{Day 213}

So I’m think about doing a series on…road signs.  Road signs?  Yes, I was driving along today and I had a revelation moment.  And that’s why I want to do a few posts on this.  Kinda.  In fact there is so much I could pull out of this that I probably won’t be able to cover it adequately.  I go the same way to my chiropractor several times a week so I’m pretty used to the drive and don’t pay much attention but today was different.  I think that’s because God wanted to speak to me. 🙂  I know you’re probably thinking “through a road sign Elaini?”  Yep, I’m odd like that.  Anyways I’m going along just thinking to myself when I see the sign that says 25 mph.  I really dislike that sign…  I start to put on the brakes and slow down.  Waaaayyyyy down.  The next sign is what got me.  Construction ahead please slow down.  I felt like I was crawling along and that’s when it hit me.  In life we’re just cruising along when we see signs that we need to reduce speed and then comes THAT sign saying slow.  Go slowly.  Why?  Because of construction.  I don’t know about you but I want to race past the areas of my life that need change but God is telling me that I need to reduce the rate I’m going because he wants to do construction work. On.my.heart.  And in my life.  This crawling pace makes me feel that I may be late for an appointment with the next exciting thing in life but the real appointment is in the meeting of Jesus while on my knees.  Sure I may get distracted and feel like popping off those tempting orange cones (does anyone else want to pop those off?!) but instead I just need to focus on what’s in front of me and that consists of work he is doing.  It’s best to go through the construction zone slowly so that we don’t get a fine or go along just thinking that we are “fine” when there is work to be done in us.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Part 2 coming Thursday…

P.S. I had a sign picture but then I saw this one and had to post it.  Aren’t my girls just beautiful and amazing! Look at all that personality in one post.  Makes me smile. 😀

P.P.S There are still 5o of these beautiful children that need mattresses and they cost $50 each.  Would you be willing to help a child sleep better?  If so please leave a comment in the box provided when you are donating that that is what you want your money to go towards. 🙂

7 Responses to {Day 213}

  1. HannahV March 7, 2012 at 9:11 am #

    Don’t you just LOVE India!? Want to go there!

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:41 pm #

      YES! And I want to go there so bad my heart aches…

  2. Andrea March 7, 2012 at 9:21 am #

    Beautiful photo! P.S. I love that you are “odd” like that…me too! I love that you listen and don’t shoosh the ideas that come to you. It’s amazing when you listen to that voice:)

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:42 pm #

      Thanks sweet friend! That’s partly why we are such good friends is because we get each other like that. 🙂 It’s amazing that we can hear the Voice at all. 😀

  3. Elizabeth March 15, 2012 at 5:04 am #

    This is inspired. Thank you!

    • misselaini March 18, 2012 at 10:46 pm #

      Thank you wonderful, sweet friend! xo


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