of all people, fit in the dream perfectly.


    • misselaini May 29, 2013 at 11:12 pm #

      Dear Sewing Master (and teacher),
      This comment makes all the seam ripping worth it. Thank you. Just don’t look closely at the fit okay teacher? 😉 This fabric and dress just makes me smile. And the reason is because it takes me right back to when we were sorting through all those bolts of varied colored fabric while the rain continue to drizzle outside that adorable shop. Because it reminds me of being with you. Let’s go have a summer picnic shall we? And I’ll wear this and you can wear one of your stunning creations! I love you. <3
      ~Your ever loving student

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