{Day 326}

As promised here are some more behind the scenes shots!  Can we raise $3,000 in the next four days?!  The logical part of my brain says no but I’ve seen miracles happen around here before and since all my readers are amazing I say we can do it!  Of course I can’t do this by myself so I need your help once again.  Will you tell your friends and facebook/tweet/blog about it?  Did you crawl into a nice soft bed last night?  Well some of my kiddos didn’t.  They slept on the board on the bunk beds because the money hasn’t been raised yet for mattresses.  Shall we change that?  I say “Yes please!”  Thanks everyone for all your donations!

The first picture at the bottom is the bunk beds without mattresses and the second one is of two of my precious darlings after they got a soft place to sleep.  Just look at the joy on their faces!  I hope we can put that same smile on the faces of the rest of the new children who have moved in!

UPDATE! $66.983.14  Let’s push it over the 66K mark!

(First two photos by: Kiersta Rhodes Photography)

(Third photo by: Autumn Johnson Photography)

Posted on December 28, 2012 by |

{Day 325}

I would dearly like to reach the goal of $70K by the end of the year.  Time is running out! Will you please help me?  This week I’ll be blogging extra photos from the 12 Days of Christmas Project that you didn’t get to see yet.  Every project needs a behind the scenes glimpse right?!  I’ll also be putting up more pictures of “my” darling kiddos who we are doing this for.  I love them more than I can say…

(Photography by Red Poppy Pictures) Top two pictures

(Photography by: MelRae Photography & Designs and her Facebook page is here)

Posted on December 27, 2012 by |

{Day 324}


It seems so long ago now looking back.  That time every year that came months before Christmas where all the children would audition for the Christmas church play.  How my little heart longed to be one of the many, many angels that got to do nothing but look beautiful.  All that satiny white and glittery gold with wings and a halo no less appealed to me greatly.  But every year when the list was posted for parts and I anxiously scanned the sheet looking for my name I never found it under the angel column.  Instead I found that I had a solo or was part of another group.  What a silly little goose I was for not realizing that I had gotten a much better part!  Yet every time I see a tiny Christmas angel I’m transported to that time in my life.  Christa, when I saw these pictures I had to smile because you made me into a Christmas angel without even knowing it.  Thanks for giving me wings. 😉  Also thanks for doing my makeup and putting this outfit together.  It was wonderful to show up and have no idea what was happening and just have fun in the middle of a hard week.  Love you!

The best Christmas present for me would be if you would donate to my kiddos.  Would you please give even just a few dollars today and enter into the joy of giving to orphans who truly need it?  Thanks and Merry Christmas to all my wonderful readers!

Luke 2:11-14 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

Posted on December 25, 2012 by |

{Day 323 (On the 12th day of Christmas)}

“On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, twelve drummers drumming.”

One of the best perks of having this blog are the friends I have made.  Last year when I posted that I needed people for the 12 days Haley stepped up and said she would participate.  She was Day 8.  I didn’t know anything about her except that she was willing to help orphans and was lovely.  Little did I know the treasure that she is.  Over this year we have become such good friends and I’m so grateful for her.  She is quick to laugh, quick to encourage, and the type of friend that is always there for you and willing to pray for you in the hard times.  Haley, you have blessed me more than you know.  You’re a complete sweetheart and I appreciate you letting me into your life.  I love you.  Oh, and did I mention you’re beautiful?  Because you are!

Tomorrow is Christmas and I will have a Christmas post with yours truly!  Also I will continue this blogging streak this week with some “bloopers” from the 12 days in the hopes that we will reach our goal by the end of the year.  Will you help us help these orphans?  I keep being reminded of the brevity of life and I want to make a difference.  I hope you’ll join me.  Even giving $5 makes an impact in the life of one of these darling children.  Thank you!

Name: Haley Eirich
Age: 22
What state do you live in: CA
Activity you enjoy/hobbies: Photography, baking, fashion design, sleeping, hanging out with my family, walks, watching movies, boxing and going to the beach, shopping, and enjoying the little things in life~ To name a few~
Favorite Christmas movie: It’s a Wonderful Life
Why you wanted to be a part of the project:  I had the opportunity to be a part of it last year and was so blessed by it. I also had the opportunity to get to know Elaini and now consider her one of my dearest friends! She is such a caring, beautiful, warm hearted young women – I am so blessed by her friendship. My two youngest sisters began their lives as orphans and so the cry of the orphan is one close to my heart.

(Photos by: Haley Eirich Photography with the help of Emma Hope Eirich)

(Makeup by: Cara Gafner)

Posted on December 24, 2012 by |

{Day 322 (On the 11th day of Christmas)}

“On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eleven pipers piping.”

My dear friend Bethany is amazing.  If you’ve been reading for a while you will know that she has the biggest heart for others and serves like crazy.  Oh, and she was part of the Christmas project last year too as day 1!  What a blessing it is that she agreed to join the team again this year.  Bethany you inspire me so much.  You give and give and continue to give of yourself.  Every time I turn around you’re making an impact on the world in a beautiful way.  You’re such a delightful person and I feel honored to be your “sister”.  Thank you for loving people like Jesus does.  I think you’re a gem and you’re lovely, inside and out.  I love you.

Will you help us?  More importantly will you help some darling orphans this year?  Approximately $5 dollars feeds an orphan for a month! Just think, you can get one stocking stuffer or a cup of coffee or give that sum to an orphan for 93 meals! Yeah it’s not a hard one…

Name: Bethany Detweiler
Age: 21
What state do you live in: North Carolina
Activity you enjoy/hobbies: Photography, writing, singing, cooking, coffee with friends, serving with my church, snowboarding
Favorite Christmas movie: The Nativity Story
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: I love doing anything in my power to make a difference to someone in need. It’s how Jesus lived every moment and I want my life to look like His. The idea of using fashion to raise awareness and support is so brilliant and fun! I was day one last year and am so excited to be a part again this year!

(Photos by: Duoimagery)

Posted on December 23, 2012 by |

{Day 321 (On the 10th day of Christmas)}

“On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, ten lords a leaping.”

Sometimes people come into your life quietly.  Let me explain.  I’ve known Cale for quite some time now.  We met probably about a decade ago when he was just a young lad.  In the last couple of years I’ve watched him grow up into the nicest young man.  Bro thanks for being brave enough to be a part of this.  It takes a lot of guts to model with eleven women (but hey you’re with a bunch of gorgeous women so it’s not that bad right?!) and raise a $1,000 dollars for orphans.  Cale, you have a way with words and you use that gift to bless and encourage others.  Thank you for always being a gentleman and for caring for others the way you do.  Oh and you look really dapper and handsome in these pictures!

Autumn, you’ve been incredible doing three different shoots!  I really appreciate all you have done.  Thanks for shooting in the cold, in the rain, and practically in the dark.  Yes, I think you’re wonderful!

UPDATE! $64,766.64  Can we push it to the 65K mark?  Let’s help these darling children and make a difference in the lives of these orphans in India.  They need our help and if you would spare even $5 dollars (which is basically a cup of coffee) then it would be such a gift.  Plus isn’t it better to give and bless people than to just make this season about getting?

Name: Cale Vincent Haugen.
Named after my uncle, Kale, who was named after the vegetable.
My other uncle, Vincent, is living on the edge in Anchorage, Alaska.
The name “Haugen” is Norwegian, of origin, but literally means “small, grassy mound.”
Age: Eighteen years of age.
What state do you live in: Oregon
Activity you enjoy/hobbies: I make an effort to enjoy everything that comes my way-but I would have to say, I’m very involved in graphics design, typography, architecture, cinematography, and cycling.
Favorite Christmas movie: Gremlins, yo. It’s not really a christmas movie, but still.
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: With all the hurt and brokenness this season, I just want to show people love. In our day and age, having a heart for the broken is so needed, and so ignored.

(Photos by: Autumn Johnson Photography)

Posted on December 22, 2012 by |

{Day 320 (On the 9th day of Christmas)}

“On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, nine ladies dancing.”

Last year having a ballerina for this day made things go like a dream.  When Lorianne agreed to take on this project and day I was more than thrilled.  She’s a lovely ballerina and adds so much grace and elegance to this project and to top it off she’s striking.  With her graceful lines, piercing eyes, and waist length red tresses this sweet woman is exquisite.  Lorianne, I love your heart for people.  You and your family have always been the ones to send people birthday cards or letters of encouragement and you’ve served many.  Thank you for caring about these orphans.  I’m very grateful that you would be a part of this but not surprised because you have such a beautiful heart.

Autumn, thank you once again for taking these stunning pictures and for being there for me when I really needed a great photographer!

Natalie, thank you so much for coming and helping on all these shoots that Autumn did.  It was so fun having you around and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.  Thanks for being willing to give of your time to be a part of this!

Okay wonderful people we are getting close to the end of this Christmas project and we still have quite a ways to go to get to the $70K mark.  If we each just give what we can, even if it is $5 dollars today, then I believe that something beautiful and amazing will happen.  Also I don’t think you’ll be disappointed that you gave to help sweet little children this Christmas season. 🙂  Just give it a try!

Name: Lorianne
Age: 24
What state do you live in: Oregon
Activity you enjoy/hobbies: Painting ceramics, cooking/baking, cross-country skiing with my family, drinking tea, stretching
Favorite Christmas movie: White Christmas
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: To be able to bring hope to little ones across the world by sharing the greatest gift that has ever been given.

(Photos by: Autumn Johnson Photography)

Posted on December 21, 2012 by |

{Day 319 (On the 8th day of Christmas)}

“On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eight maids a milking.”

I’ve been looking forward to writing this post since October!  Why you may ask?  Well, this my dear readers is my beautiful cousin!  Marika it has been such a joy and very special for me to have you as a part of this.  You have gone above and beyond with this whole event and I’ve been incredibly impressed with your fundraising skills!  Thank you for doing this with excellence.  And as for the modeling…girl you look amazing!  You’re such a sweet person and your laugh is contagious.  You’re helpful, talented, fun, beautiful, and sweet and I’m grateful that I’m related to you.  I love you!  Oh and please come visit soon!

Kiersta, not only did you do a fabulous job on Day 6 but you’ve also done a wonderful job on these pictures as well.  Thank you so much for generously giving of your time and talent to help with this project!

UPDATE! $64,291.64  Okay can we get to the 65K mark by tomorrow?  If we’re going to get to that goal then we’ll need everyone to donate and spread the word about the project.  Please give even $5 dollars today.  It makes a difference in the lives of these children.

Name: Marika
Age: 26
State: Colorado
Activities/Hobbies: I enjoy participating in most sports especially soccer. Working out and activities outside in the summer. Not a huge fan of the cold. One of my favorite things is traveling. I have never lived outside of Colorado, but have been fortunate enough to visit many different places. This is kind of dorky, but I also like planning and organizing things.
Favorite Christmas movie: It’s a Wonderful Life and Elf. Two totally different movies, but love them both.
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: I wanted to give back during this holiday season and I found this project pretty cool. I think a lot of us go through life not realizing how fortunate we are. There is something special about helping out kids in need. Plus, who doesn’t want to try out high fashion modeling once in their life? I have realized though through this experience that I will not be quitting my day job to become a professional model. It is hard work.

(Photos by: Kiersta Rhodes Photography)

Posted on December 20, 2012 by |

{Day 318 (On the 7th day of Christmas)}

“On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, seven swans swimming.”

Okay can I admit something?  I really wanted someone with blonde hair to model seven swans swimming but thought that I probably wouldn’t get that since I wasn’t even sure if I’d have a swan at all!  Yet God totally provided a beautiful “swan” and she even has blonde hair.  Annie, you’re a really lovely woman and I’m grateful that you choose to be a part of this.  You’re putting what you believe into action and that is a truly admirable and beautiful thing.  Thanks for being pretty from the inside out.  I feel very privileged that you would do this project and support these orphans who need our help.  And you look so amazing in these pictures that no one would ever know that it was so freezing cold outside that you were going numb…thanks for being a pro and handling it all so well and being so fun to work with!

Autumn, thank you for taking these wonderful pictures.  Your willingness to be a part of this (3 times over!) has blessed me more than I can say.  I know you have spent countless hours doing all these shoots and editing photos and you’ve done a wonderful job.  Thanks for loving my kiddos the way you have.  Forgive me for getting sappy but it really does make my heart swell with thankfulness.  Thank you for using your talent of making art and putting it into this project.  I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to get to know you this past week.  It’s been an honor.

Karen, you’ve made THE black dress for this blog but thanks for letting us borrow this pretty little white number for the shoot.  Pretty sure we all wanted to steal it!

Dorene, thank you for letting me borrow this amazing feathered piece.  As soon as I put it on Annie it pulled the whole look together and took it over the top!  Your pieces always look perfect.

I’m sure by now you can guess the inspiration: white and feathers and some glamor and grace because that’s just what swans evoke right?!

UPDATE! $63,776.64!  Please, please donate even just $5 dollars today.  It’s Christmas, it’s children, it’s only $5 bucks…need I go on?  We want this to be fashion for a cause but if no one donates then that’s not really happening…

Name: Annie
Age: 21
What state do you live in: Oregon
Activity you enjoy/hobbies: Music – listening to it, playing it, studying it, singing it, writing it; exploring new places, hiking, reading, going on random adventures with friends, people-watching, lap swimming, and drinking coffee.
Favorite Christmas movie: It’s a Wonderful Life, hands down.
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: I guess I would answer, why not? I am so grateful for this opportunity to be a small part of these children’s lives. It’s an excellent example/reminder to me during this Christmas season about what’s really important, and I hope and pray that God will use your gifts to bring these children into loving homes, and ultimately into His kingdom.

(Photos by: Autumn Johnson Photography)

(Dress by: Moulagerie’)

(Fascinator by: Dorene Vandermeer)

Posted on December 19, 2012 by |

{Day 317 (On the 6th day of Christmas)}

“On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, six geese a laying.”

Sadly I’ve never had the privilege of meeting Emily but when I asked my cousin if she had any friends that would want to be a part of this project she said her roommate might be interested.  I was so thankful when Emily agreed to be six geese a laying!  Not only is she delightful to work with but she made a perfectly beautiful model.  I think she’s a natural!  I love how easy going she is and willing to try something difficult in order to help these children.  Emily, thank you so much for partnering with me to do this project!  I’m incredibly honored to have you on the blog.  I look forward to meeting you someday hopefully soon!

Kiersta, you completely made my day when I heard that you were willing to take these pictures and that you wanted to shoot all 12 days!  I’m very impressed with your work and think you are a wonderful photographer. Thank you for offering your time and talent to make the lives of these darling orphans better.  It’s been a gift working with you!

The inspiration for today was from the feathers and colors of a Canada goose.  I think she did a wonderful job pulling off this look!

Will you please donate $5 dollars today?  This is why we are joining together to do this project.  Because each and every one of us want to see these orphans taken care of and provided for.  We get to be a part of these children’s lives!  Let’s show them that we value them.  Let’s make a choice to be world changers one act at a time.

Name: Emily Boerner
Age: 23
State: Colorado
Activities/Hobbies: Camping, hiking, reading, cooking, snow and water skiing, watching movies, playing cards.
Favorite Christmas movie:  It’s a Wonderful Life
Why you wanted to be a part of the project: I am constantly reminded how blessed my life has been.  My parents taught me the importance of giving back simply through their own actions.  When I heard about the 12 Days of Christmas Project and the Warm Blankets organization, I knew that I wanted to support the cause this year.  It is difficult to imagine the tragedies orphans and widows cared for by Warm Blankets have experienced, and the organizations mission is remarkable in changing those lives.  I am so impressed by Elaini’s efforts and hope that my slight involvement will help continue spreading awareness and drawing support.  

(Photos by: Kiersta Rhodes Photography)

Posted on December 18, 2012 by |

Design by Kiersta Rhodes. Site by 80twenty