{ Life lately (DAY 466) }

photo 1(4) photo 2(3)What.a.week.  In the past few days I’ve felt like I lived an entire month.  Actually some of the days I lived this last week were years in the making.  They were sacred moments that took my breath away or left me bawling.  They were beautiful, deep, joyful, raw, and real.  Time stopped a couple of times.  Several things switched in my heart and I’m still trying to process.  They were healing things and dream encouraging things.  Since I’m still just basking in it all (and stunned) I think I will just share with you my last two Instagram posts/pictures.

Some background here:  I’ve been going to this house since I was four.  This family was like my own family and Sono was the only real mentor I’ve had other than my sweet mother.  A few years ago Sono passed away and I really have only been to this house twice since then.  This past Sunday my friend came back and there was an open house for friends since they are selling the place.  This is what happened. 

I cried the whole way home. This house. The Harris house. Saying goodbye to it felt like saying goodbye to my childhood all over again. The noisy Thanksgiving dinners here. The ballet classes with Sono telling me to pretend I was wearing a crown and a gorgeous necklace. As kiddos not wanting to go down and use the bathroom lest the parents remember we existed and thus insist we leave. The swing set where we played and talked. The woods. Huge bowls of popcorn and the largest medjool dates you’ve ever seen with people all talking at once. The tree house now tucked away and overgrown and you can only find it if you know where to look. Sundays on the deck playing games. That pond. Where there didn’t used to be a tree in the middle of the “island” but where now a sturdy trunk with hanging boughs stands watch. The lane. The friendship. These memories. Saying goodbye.

The second part of this week came with a lovely friend who I have never met in person.  (I’ll be sharing more about this soon but it needs its own blog post…or two!) 

This week has held many sacred moments. Moments where the world seems to flow around you and you’re rooted in the glory of the script. Hushed moments that stun you and leave a smile stretched across your heart. Moments that only God could orchestrate. Where the past makes the present richer.  Where prayers are answered in unexpected ways.  These moments require you to put away distractions (my phone/fb/Instagram) and just be. One of those moments this week was with my lovely friend Bronwen. I’ve wanted to meet her for two plus years after reading her incredible sorry.  The catch was that she lives in Australia. But this week she came to see me. Me! In Portland! This week! Slightly less than 48 hours but incredible dream stirring, faith building ones. A slice of heaven on earth. I’m incredibly grateful that this beautiful woman came to spend time with me. Bronwen thank you. You’re a treasure.

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