{Happy Mother’s Day}

finals-86Dearest Mommy,

How can I write adequate words for you and about you when you were the one that taught me the magic of them and unleashed their power through phonics, spelling, and grammar?  You haven’t just taught me the mechanics and meaning of words though.  You’ve taught me the power of THE Word.  The Word made flesh.  Jesus.  You’ve carried me to Him from the time that you carried me in your very self.  Labor didn’t just end that day you birthed me.  Every day you’ve sacrificed and labored to help me become more than just your daughter but more importantly God’s daughter.  You’ve loved me in a way that has showed me Love Himself.

You’re beautiful mommy.  Physically you’re just so lovely.  Yes, even that perfectly pointy Greek nose of yours that I adore.  But there is also a strength about you that amazes me because you are simultaneously gentle and caring.  You’re wise and understanding.  Don’t even get me started on your profound and very real relationship with Jesus that just has you glowing!

Oh and how you make me laugh.  Like no one else can.  A laughing from deep within.  A laugh so hard it sends tears rolling down my cheeks.  Because you’re more than just my mom, teacher, counselor, and mentor.  You’re my best friend.  To the point that we finish each others sentences and know what can be left unsaid.  Mommy….THANK YOU.  I really can’t say that enough.  You’re amazing.  Truly.  How I thank the Lord for you.  And as I sit here and write this I realize how I can never express just how much you mean to me.  But mommy?  One last and most important thing.  I love you.  Intensely.

Happy Mother’s day to the most incredible woman I know!

 (Photo by: Christa Taylor)

Posted on May 12, 2013 by |

{Day 362}

My tummy has decided to go all tumble turvey on me with the flu so today I’m going to share some links that I’ve been perusing.  And while I’m sure you’ve seen the video above it makes me laugh so I’m posting it here in the hopes that you’ll get a fit of giggles too. 🙂 This girl has a great sense of humor that she would post this herself!


My sweet friends (two sisters!) started a fashion blog…I’m addicted.

Cute idea of a DIY for Mother’s Day….(psst it’s this Sunday!).

A PINK lagoon?!  These pictures are blowing my mind.

Totally tried this for the fist time and then sent the little guy in a letter to a friend…

I used to do this with my wonderful mommy. 🙂  What a sweet post! ::Melt::

Soooo my birthday is next month…and not to hint or anything 😉  but what I really want for this big birthday is to reach the $75K goal.  That would just tickle me pink. 🙂  Will you help me get there by the 5th of June?  Would you consider donating today?  It’s as easy as clicking that Give Now button!

Posted on May 9, 2013 by |

{Day 361}

march-23 march-24flowerpinkdressQuote post today!

“The crowded stars seemed bent upon being understood.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

“Laughter is an instant holiday.”  ~Ann Voskamp

“The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble.  The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” ~Helen Keller

(Dress gifted to me by my sweet friend Rachel! Thanks dear. 🙂 )

 (Photos by the amazing: Christa Taylor)

Posted on May 7, 2013 by |

{Day 360}

lbd2yr lbd2yr1 lbd2yr2 lbd2yr3 lbd2yr4Has it really been two years?!


Today marks two years since I donned a little black dress and started a crazy adventure that I thought would only last 100 days.  Ha!  Was I ever wrong…  My whole world was turned upside down.  It changed my life and is still changing my life.  And I’m so thankful it did.  God has been so SO faithful.  Frankly I don’t even know how to write this mile stone post.  A huge part of my heart is in India with “my” kiddos.  They are  the reason that this blog started.  To help them.  But of course in a funny turn of events they’ve helped me.  They’ve helped me be bold and learn to take risks (I’ve done things I would have never dreamed of doing both here on the blog and in my personal life).  They’ve made my heart bigger to fit them all inside of it.  They’ve taught me that whatever has value is worth fighting for.  They’ve taught me that the littlest things, like just taking a first step, can change the world.  They’ve shown me that investing in lives is a process that never ends.  Knowing what they have gone through has given me courage.  And when you have almost 400 kiddos you learn to pray a lot more.  So kiddos I’ll never be able to thank you enough for letting me be a little part of your lives.  I love you all so.very.much.

To all my absolutely amazing readers, THANK YOU! You’ve made this journey possible.  You’ve given freely and YOU have made a difference.  You’ve impacted the world in ways you’ll never be able to imagine because you faithfully invested in these precious lives.  Can I please encourage you to continue in that?  To not stop giving (there are always needs when you have 400 children!) and if you are the praying type to pray for them?   What a gift that would be.  In celebration of the two year anniversary of the 100 day dress project will you donate either 200 nickels ($10), 200 dimes ($20), 200 quarters ($50), or 200 dollars?  I can absolutely promise you it will be worth it.

UPDATE! $74,002.14

Photos by the ever amazing Christa Taylor who has been documenting this journey from day 1!  She somehow managed to get my necklace up in my hair… 😉

Day 1 and the 1 year anniversary posts.

Posted on May 1, 2013 by |

{Day 359}

walk1walk2walk3walk4walk5It’s been happening these last few months.  The first time it happened I had been in a deep sleep when all of the sudden I awoke gasping for that precious commodity that I so often disregard…air.  My lungs tightened and I fought to pull oxygen back into the villi.  Sometimes the struggle lasts for hours of me trying to gulp down air.  And I realize how much I’ve taken for granted when all I can focus on is each breath.  Then I’m struck by the fact that my dear sweet friend struggles with this continually.  How that port in her chest is the only thing keeping her alive and how I’m so blessed to not have to deal with the trial she so graciously bears.  Her with her beautiful smile and joyful heart that challenges and encourages me.

Most of my good thinking time happens when I’m lying in bed trying to fall asleep.  While resting there the other night I heard Jesus’ gentle voice.  You see I’ve given lists of things I’m grateful for on this blog but he asked me to do something else this time. He asked me to give thanks not just for the things that rasping lungs and searing, raw eczema are producing in life but to actually thank him for the lack of oxygen and for the painful, ugly skin.  To publicly declare on here what can be hard to say, that I’m thankful for not just the easy things but the painful ones.  When I did that there was this joy that washed over me.  No, it isn’t easy but there is something of greater value that I feel like I’m always just still right at the beginning of learning.  That God brings beauty from ashes.  I love analogies and Jesus gave me one the other night to encourage me.  You know those fun and silly glow sticks that you get at parties or around the Fourth of July?  Well picture holding one of those in a completely dark room.  What do you do to it?  You break it.  You crack it.  And the more you crack and break it the more that it shines and glows.  My body feels broken and weak right now but oh how I pray that the breaking and cracking will produce the most beautiful glow.  A glow that comes not from me but from Jesus.  That like one of my favorite verses states that I would look to Him and be radiant.  That is my heart cry.  So while my body may be weak and while it may even be hard to tell you that in a world that tells me to show you that I’m strong I want to admit today what I already know to be true.  That I am weak but my God is strong.  What I’m learning right now I would rather have than all of the purest oxygen and most clear, perfect skin in the world.  Because I’m seeing afresh the love the Lord has for me when he gave up his breath and he allowed his skin to be ripped and bloody.  Willingly he did that for me.  Willingly! And that?  Well that leaves me speechless…

P.S.  Guess what’s coming up in just two days?!  I have a special post for you on May 1st so be looking for it. 🙂

(All the pictures are taken by me on a photo safari walk I did in my neighborhood.  As is the style of my blog the pictures don’t go with the post but I’m a firm believer that posts with pictures are better…) 🙂

Posted on April 29, 2013 by |

{Day 358}

588-hood-river-dd-posterAbout a month ago I met an incredible, vivacious woman who was the main speaker at our ladies church retreat.  Ann Dunagan very kindly invited me and my sweet mother to come share at a conference she is putting on in May.  I’m very humbled and honored that I have the opportunity to share during her key note about the dress project and my mom gets to do a break out session.  You can be sure that I’m really excited about getting to meet the ladies that are coming.  On that note I’d love for any of you ladies that happen to live around here to come! It would be such a delight to be able to meet you.  And I think you’ll walk away from this conference inspired and encouraged by the other speakers.  Are you ready to dare to dream, cry, and obey?

(You can  register and find out more here.)

And yes I’ll be wearing the little black dress. 😉  Also will you please consider donating to the kiddos?  Only $5 dollars can really make a difference for a child in India.

Posted on April 24, 2013 by |


finals-74 IMG_0062 IMG_2787 IMG_2788 IMG_1640 IMG_1428 022_19A IMG_2659 rings finals-72Dearest Daddy and Mommy,

Every time I think about how you got engaged on your first date I wish I could be transported back to watch that moment.  How you really didn’t know each other and yet you both just knew.  You tell it so well with deep laughter, a look of playfulness, and a bit of wonder as well.  And you always mention that it has been God’s grace in your life that He has kept you.  Oh how Jesus has kept you two together!  These 40 years today.  Forty years!!!  Forty years of faithfulness, love, service, raising us crazy kids, spoiling grandkiddos, and always always Jesus.  You said those vows and you’ve held to them and held hands through all the trials and joys.  You’ve supported each other, worked together, comforted each other, and been best friends.  What you two have is incredible and as your daughter I feel so honored and completely blessed to be able to watch you love each other, others, and Jesus the way you do.  Fairy tales don’t have any thing on you two.  Thank you for showing me a stunning picture of what a healthy marriage should be.  I love you both immensely.  Happy 40th anniversary!

With all my love ~elaini

 (1st and last picture taken by Christa Taylor)

P.S.  A couple of years ago we went back to the church where mom and dad got married and had them stand in front of it.  That’s the church picture we took above. 😉

Posted on April 22, 2013 by |

{Day 357}

DSC_7194tips&tricksfittedHere’s the third installment of Tips&Tricks!  How fun is this illustration by Jeni?!  She’s such an incredible artist.  We think that having fitted clothing is so important for looking pulled together.  It’s easy to think that something that you like but doesn’t fit quite right is fine but you’d look even better if you had it tailored to your body.  This is especially true of jackets! Ever seen someone wearing an ill fitting jacket…it’s not cute.  Wearing something too big (or too tight) actually isn’t more flattering.  Getting the right fit should be high on the priority list when buying clothing even if it means taking it to the tailor or pulling out your sewing skills!

Anyways I’d love to have Jeni’s cool and fashionable drawings hanging in my room.  Wouldn’t you? Well you can! Here is my favorite part about this post:  You can buy a print (or a few if you really love your friends) and $20 dollars will go to the kiddos in India! So you can shop without feeling guilty.  Best.deal.EVER.  So shop away with the confidence that every purchase makes life a little brighter for an orphan.

(Art work by: Jeni Kubicek Art) Go check it out to see some more amazing art!

Posted on April 18, 2013 by |

{Day 356}

march-21daddy'shatmarch-20I don’t really know about posting today.  I’m grieved by the horrendous act that happened yesterday in Boston.  I’m praying for those affected by this evil act.  I don’t want to be insensitive by posting something frivolous but in this time of heaviness I do want to bring light and a smile to anyone reading on here.  So today I will be posting what I’m grateful for and I’d encourage you to leave a comment of what you’re grateful for below. And then please go hug the ones you love… And Caitlin I’m so glad you’re safe.

Grateful for little and big things:

Prayers prayed on my behalf

An amazing friend slipping me something to put towards my dreams.  But more than that her encouragement and friendship.

Looking up into a mirror to find the words “I am the one Jesus loves”.  You are too.

Exposition of a passage that brought hope.

Patches of blue sky.

Drizzling honey on 100% chocolate while sitting in the warmth of the sun.

Getting to wear my daddy’s hat for these photos.

Spending time with my sister at a clothing exchange and laughing while trying on clothes.

A friends pictures of her little sister with a bunny=perfect sweetness.

Spending time with one of my dearest friends from out of town and getting to feel the baby growing in her kick my hand.  Priceless.  Truly one of those moment you never forget.  Baby boy I already love you.

For wonderful readers who encourage me and share their lives with me.  YOU.

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

Posted on April 16, 2013 by |

{Day 355}

tulip3tulip2tulip4tulip5tulip1IMG_5624This is a bit of a miscellaneous misselainious post. 😉

This past weekend I got the joy of going to the tulip fields with some new friends.  Each of the dear women that I drove with were so delightful.  They made me feel right at home and we all had a grand time romping through the landscape splashed with all that vibrant color and taking a ridiculous amount of pictures (200)!  I wish I could have taken you all with me to see it.  It was stunning.  We had to get up early but it was worth it.  Not only were the tulips beautiful but I had so much fun getting to know the beautiful women I went with.  Thank you Malia for asking me to come along!

With all this color in this post now I want to make a purple cow. 😉  What?! Well it’s been a while since I did a book “review” of sorts but that’s because I’ve been reading too many books and hadn’t finished any of them. Well I finally finished one.  And before you think I’ve gone completely insane the book is called Purple Cow by Seth Godin and it’s all about having a remarkable product.  Or being remarkable for your business.  Also known as the purple cow.  Pretty sure I officially get nerd status for taking a marketing book to the park on a sunny day instead of the novel I’ve been reading. But it’s really great and has so many inspiring stories.  And even though the thought processes are out of the box it makes perfect sense.  I definitely want to read more from this author.  Because even if this book doesn’t exactly fit into what my life is right now I enjoy being stretched in my thinking and learning new things.  Or just considering how to apply what I learned in one area to another in my life.

Posted on April 11, 2013 by |

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