{Day 365}

orangeskirt orangeskirt3 orangeskirt4 orangeskirt2Please tell me I’m not the only one that looks back on baby pictures and asks my mom, “What were you thinking putting me in THAT?!”? As a little girl my mom used to put bows in my hair.  These were not any bows…these were “is there a child under that bow?” type of hair accessories.  Needless to say I was terrified of bows for a longgggg time after.  Let’s just say that my mom’s rule of the bigger the better on hair wear didn’t thrill me.  But somewhere along the line as you become an adult and grow up you realize that all those things your mom told you were true.  In my case I’ve just tweaked that idea.  Enter this skirt.  My sweet friend Hannah who makes these lovely skirts sent me this beauty as a surprise.  It.made.my.week.  She custom makes these fabulous skirts and every time I wear mine out I get compliments.  Ladies you should get one of these!  Even my dad commented on it and a gal that I passed at the gas station let me know the bow was just perfect.  And I agree!  Hannah thank you so much for blessing me with this well made skirt that is so bright and cheery.  It was so encouraging that you were willing to invest in my life and blog like that.  Whenever I wear my skirt it brings a smile to my face.  Hannah you are beautiful inside and out and I’m honored to know you.

Soooo since my birthday is next month would you do me the honor of reading this post please? 🙂

(Skirt:  Hannah Everly Designs)

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

10 Responses to {Day 365}

  1. E. G. Garfield May 21, 2013 at 7:45 am #

    Hey, will you ever forgive me for the bows? You were such a gift from the Lord that I had to wrap you up so others would know too 🙂

    • misselaini May 22, 2013 at 10:39 pm #

      Hmmm I don’t know. 😉 Aww well when you explain it like that how can I not forgive you?! I love you mommy. <3

  2. Victoria / Justice Pirate May 21, 2013 at 9:09 am #

    That’s really wonderful that your friend sent you a skirt! How nice of her. That is so funny about the huge bows. I have a feeling if I were to ever have a daughter I would probably make her dress in ways that she would question. As for my mom. . .she never really dressed me ever. She was given hand-me-downs and I would fashion them up myself and would change about 5 times a day since I was 2 years old. My brothers often tell me how every time they would look at me, it was as if I was in another outfit. I just loved dressing up (like now too) haha. Once I was 8 and my mom got a full time job and she would take me to a store to do shopping, I’d say, “ew I don’t want this outfit.” and she’d buy me something ugly and I’d complain so she started to say, “Then you pick out your own outfits.” . . .and so I was the most uniquely dressed girl in school (and got mocked heavily for it but I loved what I wore and I still think I was a cool kid regardless of what my peers thought). The early 90s were terrible for fashion though in general (I was born in ’83).

    • misselaini May 22, 2013 at 10:48 pm #

      I know! It totally blessed my socks off! Haha yeah the huge bows still make me roll my eyes. 😉 Oh Victoria I hope you have a little girl!
      Once I got to a certain age my mom let me dress myself….that was a bad idea. But I was happy so I guess it doesn’t matter in the long run right?! Dressing up is fun to do! It’s important to not take yourself too seriously in life and I like that you have a good time with what you wear. I’m glad you stuck to what you liked regardless of what people said! 🙂 And yes, the 90’s were not kind to anyone… O_o

  3. darcie May 21, 2013 at 9:15 am #

    three hundred and sixty-five!!! 😀

    • misselaini May 22, 2013 at 10:49 pm #

      Okay. The fact that you caught that makes me crazy happy! AHHHHH 1 full year. Not a leap year of course but I suppose tomorrow’s post can get that honor. 😉

  4. Moriah Ortega May 24, 2013 at 7:49 am #

    I’m liking how you styled this! The bow is a great touch.

    • misselaini May 27, 2013 at 1:30 pm #

      Thanks! I think the fact that she added that bow is brilliant. 🙂

  5. Sayna May 26, 2013 at 8:42 pm #

    This whole outfit is breathtaking! Especially the (un-outlandish) bow and the bubble necklace!
    I think I may be guilty of dressing my little sister in large yellow bows, on her dresses…. Oh well, at least she likes them. 😉

    • misselaini May 27, 2013 at 1:31 pm #

      Thank you Sayna! I’m glad you like it. It was certainly fun to wear! Both the skirt and the necklace were given to me by two different friends. They spoil me!
      Haha that’s so cute! If I had a little sister I would probably do the same thing.

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