{Day 235}

My kiddos got to go to camp! 😀  That fact makes this little miss very happy.  Sometimes when I see pictures of my kids it makes me cry because I miss them so very much but these pictures of them playing and learning at camp makes me smile…really BIG.  I hope these snapshots bring a smile to your face.  Smile for at least 30 seconds O.K.?  Just because they’re cute and because it’s good for you.  No really, just try it.  🙂

My birthday is next week and I would like nothing better than to hit the $60K goal.  I know, I know…a bit ambitious but would you try and help me get there?  Donate even 5 bucks (forgo 2 coffee’s?) and get your friends to donate too?  Or whoever. 🙂  Thanks everyone!  So grateful for all you faithful readers.

Picture 2 (Jayasri showing off her lovely bead work…hello I just melted)

4 Responses to {Day 235}

  1. Laurel May 28, 2012 at 6:09 pm #

    Awww! They are sooooooo CUTE! Really adorable. And the second picture. Oh my goodness! Wow.
    I could keep gushing about how cute they are.
    I smiled. I really did.
    I hope you reach your goal. That would be awesome. You are so close, keep going.

    Love n smiles

    • misselaini May 30, 2012 at 12:04 am #

      Gah. I know. They are so adorable!!! Yeah feel free to gush anytime. I do it quite often. 🙂
      Happy that you smile! 😀 I hope I reach the goal too. It helps if everyone just gives a little and then tells their friends.

  2. Grace May 30, 2012 at 7:24 pm #

    Aw, so glad that your babies got to go to camp. That is something they will remember all of their lives. What beautiful faces, beautiful in and of themselves, but even more glorious because their faces show hope, something most of the rest of the world is lacking, especially in India.

    • misselaini May 30, 2012 at 11:21 pm #

      ME TOO! I know. 🙂 Seeing all the pictures just brought me such delight. I’m so thankful that people were willing to donate to make it possible.

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