{Day 224}

Life.  It’s a glorious, amazing, often times messy, exciting, crazy, heartwarming, maddening, joyful, tear inducing, confusing, thrilling adventure.  I’m so grateful that God has it all under control.  I don’t have to worry.  Lately I’ve been having this anxious feeling of just wanting to “get past” this or that.  When I start doing that, no matter how difficult things are or are not, I know that I need to stop and refocus.  Find joy in it all.  Because all I have is right now.  Maybe I won’t get tomorrow so why not just take today in stride?  I’m kinda empty at the moment so I think I’ll just show you some random pictures of the things I have been enjoying. 🙂  How do you find joy in the midst of this busy, crazy life?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments.  I often need to start counting my blessings!

Zoo with mom and four of the little people in my life.  (O.K. some animals are just absolutely bizarre and amazing! 🙂 )

Brightly colored tulips that dazzle my eyes.

Hand made confetti invitations and glitter all over my house.

An incredible friend who makes the most amazing food for our time of feeding on the spiritual food of the Word.

Cake perfection by a lovely friend of mine.

Anyone up for the 10.for.10 challenge?!  Just get 10 friends to donate $10 dollars for the orphans. 🙂  It really is as simple as asking.  I bet that they won’t turn you down. 🙂  Our kids in India need our help.

(all photos taken by me on my phone)

4 Responses to {Day 224}

  1. E. G. Garfield April 17, 2012 at 8:07 am #

    What a beautiful week God has given us, filled with his good gifts, starting with the celebration of the resurrection and then a glorious day marveling at his creativity and beauty on a perfect day at the zoo. Thanks for posting these.

    • misselaini April 30, 2012 at 11:22 pm #

      It has been so amazing. 🙂 Thanks for doing it all with me!

  2. Amanda April 17, 2012 at 1:27 pm #

    was it your birthday??? and i LOVE the zoo!!! 🙂 also, instragram is the best, is it not???? 🙂


    • misselaini April 30, 2012 at 11:24 pm #

      No, it was for Easter. 🙂 I do too! It is such fun. YES! I really like instagram. 🙂

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