{ DAY 382 }

e&g 11 e&g 9 e&g 6 e&g 2 e&g 8 e&g 4 e&g 1 e&g 7Well would ya look at that!  It’s me and my dear friend Rachel.  IN THE SAME PICTURE!  Yes, she’s visiting me right now and I couldn’t be happier.  We are having quite a fun time (understatement) and when we get together photo shoots are a must.  Remember this one?  So we mixed and matched our clothing last night and ran to my favorite park to catch the setting sun and snap some pictures for memory sake.  Laughter ensued and the light was golden and it was perfect…except for when we forgot the part for the tripod and had to awkwardly ask someone to take pictures for us. 😉  Yet I’m so thankful for these moments captured.  Dear friends that encourage and support you, laugh and are silly, make ice cream runs to the store twice in the same weekend but also pray for you and listen are rare and such a gift.  Rachel, thank you for being that friend to me.  I’m very much looking forward to the adventures we are going to have in the next two weeks.  I love you beautiful lady!

(You can see Rachel’s post here!)

4 Responses to { DAY 382 }

  1. Moriah Ortega July 17, 2013 at 12:57 pm #

    Friends are so fantastic. 🙂 A real gift from God.

    • misselaini July 31, 2013 at 9:52 pm #

      Indeed they are! 🙂

  2. Victoria / Justice Pirate July 19, 2013 at 8:41 am #

    How wonderful! You both look beautiful and can tell you enjoy being together!

    • misselaini July 31, 2013 at 9:52 pm #

      Thank you! And yes, we do enjoy each others company. 🙂

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