{ One and the same (DAY 465) }

IMG_8341First thing I noticed in this picture were those smiles.  A close second were those juicy mangoes…mmmm.  Two of my favorite things, my kiddos and mangoes, in one picture.  And right through the picture it was as if they passed their smiles along to me for I found a giant one on my face.  As I studied the picture more soaking it all in I noticed their nail polish.  Shiny cherry red, mermaid blue, and chipping pink and purple decorated their nails.  Sometimes “my” kiddos can seem so very far away.  The 7,814 miles that separate our shores seem more like the distance from earth to the moon.  Yet nail polish makes me feel like I could reach out and touch them.  They are real.  They laugh and cry, they play and sing, they learn and grow, and they care about their nails.  We do the same.

They are our sisters, our daughters, our future mothers, our aunties, our friends.  They aren’t just some people they are someone.  An individual who has hopes and dreams and fears just like you do, like I do.  And if we don’t care we should.  Let’s care about them in the way we would our own friends and family.

Would you please consider giving today?  Even just $5 makes a difference!  My birthday is coming up and I am going to share it with my kiddos by asking people to donate.  Are any of you June birthday people interested in sharing your birthday too? I’m pretty sure it will make you smile and that….well that is contagious in the best sort of way because joy is a beautiful gift.

UPDATE!!! $88,361.19 😀

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