Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 226}

How can a few tiny words leave a canyon so deep?  How does a simple action bring me to my knees?  I have scars.  Physical ones most certainly (four years of intense sickness does that…) but I’m not thinking about physical ones.  What do we do when we’re left with scars across the heart?  I’ve wrestled with the fresh open wounds but what about those that have pulled together?  There’s a point at which I’ve forgiven or let go but I’m still marked.  These markings don’t have to be a branding of my soul.  Instead of letting the pain define me I can let it shape me.  In fact two pierced hands hold this scar laced heart and in that I am healed.  Jesus’ five heal all of mine.  And in that I find beauty.

Also don’t forget that the 10.for.10 challenge is still on!   If you want to bring some joy to the orphans in India then join in this dare.  Just get 10 friends to donate $10.  It’s really simple.  You just have to ask! :)

I got to model some pieces from my dear friend’s new clothing line!  (She’s the amazing lady that made my dress….yeah THE black dress.) :)   If you live in the Portland area her fashion show is this Sunday!  Click through to the link below to see her FB and get info.

Dress: Moulagerie by Karen Davis

Hat: Dorene Vandermeer

Posted on April 27, 2012 by |

{Day 225}

Pandas and penguins.  I’m wondering if I like these two animals so much because I’m a black and white type of a person.  In other words I can be pretty blunt.  Sometimes this is a good thing but other times it just ends up being a case of foot in mouth syndrome.  Words hold so much weight.  They have the power to build up and tear down.  Yet so often I forget this.  I want to be a gracious person that speaks truth and life into people.  I’m not saying that you never have to say things that are hard.  Difficult conversations will arise but when they do may our words be seasoned with love.  Don’t shy away from what needs to be said but take a moment, or longer if you need it, to really process.  Since I want to be a person that brings light and healing to others I’ve started using this as my prayer before I go meet with someone or talk on the phone: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” Psalm 141:3.  Do I still mess up and say things I shouldn’t?  Absolutely, but when I’m conscious about my words then foot and mouth syndrome lessens greatly.  May all your conversations today be edifying!  Thoughts?  I’d love to hear them in the comments below. 🙂

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Also don’t forget that the 10.for.10 challenge is still on!   If you want to bring some joy to the orphans in India then join in this dare.  Just get 10 friends to donate $10.  It’s really simple.  You just have to ask! 🙂

I got to model some pieces from my dear friend’s new clothing line!  (She’s the amazing lady that made my dress….yeah THE black dress.) 🙂  If you live in the Portland area her fashion show is this Sunday!  Click through to the link below to see her FB and get info.

Dress: Moulagerie by Karen Davis

Hat: Dorene Vandermeer

Posted on April 24, 2012 by |

{Day 224}

Life.  It’s a glorious, amazing, often times messy, exciting, crazy, heartwarming, maddening, joyful, tear inducing, confusing, thrilling adventure.  I’m so grateful that God has it all under control.  I don’t have to worry.  Lately I’ve been having this anxious feeling of just wanting to “get past” this or that.  When I start doing that, no matter how difficult things are or are not, I know that I need to stop and refocus.  Find joy in it all.  Because all I have is right now.  Maybe I won’t get tomorrow so why not just take today in stride?  I’m kinda empty at the moment so I think I’ll just show you some random pictures of the things I have been enjoying. 🙂  How do you find joy in the midst of this busy, crazy life?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments.  I often need to start counting my blessings!

Zoo with mom and four of the little people in my life.  (O.K. some animals are just absolutely bizarre and amazing! 🙂 )

Brightly colored tulips that dazzle my eyes.

Hand made confetti invitations and glitter all over my house.

An incredible friend who makes the most amazing food for our time of feeding on the spiritual food of the Word.

Cake perfection by a lovely friend of mine.

Anyone up for the 10.for.10 challenge?!  Just get 10 friends to donate $10 dollars for the orphans. 🙂  It really is as simple as asking.  I bet that they won’t turn you down. 🙂  Our kids in India need our help.

(all photos taken by me on my phone)

Posted on April 17, 2012 by |

{Day 223}

Mother taught me not to stare but try as I might I couldn’t pull my eyes away.  A head of snow white hair all soft yet like a crowning glory gets me every time.  So regal, delicate, and perfect.  At the age of 90 regal can be hard to come by but not for my great aunt.  I gently stoke her hand of soft skin that looks like aged parchment that tells a story better than any page could.  And while I clasp her hand in mine I’m a bit amazed that the same hand I’m touching is the one that has given handshakes to presidents.  I try to imagine what it must have been like for her to meet president Carter, Eisenhower, Truman, and Kennedy as well as many other distinguished individuals.  My great aunt was a secretary to United States ambassadors for a very long time.  I’m always a bit envious when she says that she lived in nineteen different countries for at least two years at a time.  Not to mention all the other places she had the opportunity to discover.  Her house is an eclectic mix of treasures that she has acquired from all over the globe.  Some are custom handmade tables or gorgeous silk rugs.  But the real treasures are her stories.  Sadly she didn’t keep a record of her adventures and she can’t remember them now or she won’t tell.  It grieves me to think that there are so many people her age whose stories are not being written down or even enjoyed by others in a conversational form.  Do you have wonderful stories from an older person in your life?  If so I’d love to hear about them in the comments!  And if you haven’t taken the time to truly sit with someone older than you and draw out the wealth of fascinating things they have lived through and done then I highly encourage you to do so.  In the end I think you’ll find that you’ve come away being enriched.

P.S. This is something to consider as well…

And in case you didn’t notice I set a new goal…  So yeah.  Do you think we should try to raise it by May 1st?  That was the day I started the dress project last year!!! Or by my birthday?  What do you think?  Hmm…can you all help me out?  I’ve decided to resurrect the 10.for.10 challenge. :) If you want to take the 1o.for.10 challenge then all you have to do is get 10 friends to donate $10.  Yeah it’s that easy.  Trust me and just try it.  I think you’ll be really excited to see what will happen if you take this challenge.

(iphone pics from my trip…)

Posted on April 12, 2012 by |

{Day 222}

It’s a special number day. Post 222. 😀  For those of you that have been reading for a while you know that I have a thing with numbers.  And there’s one of my friends, Elizabeth, who “gets” my weird number obsession because…she has it too.  Have you ever seen Anne of Green Gables?  If not then you’re missing out.  You see Anne and Diana, in the movie, are bosom friends and kindred spirits.  Well Elizabeth (or Lee as I call her) is my kindred spirit.  I’ll never forget the first time I met her…  It was at a cast party for a musical I was in.  She had come as a favor for her brother and as soon as we’d exchanged hellos she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the game that was starting.  Yeah just like Anne did to Diana Berry in the movie.  So if you’ve seen that scene then you can pretty much picture what happened.  Except thankfully I didn’t have a glass of punch in my hand. 😉  And we weren’t wearing frilly dresses!  Ever since we’ve been the closest of friends.  She got married to an incredible guy and moved to Colorado last year and I haven’t gotten to see her very much since then but a few weeks ago I had the gift of getting to go see her and her hubby.  It was way too much fun! We laughed so hard I cried, blasted music with the windows down, tried to soak up lots of sun, talked about life and everything in between, explored Garden of the gods, went thrift store hunting, and enjoyed every second together.  She’s the type of friend that challenges me to be the best version of me just by the way she lives.  I need her.  Friends like her are a once in a lifetime sort of find.  So Lee, thanks for being my kindred spirit.  I’m so grateful that the Lord brought you into my life.  It was one of the most amazing gifts he has ever given me.  I hope you know just how much I love you.  Truly.

And in case you didn’t notice I set a new goal…  So yeah.  Do you think we should try to raise it by May 1st?  That was the day I started the dress project last year!!! Or by my birthday?  What do you think?  Hmm…can you all help me out?  I’ve decided to resurrect the 10.for.10 challenge. 🙂 If you want to take the 1o.for.10 challenge then all you have to do is get 10 friends to donate $10.  Yeah it’s that easy.  Trust me and just try it.  I think you’ll be really excited to see what will happen if you take this challenge.

(iphone pics from my trip…)

Posted on April 10, 2012 by |

{Day 221}

Part one, two, three, four, five, and six.

Cross road signs.  My life was going on a horizontal track until a vertical relationship changed everything.  This life of mine was intersected by Jesus.  It was a cross road decision that marked the giving of my life to Him.  Because the One I live for now came down and lived the life I should have lived and died the death I deserve.  He was stretched out on a cross so that my life could stretch into eternal bliss.  This sign is the one of the greatest love ever displayed.  Tomorrow is Good Friday and then a few days later I will celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  The darkest day in history when my Savior died is followed by the most glorious day of his resurrection.  I’m grateful.  I’m overwhelmed.  Such perfect love for me.  What grace.

UPDATE!!!! $57,314.54 YAY!!! 😀  Kiddos still need our help so if you feel blessed and want to give back then please consider giving even just $10 today.

Posted on April 5, 2012 by |

{Day 220}

Part one, two, three, four, and five.

No U turn signs…  Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the past.  Always looking back and trying to get back to what has gone by.  We reach out to recapture that moment that seemed like pure bliss.  Bottle up that point in time and relive it again and again.  We shouldn’t forget how God has been faithful and we should smile with delight at incredible experiences but at the same time these passing rhythmic breaths counting seconds of now are such a present.  My God is a creator.  Why ask him to turn me around to go back?  Instead why not ask him to create a new experience of beauty, depth, or revelation?  Oh how I want to let Jesus unfurl my soul to new, awe inspired, unending graces before me.  Just thinking about that makes me feel more alive!

“For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other.'” Isaiah 45:18

So I set a new goal! Why? Because my kids in India still need support.  If you feel the nudge to donate then please do so and know that you donation is truly changing lives.  Will you help me?  $5 dollars can get you a cup of coffee or maybe two but if you donate that much you can feed a child for a month! 🙂  It’s something to think about…and act on. 😀

Posted on April 3, 2012 by |

{Day 219}

Since our world has gone all “politically correct” on us I’m not sure if this road sign even has the same name but the handicap sign is one I want to talk about.  Due to having lots of health issues over the years there have been many times that I was unable to do things.  It was discouraging and frustrating all at the same time.  I always took my arms and legs for granted until I couldn’t move them anymore because my skin looked like raw hamburger… And then a very dear friend shared something with me that helped.  An older woman who is a friend of ours had told her that we are God’s “Limited Editions”.  Yes, we may be limited in what we can do but that doesn’t mean that we are any less valuable.  In fact sometimes I’m pretty sure that He’s sweet on me. 😉  If you’re suffering and feel that you are confined and alone please remember that you have great worth.  Your worth isn’t in what you can do.  Your worth has been set by the One who formed galaxies and knows every hair on your head.  And he says that you are valuable!  Feel free to leave comments below and if you’re struggling with health issues please know that you’re not alone. xxx

(iphoto picture from my recent trip to Denver.  In fact I’m in the car with my dear friend who was the one to tell me I was a “Limited Edition”.  🙂 )

Posted on March 29, 2012 by |

{Day 218}

Part one, two, three, and four.

Stop.  Right where you are.  That was what I had to finally tell my self last week.  Don’t just pause while glancing both ways and then proceed.  Come to a complete stop.  It seemed that my soul had been caught up in a spiritual roundabout.  One that I couldn’t quite get out of.  Circling around the circumference of the real issue.  Until I stopped fully.  At that stop sign.  The one for my soul that is in the form of a cross.  I hadn’t been taking enough time to be with Jesus like my soul was wailing for.  I hadn’t taken time to just stop for a good long while and be still before him like I needed.  Instead I was just pausing and rolling right through.  When the cares of this life are coming at me from all different directions why don’t I stop like I need to?  Before I find myself in a wreck of sinful selfishness?  The Word is right there for me when I stop long enough to read…”Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)  And in the stopping I have found rest.  Beautiful, captivating Love that sets me free from the rushing traffic of everyday life.  I see the rich red love of his blood on that cross.  That red sign saying stop.  “Be with me” I hear Jesus whisper softly.  I shouldn’t move on until I have fully stopped and been with him.  Only then is it safe to venture out where I am called to travel.  I don’t want to go a day without stopping.

P.S.  This is my take/try on/at color blocking…similar to when I tried this.

P.P.S.  If I raised the “goal” for fundraising again would you be willing to help me get there?  Not really for me but for the little children that need our help?

Posted on March 27, 2012 by |

{Day 217}

Need a break from the signs series but I’m pretty sure it will return… 🙂

Yesterday I drove home in the rain and as the sky poured droplets of water outside so also it rained inside my car.  My eyes welling up to spilling over.  This swelling of the rain clouds and the swelling of my heart so full it ran all liquid down my cheeks.  And my windshield wipers are pushing down water on my window while my eyelashes are trying to keep up with the deluge of water streaming down my face.  And I can barely see ahead of me and my soul can hardly see either.  Because I want to be there and instead I’m here.  Yet, so clearly and gently I discern that Voice that says I’m not supposed to see it all I just need to see what is right in front of me.  And a change in thinking reveals that I’m not stuck but I’m cupped and held in the hands of the everlasting One.  There is only one me and I’m right where I’m supposed to be.  Living out the story unique to me and not trying to skip ahead or around this gift of the present.  Because when I try to see too far ahead I miss the beauty right in front of me.  The often messy yet beautiful life I have been given…it’s a gift that’s passing far too quickly so why would I want to speed it up?  To be in someone else’s there when I have my own God ordained here?

The misty veiling of water in my eyes clears and my soul vision clears too and I realize I’ve been driving in the slow lane all along and realize that’s exactly where I need to be right now.  Going at a pace where I can soak up truth that the here and now is filled up to overflowing with all I need.  And that the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.  For they certainly have.

My kids in India are still in need of so many things like mattresses which cost $50.  Would you be willing to donate today towards those needs?  Even $10 helps!  Please just leave a comment in the box provided on the donation page if you want it to go for a mattress. 🙂

P.S.  My incredible friend Dorene makes these beautiful works of art (yes that hat is definitely a piece of art!) and sometimes I have the honor of modeling them for her. 🙂

(Photos by: Dorene Vandermeer)

Posted on March 22, 2012 by |

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