Sitting there the other day talking with you I was silently praying the whole time you talked. You looked so gorgeous with your hair tumbling down in waves around you and your face upturned to the sun and I snapped a mental picture. It was such an honor to hear your heart. Thank you for letting me in. At the time I wasn’t sure what I should say but driving home my thoughts finally started forming together into something more concrete like milk turning butter, taking its time.
I get it. These teen years can be hard. Add to that a crazy environment (and hormones if we’re talking real here) and it’s not hard to see why there’s frustration. You don’t want to exchange pleasantries forever, you want the deep and real. That’s a wonderful thing. I promise you it’s out there. Please don’t ever stop looking for that or desiring to be deep yourself.
High school ends. Yes, I know it can feel like it never will but this too shall pass. You don’t and shouldn’t have to be vulnerable with everyone but DO be vulnerable with people you trust. The walls you do or don’t put up now will affect your life. Sometimes it’s hard to spot the people to trust. Believe me, I’ve not always been good at this myself. The people to trust are the ones that always let you in and don’t let you down and if they do let you down (because people will let you down!) they know how to take responsibility and say I’m sorry. Look for the people that are willing to cheer you on. These are the people that challenge you but don’t compete with you.
Okay so this next one is really, really hard. If it’s any comfort it’s hard for people no matter what age. Be willing to stand alone. Community is ridiculously important and you should seek it out. Serve those around you and be willing to give of yourself to bless others. But there will be times when you need to go against the flow. There may be times when you don’t have a best friend and where things seem shallow and not worth your time. There will be times when you’re surrounded by people and still feel alone. I promise you you’re not. While it’s not easy those are the best times to cuddle right up close to Jesus. He wants to be your friend and he’s the best one to have. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. Take him up on that promise. He always has your best in mind. He loves you so much. He will always let you in and never let you down!
What I want to tell you sounds so contradictory but here are the two phrases that came to mind. The first is put your head down and work hard. The other one is keep your chin up. Obviously you can’t physically do both at the same time but the principles do actually work together.
What do I mean by put your head down and work hard? Make the best use of this time. Learn all you can. Question, seek, and apply yourself to what you are doing. Be the best you can be. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t play the “games” your peers are trying to play. Take the masks off and live free. Remember this too shall pass but the hard work you put in to the things that matter will not. While they’re all talking about nonsense and wasting time you’ll be getting things done.
In that same breath let me say this though too. When you decide not to compare yourself to others, make sure you don’t judge them for not being where you’re at. Seek to be an influence for good and to help others even though it might not be the popular or easy thing.
And darling girl-woman keep your chin up. Not in a haughty way but because you know you are loved by the King of the universe the one who gave his life for you. You can walk confident knowing you are loved and valued.
All of what I’ve told you takes grace and He’s the source of that. Press into Jesus beautiful lady.
If you ever need a big sister to talk to I’m here for you. It’s a gift to listen to your growing soul and mind. I’m so proud of you! I love you dearly.
Hugs. xxx
Elaini, I needed this today. Thank you.
Blessings to you dear!
Aw man, your beautiful words! <3
I'm not sure who you're writing to here, but it almost felt like you were talking straight to me.
Especially the paragraph about "Be willing to stand alone, with Jesus". Thank you for the encouragement!
And I LOVE what you said here. "And darling girl-woman keep your chin up. Not in a haughty way but because you know you are loved by the King of the universe the one who gave his life for you. You can walk confident knowing you are loved and valued."
In our culture today, independence and warrior-like tenacity is looked highly upon (though, that doesn't imply haughtiness), and it seems like those kinds of women are ones who can "take the world on". But really, women who have admitted defeat and are reliant and rooted in God are the ones that truly are given the strength to do so. We will not be crushed, for if God is for us, who can stand against us?
Thank you so much for writing this!