Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 166}

Today is Orphan Sunday.  Please take the 10.for.10 challenge.  See these young ones in this picture?  They are excited about their new toothbrushes.  They have so little but they are more grateful and happy than we can imagine.  Let’s impact their lives.  Will you give even just $10 dollars today? You can’t get much for that here but if you give that amount for these orphans it will feed two of them for a month.  I only ask that you would do for these orphans as you would want others to do for you if you were in their situation. xxx

UPDATE! $37,151 😀 😀 😀  You all are amazing! We finally tipped it over the $37K mark.  O.K. how fast can we race to the 200 mark?

(Photo: courtesy of Warm Blankets. These are children from one of the homes we helped!)

Posted on November 6, 2011 by |

{Day 165}

Knowing that they are praying for me and that they pray for their daily provision helps keep me going.  I’ll be honest…I’m a bit frustrated today.  I read that some $40,000 dollar purses can’t be kept on the shelves because people are buying them like crazy.  I don’t care if it is crocodile, no purse should cost $40,000 dollars! Right?  Right.  Especially when “my” children in India and around the world don’t even have food.  The fact that the vast majority of able bodied people don’t help because they can’t do “that” while it is the weak and poor that often do the most for others is hard for me to swallow.  I have been one of those that neglects what I should do and many times that is still the case, but I want that to change in my life and I pray it will change in your life too.  If we say we love then let’s put that into action.  For those of you that do sacrifice: thank you.  I am humbled by your actions.  You inspire me.

Let’s stop saying what we can’t do and start being creative about what we CAN do…

Have you checked out the 10.for.10 dare?  If not please do so!

(Photo: courtesy of Warm Blankets)

Posted on November 3, 2011 by |

{Day 164}

Guess what?? I don’t know about you but whether or not we want to admit it most of us have dreams, goals, and desires that involve grand things.  Crazy things like saving the world or inventing a cure for cancer.  Yet most of us go about our day and never seek to do anything about those dreams.  We haven’t stopped to break it down and actually figure out a plan.  But if we never stop and actually DO something…then are dreams are just that.  Dreams.  Dead ones.  But you can change that.  Today.  You can be someone’s hero.  But the hero never gets to be a hero without a little bit of sacrifice.  Orphan Sunday is coming up and I have a challenge for you.  Do you dare to take it?  Do you dare to make a change in your life today?  What will you do to help little ones in need? Here’s the 10.for.10 challenge.  Will you pledge to get 10 people to donate 10 dollars to orphans by November 24th, Thanksgiving day?  It just takes someone (hopefully you) to be willing to ask.  (Considering that it is for orphans I bet you won’t get turned down.) 🙂 If you’re up for this challenge then please leave your name in the comments below.  Let’s see if we can be a hero to these little darlings in India.  Let’s start changing the world TODAY.  Shall we?  I hope to see a lot of names in the comments below! 🙂

UPDATE!!! $36,901  Only need 99 dollars to tip it over the $37K mark. 😀

Posted on October 31, 2011 by |

{Day 163}

sanfranweddingSo I have another big test today.  Gulp.  Really need to pass it.  This one is American Literature…and I don’t feel quite prepared.  Of course if you know me I NEVER feel prepared for tests.  Anyways if you are the type that prays and you happen to think to pray about it I would really appreciate it.  While I was thinking about passing this test though another very happy thought came to mind.  We don’t have to get a certain grade to get into heaven!!!  In fact we all get a big fat F if we are going by a grade.  What is so incredible is that it is about grace.  Salvation isn’t based on how good I am but on the sacrifice of Jesus who died that I might live.  His perfect life in exchange for my messy, dirty, sinful one.  Wow.  So while I might not always want to keep learning for a college test I do always want to be learning more and more about Jesus who is the lover of my soul…

P.S. We didn’t bring the camera to the wedding so all we have are these iphone pictures. 😀  The wedding was at the most beautiful vineyard and this was the view.  Also aren’t these table decoration beautiful…and I think the favors are so cute.

Posted on October 26, 2011 by |

{Day 162}


 Part 2 of the San Francisco pictures…you can read part one here.

It’s Monday and the rush, bustle, and all around business of what we need to do is most likely on our minds and causing us to hurry around.  Looking at these pictures though makes me stop and contemplate the beauty of a building with flying buttresses.  Stopping to really look at this I am reminded to reach out and support others just like these arms of strength are supporting this building.  We need one another…  Especially during a busy season or time.

There is so much to see, learn, and enjoy.  I was struck by this fact when we walked along the pier and weaved a path through a myriad of people in the market place.  I know for myself though that it takes a concentrated effort to stop and really see it all.  I was grateful to have my camera in hand to slow me down and cause me to enjoy so many of the gifts around me.  I thought you might like to see just a few of them… Anyways I hope you stop and see and are blessed today.

Posted on October 24, 2011 by |

{Day 161}












We had less than 24 hours in San Francisco and I didn’t get to roam around much but I did snap a few pictures and I hope you enjoy them.  I am by no means a photographer (in my dreams my pictures turn out perfect… 😉 )  and most of the time I was snapping pictures in a moving car but after all it is just a peek into my world.

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge made me ecstatic.  My glee resembled that of a three year old on the verge of a sugar coma.  What can I say…it’s the little things that make me happy.

God granted us the most amazing weather.  It really was perfect.  This sunset was INCREDIBLE.  It took my breath away.  I wish you could have seen the mixing of the colors from buttery soft caramel and vanilla to swirled purples as well as the intensity of scarlet, tangerine, and fuschia turning all liquid flame in front of us… God really is the most amazing painter.

I loved how all the houses have such unique flare… 🙂

I think I’ll have to divide the pictures into more posts than I thought…

I smile. 🙂 UPDATE:  $36,831 😀  Just want to say that we have helped to open ELEVEN new orphan homes which means a whole new life for 110 orphans.  WOW. So grateful.  If you haven’t had a chance to join in the blessing please consider giving today.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

Posted on October 21, 2011 by |

{Day 160}

Well the verdict is in and our trip to California was: wonderful!  It was so lovely being with my parents and experiencing a new place for the first time.  I will be sharing pictures from my trip over the next few posts but here is me in San Fransisco on the dock near the farmers market… 🙂

The Lord gave me so many little and big gifts during our trip so I wrote them down and would like to give you a little glimpse into all the blessings I experienced.

~Pastures dotted with spotted cows.
~Hills in the distance that were different shades of blue and indigo.
~Trees draped and dressed in gauzy fog.
~Waking up to the murmur of shared prayers from parents while in the car.
~Entering California for the first time!
~Seeing Mount Shasta gloriously rising into a clear blue sky.
~At a lookout point above the city: Looking down was like seeing glittering jewels on a piece of black silk.  Alive and shining.  (This picture doesn’t even come close to the beauty of it)
~Church bells somewhere in the city chiming and tolling out the time.

I’ll save the rest for next time. 🙂

Check.this.out.  UPDATE:  $36,781 😀  Soooo only need 19 dollars to push it to the 800 mark. 😀  Will you be the one to make that happen?

Posted on October 19, 2011 by |

{Day 159}

So I have lived in Oregon since I was 2.  And California is our next door neighbor so to speak.  But in all the years I have lived in Oregon never once have I been to California.  Things are about to change folks.  Because today we are driving down to San Francisco!!! Helloooo ROAD TRIP!!! Even though it is going to be a super fast trip I am really excited and what makes it even better is that I am going to be going to my cousin’s wedding and he is marrying the sweetest lady.  AND I’M SO EXCITED!!! No biggie or anything I’m just CROSSING OFF ONE OF MY THINGS ON MY “DREAM” LIST.  Totally have my trail mix ready.  😉

Yippee I aye!!! UPDATE:  $36,689.56  Only need to get 11 dollars to push it to 700.  Will you be the one to feed 2 orphans for a month???

(This leaf broach was from my Yia yia. 🙂 )

Posted on October 14, 2011 by |

{Day 158}

This was filmed by Terje Sorgjerd over the course of 8 days in El Teide where Spain’s highest mountain rises up.  Do yourself a favor and head over here to read what he has to say about it.  It is amazing.

You see this caught my attention because in the pitch black of night I love to throw my head back and look up at the stars and the beauty above.  You know where it looks like a scarf you could imagine from a fairy tale of Arabian nights?  All lush fabric glittering with jewels.  Looking at the stars and the beauty of the heavens leaves me in wonder and amazement.  It gets me so excited I want to jump up and down and never shut up about how incredible  it is.  It makes my soul want to do back flips… More than that though it leaves me awed.  At the beauty and majesty of it all.  (If I really get started this post will go on and on so I shall refrain)  Yet it goes far deeper than that for me because it reminds me of the One who I love.  The God I serve that spoke it all into being.  Literally countless number of stars that are part of countless galaxies.  Mind blown.  And then there is me.  A tiny speck on a little planet but the God of this universe loves me.  HE loves me.  He LOVES me.  He loves ME!  And that right there makes me feel what the most incredible of words cannot describe.  It makes me want to worship.  It makes me unbelievably grateful that I am his.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2)

Posted on October 11, 2011 by |

{Day 157}

Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in real quick.  I am going to try to get in to the testing center today to take a really big exam…if not today then Wednesday.  Gulp.  I really dislike tests.  Even though the worst that can happen is that I don’t pass I still get so nervous.  Stop psyching out nerves!!! By the end of the test my shoulders are like new earrings.  And frankly that’s just not fashionable. 😉  Seriously I think taking a test for me is good practice for if I ever need to hold my breath for something.  Just sayin.  Breath!!! Lol!

So I wore this outfit on Saturday when my mom and I were out and about and I got so many compliments on this skirt.  What I love is that it was my 91 year old Yia yia’s. 🙂  Yeah she was classy.  At one point during the day I had just gotten in the car and this gal tapped on the window so I opened my door not sure of what was coming next and then she said, “I love your whole outfit!”  It was really sweet of a complete stranger to stop and say that and it totally made me smile.  Go ahead and compliment a stranger today.  It’s fun and you will probably make their day.  What’s not to like about that?!  What’s something that a stranger has done to make you smile?

Also thank you to everyone that has written comments or emails.  I’m sorry if I haven’t gotten back with you and I will try to do it asap.

Posted on October 10, 2011 by |

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