{ DAY 404 }

IMG_6638IMG_6670IMG_7016 IMG_7308When I saw this car I knew that I had to take pictures with it even though I didn’t pack anything fabulous to compliment the setting.  It was one of those treasures that you just don’t want to pass up.  My dear friend Paige graciously did some asking for me and we were kindly given permission to use this classy car for some fun pictures.  Maybe there is a little part of my heart that has a fondness for a sweet ride… 😉  I wish I could get in that little blue car and drive off an adventure.  Do you ever get wanderlust?  It seems to be a constant longing in my heart.  This desire to just…go.  Windows down and music playing or just silence and beautifully rugged terrain to take my breath away.  Yet maybe it’s the very longing of my heart to go that needs to be reminded to just…be.  Last week I had the house to myself and I scheduled in lot’s of time to do nothing.  There were no plans at all and I just cozied up for a good staycation.  And then I did something I haven’t done in a long time.  No, not a crazy party but I did decide to turn off my phone and ignore emails and Facebook.  I wanted to just be.  I wanted a whole day with just Jesus.  Maybe that sounds crazy to you but he’s my best friend.  Yet often I don’t treat him like a best friend.  I don’t take the time to just enjoy being with him.  I’ve been missing out.  Friday though was a soul refreshing day.  So much so that I’m tempted to start taking one day a week to “unplug”.  Do you ever get caught up in the crazy running around of life?  Does life ever take you on a merry go round ride that’s not so merry?  How do you slow down?  I’d love to hear how you all manage life ’cause I sure don’t have it all figured out!

On another note would you join me in something?  My sister Paige and her husband Sean had a sweet little baby named Jaya (pictured above) this year and she’s only six months old.  Sadly our little love bug needs heart surgery on the 15th of this month.  If you’re the praying type will you please pray for her and her parents?  It would mean so much to me if you would.  I love these three SO much and they are an incredible family who constantly gives out to others.  We all trust that Jesus will be near to them and give a safe surgery and recovery!

If you haven’t seen this would you please consider watching it?  It really only is a minute!

6 Responses to { DAY 404 }

  1. Rachel Coker October 8, 2013 at 6:25 am #

    Well, you look gorgeous, babe, even in your “everyday dress”. 😉 Praying for your friends and their little baby! And what a great idea about spending a day with Jesus… I need to do that sometime too. 🙂

  2. misselaini October 8, 2013 at 11:47 am #

    Haha thanks! It is one of my favorite dresses…too bad I can’t just wear it for every outfit post. 😉
    I’m so grateful you’re praying for my dear friends. Thank you!

    Oh I hope you are able to take a day to do that it. It really was wonderful. xxx

  3. Victoria / Justice Pirate October 8, 2013 at 2:26 pm #

    I pray that your niece’s surgery will be very successful and that she does well afterwards as well and that her parents and your family will all have their minds at ease!!! She is adorable. Much cuter than the car. 😉

    • misselaini October 14, 2013 at 9:46 pm #

      Thank you SO much! Her surgery is tomorrow… Yes, she is completely adorable and incredibly sweet. Definitely cuter than the car! 🙂

  4. Lina October 15, 2013 at 7:00 am #

    Jaya is so, so adorable and looks so sweet! Sending prayers from Uganda!

    • misselaini October 15, 2013 at 7:40 am #

      Yes she is! Lina thank you so much. And I LOVE that you’re commenting from Uganda. 🙂

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