Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 235}

My kiddos got to go to camp! 😀  That fact makes this little miss very happy.  Sometimes when I see pictures of my kids it makes me cry because I miss them so very much but these pictures of them playing and learning at camp makes me smile…really BIG.  I hope these snapshots bring a smile to your face.  Smile for at least 30 seconds O.K.?  Just because they’re cute and because it’s good for you.  No really, just try it.  🙂

My birthday is next week and I would like nothing better than to hit the $60K goal.  I know, I know…a bit ambitious but would you try and help me get there?  Donate even 5 bucks (forgo 2 coffee’s?) and get your friends to donate too?  Or whoever. 🙂  Thanks everyone!  So grateful for all you faithful readers.

Picture 2 (Jayasri showing off her lovely bead work…hello I just melted)

Posted on May 28, 2012 by |

{Day 234}

Do you remember having phones with cords?  Yeah, just dated myself there but whatever. 😉  You used to have to actually stand in one place and not do anything while you talked on the phone.  It was a nuisance.  Anyways I’m so thankful that I don’t have to use a phone with a cord to talk to Jesus.  I have a direct line to him that’s for anywhere and anytime.  Think…cell phone but you always get through.  Well the other night I was especially thankful for the fact that Jesus always hears me and responds.  He’s so gentle with me.  Even though I was settled in my heart I was still dealing with some past pain and I asked him to send me a song.  Instantly these words written by Horatio Spafford flowed over my brain: “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.”  And it is well with my soul.  Very well indeed.  In that moment I felt a love that is like no other.  Just knowing that God hears me is incredible, but knowing that he cares is even more overwhelming.  I’m blessed.  Don’t forget today that God hears you and that it matters.  Nothing is to silly to talk to him about.  Nothing at all.  And you won’t even have to deal with coverage issues because you don’t need a phone. 😉

Check.out.the.UPDATE: $58,091.54  😀  Very exciting! So does anyone wanna push it over the 100 mark?  🙂

P.S.  Happy numbered post day! 😉

Posted on May 21, 2012 by |

{Day 233 }

Nuggets of gold today! 😉

“Whatever the pace, time will keep it and there’s no outrunning it, only speeding it up and pounding the feet harder; the minutes pound faster too.  Race for more and you’ll snag on time and leak empty.  Hurry always empties a soul.”  ~Ann Voskamp

“The more you give, the more you live.”  ~Bob Dedman

“A little kingdom I possess, where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find of governing it well.”  ~Lousia May Alcott

“Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it.”  ~George MacDonald

I really enjoy quotes and I’d love to hear some of your favorites in the comments below so comment away! 🙂

Posted on May 17, 2012 by |

{Day 232}

It really is the little things that make me smile so much.  Just remembering what happened on Saturday is making me happy.  The sunshine was bright and warm and I was enjoying being with my best friend (my mum) for an early Mother’s Day outing.  We went to an area of Portland though where it’s mainly parallel parking…at which the mention of had me praying long before I got anywhere near this part of town.  As I got close to our destination I spotted a space between two cars and decided that there weren’t probably going to be too many other options.  So I pulled up and waived for the person behind me to pass, which he thankfully did.  There’s hardly anything more nerve wracking then having someone watch you at something you’re not sure you can accomplish.  I put the car in reverse and tried backing in.  Key word: tried…and failed.  At this point I looked back only to be dismayed that a bright red firetruck was behind me.  I waved for the firefighter to pass but he smiled far too happily at me and waved back for me to go ahead.  My one thought, “Great, I bet they all have dibs on how many tries it will take for me to get into this spot or if I’ll give up” and then the next thought,  “Well I’ll just have to get it right”.  With a deep breath I pulled forward and then tried again.  Sure it was slow going but…I did it perfectly!  Thank you Jesus!  And then those firefighters made my day because they rang their bell for me and when I turned to look at them they were grinning and giving me the thumbs up.  I smiled, waved, and slumped back in my seat. Driving past me they were all hanging out the windows and ginning from ear to ear.  Lol! What a stressful moment turned funny.  Made my day and has made me smile ever since.  Firefighters are so nice. 🙂  What little things have made you smile lately?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Posted on May 15, 2012 by |

{Day 231}

Happy Mother’s Day!

Dearest Mommy,

I truly can’t believe that I get to have you as my best friend!  It was beyond kind of the Lord to give me you as my mother.  Not only have you served me day in and day out all my life, but you have done it with true love.  A love that blows me away and gives me such a clear picture of Christ’s love for me.  Your influence in my life is irreplaceable and your wisdom is something I treasure.  No words can express the measure of joy you are to me.  You’re all together lovely.  When I see your passion to help those who are hurting it is so challenging.  I pray that I can be half the woman you are at some point in my life.  You’re elegant while still remaining funny and you’re always there for me.  You’re smart, hospitable, and giving.  You are a Proverbs 31 woman.  Thank you for being such an incredible mom, the best friend a girl could ever ask for, a wise teacher, and an ardent student of Jesus.  I love you more than I know how to express!


Posted on May 13, 2012 by |

{Day 230}

He’s beautiful.  He’s truly awesome.  And I’m completely in love with Him.  Right now I feel empty of anything to offer on the blog.  (So sorry to all you faithful readers…I’m very blessed by all of you so thanks for sticking with me!)  Yet, when I thought about it I realized that there is one thing that always gets me excited.  😀  Maybe instead of saying something I should say some ONE.  You see when you love someone you can’t help but talk about them.  Well I love Jesus and so whenever I talk about Him it brings me excessive joy.  He really is my everything.  I’m so grateful that I get to be His and that he loves me.  A crazy amount.  My prayer is that in return I would love Him well.  I want to give nothing less than my life.  A life surrendered to what He wants and to what He calls me to.  Because I know it will always be best.  I trust Him.  He is certainly in the details.  As in: He knows the number of hairs on my head!  Mind blown.  No one else knows that about me…I don’t even know that about me!  Some days it’s so much easier to think about dying for Him.  That sounds easy.  Even thrilling, yet it is the day to day living that can actually be much harder.  Today I pray that I may be faithful to live fully for Him.  Dependent on His strength because I need Him greatly.  Rejoicing always because the God who has named an immeasurable amount of stars loves me and knows me.  I want to know Him more…He has my heart.

UPDATE!!!!! $57,986.54  YAY! Almost to the 58K mark. 😀  Wanna tip it over?  These kiddos still really need our help.

Posted on May 9, 2012 by |

{Day 229}

Ahh that smell.  Of campfire and dirt and fresh air.  Mmm breathing it in all deep. Remember craft projects with glue, dull scissors, brightly colored beads, and wait for it…popsicle sticks?  Yes, I’m talking about summer camp.  Puppet shows and games, swimming and fake fishing (ya know where they put fish in a swimming pool for you to catch? No? Never mind…) and the whole bit.  Guess what?  Our kids are getting to go to camp!  I’m so excited for them to be leaning how to paint and such.  I remember the joy that I used to feel from doing those sorts of things and the excitement of getting to go to camp.  What is even more special is that for these children this is a first time experience.  They’re orphans who haven’t had anything.  Not even a bed let alone a fun, new adventure.  Six homes though still need to be sponsored (cost of one to go to camp is $550) so if you want to see our kiddos go to camp would you be willing to give even ten bucks?  It would be pretty incredible for them all to get this delightful time.  It isn’t just a frivolous time.  It’s putting a positive experience into a life that has been filled with pain no child should have to experience.  So if you want to help them then please donate today. 🙂

UPDATE!!!!!!!! $57,966.54  Will ya just look at that?!  SO excited by the new update. 😀  We just need a little tiny bit to push us over the 58K mark!  Will you be the one to do that?

P.S.  It was fun wearing the black dress again and I hope you enjoyed seeing it back on the blog. 🙂

(Photos by: Christa Taylor)

Posted on May 3, 2012 by |

{Day 228}

It has been said that a little black dress can change your life.  Well, at least your fashion life.  Last year though on May 1st I started wearing a LBD and something amazing happened.  Wearing that dress really did change my life.  Children in India changed my life.  Many of you changed my life.  Ultimately God changed my life.  Looking back I can see that even though I was excited I could have in no way dreamed up what unfolded.  It was not what I expected.  In so many ways it was harder yet…better.  One year later and eleven new orphan homes have been opened and 144 smiles of darling children I like to refer to as “my kids” are imprinted on my heart.  I’m not the same person.  Apparently life changes when you have kids…sure I haven’t had any children biologically or even been able to adopt all those children who need love.  But I feel a responsibility for them that once wasn’t as strong as it is now.  It is so easy to say that someone else will do something if I will not.  But will they?  Will children die if I don’t start doing something myself?  That’s how changing the world happens.  When we start by adjusting our own world.  When we expand it to include others.  I need you.  Will you help me?  In celebration of the one year anniversary of the 100 day dress project will you donate either 100 nickels ($5), 100 dimes ($10), 100 quarters ($25), or 100 dollars?  I can absolutely promise you it will be worth it.

Thank you to everyone that has been following since the beginning!  You encouraged me, challenged me, and gave like crazy.  I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of helping these children with you.

Photos by the ever amazing Christa Taylor who has been documenting this journey from day 1!

And more pics coming tomorrow with hopefully a big update! 😀

Posted on May 1, 2012 by |

{It’s coming…!}

I know, I know.  I said that I was excited for today’s post.  I am.  This one isn’t it, but it’s coming soon.  I’m looking forward to it!  So check back a little later. 😀

Posted on May 1, 2012 by |

{Day 227}

I’m REALLY excited for tomorrows post!  Yeah, that’s all I’m going to say about it. 😀

Stay tuned!

And we still have a ways to go to reach the goal so if you feel like you want to put a smile on a child’s face then please donate.  It really does make a difference and 100% of your gift goes to the kiddos. 🙂  I mean…what’s better than changing a life and making a little darling light up?!

Hat: Dorene Vandermeer

Picture by: Karen Davis

Posted on April 30, 2012 by |

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