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When someone gets exactly what you want

When others get exactly what you want | Misselainious blogYou know that moment when you open up social media and there in front of you is someone with a post showing you exactly what you want but don’t have and they do?  I know I’m not the only one that’s had this happen!

Recently this happened to me in such a specific way that it pierced my heart.  A sweet girl had accomplished a dream that was so crazy similar to mine that it was hypothetically spelled out the same way.  I’d worked toward that specific dream a few years ago only to have door after door shut in my face.  It wasn’t the right time.  It wasn’t the right season.  But seeing her accomplish what I had longed for and had fought for was painful in that moment.  To top it off the opportunity had been dropped in her lap.  It’s hard for me to admit this to you.  Yet the reality is I was resentful.  I wasn’t upset with her but I was upset that I didn’t have it too.  It’s not that I didn’t want her to have it but I wanted both of us to.

People will get what you want and you wont.  That’s the simple fact.  But what do we do when someone gets exactly what you want?  How do you deal with that?  I’m not here to say I have all the answers on this one but I do hope to encourage your heart.

What happens to be the best story for one person isn’t always the best story for another.  As a Christian woman I ultimately believe that God is in control yet so often my life shows otherwise.  Typically I like my life as long as it’s going according to my plan.  God graciously reminds me again and again that his plan while different is always best.  He doesn’t just do things for my good but my best! That’s really amazing if you think about it.  If you trust Jesus with your life then you can rest assured that the God that knows every single outcome is picking the best one for you.  Let me clarify, this doesn’t mean that it will feel best.  As my mom says, “Lord can you please give me a blessing and not one in disguise?”  The reality is that sometimes blessings do come in painful ways.

So what do we do with these painful circumstances and denied desires?  We are longing.  Every one of  us is longing for something and even if we do get it then it will be replaced by a new longing…unless we are satisfied.  Those longings can remind us that we are ultimately longing for heaven and Jesus.  He allows denied desires to point us to him.  Because he’s the only thing that can satisfy.  He’s the infinite good we’re looking for.  He’s the ultimate purpose we crave.  He’s the beauty our hearts seek.  He’s the worth we are trying to find.  Let those denied desires draw you close to the heart of God.  Let those longings turn your gaze to the One who can actually satisfy them.

The story isn’t over.  This isn’t the ending.  Sometimes God allows us to eventually get the desires we see others getting and sometimes he doesn’t.   Either way we can calm our hearts knowing that he loves us enough to do what’s for our best.

Posted on April 18, 2016 by |


Invisible | Misselainious blogThis week on my walk I had an experience that I just can’t stop thinking about.  It stopped me in my tracks and honestly let me feeling a touch of sadness.  “I’m invisible.”  Those were the words he spoke.

It started with my mom and I doing our normal walk route.  Part way through we saw a small group of four people chatting and admiring the most gorgeous huge white haired dog.  We smiled and kept going but a few blocks later we met the same man and his dog.  It was hot out and we were in a hurry to get home but due to the way we crossed paths the dog stopped us and we politely petted him.  We made small talk about the dog and my mom asked the dog’s name.  We’d made eye contact with the owner and exchanged pleasantries.

Somewhere in our conversation he said that short phrase that broke my heart, “I’m invisible to most people.”  I asked him his name and his jaw fell open.  “Not once has anyone asked my name when I’m out,” he responded.  And then I’m pretty sure my jaw fell open.  When I reached out to shake his hand the look of complete shock was something I hope I never forget.  This man thought he was invisible to people.  And that’s not okay.

It reminded me of another time last year when I was standing in line at an event and while I was waiting I asked the man who was helping orchestrate things how his day was going.  He just looked at me surprised and said I was the first person (at the end of a line of 200 people!) that had asked him anything about himself that day.  That’s not okay.

How many times in my hurry and rush do I forget about people?  How many times do I not stop to see those who are right in front of me.  Because honestly it only takes a few seconds but it matters.  People shouldn’t be invisible.

I can’t remember where but I do recall reading an article that talked about how sales people are often just asked questions about things all day and rarely does anyone even say hi first.  They just dive in with their questions of “what aisle can I find this?” or “can you help me with…”  I know I’ve done it.  Ever since then I’ve tried to remember to say hello first and even ask how their day is going.  One time I forgot and just started in with all my questions to the check out lady and then remembered mid sentence and stopped and said, “You know I didn’t even say hi, hello!”  And she thanked me because she said most people don’t.  See the theme here?  People because invisible to us so quickly.

Maybe you feel invisible today.  Maybe you feel like everyone else’s life is going beautifully and you’re just over there feeling unseen and plodding along.  I want to tell you today that you are seen and known and NOT invisible.  The God of the universe knows your name and he cares.  You’re not forgotten.  Your life matters.  So today this is my little love note to whoever needs it to say I’m so glad you exist.

And for all of us I hope that whomever we come in contact with will know that we truly see them.

Do you feel invisible?  If so please leave a comment below so I can give you a virtual hug!

Posted on April 13, 2016 by |

What’s growing in your mind?

What's growing in your mind? | Misselainious blogI walked outside yesterday to glorious sunshine and the world smiling in flowers.  The tulips had their best lipstick on in shades of purple, yellow, and flaming red.  And then there were the weeds.  So.Many.Weeds.  Here’s the funny thing.  We didn’t plant them.  But we do let them grow.  We also didn’t plant the beautiful tulips either but they came with the house and were a surprise the first year we lived here.

It made me stop and consider.  What’s growing in our thought gardens?  Thoughts pop into our heads all day long.  We either water them or pull them out.  There isn’t much neutral ground.  (Yet the ground does matter.  If we fertilize the ground things will grow better but either way if there is water and some sun things will grow.)

What will you allow to grow today in your mind?  Will you let the weeds take root?  Will you water the negative, ugly, anger, frustration, disgust, and other miserable thoughts?  Weeds grow easily.  It takes work to keep them out of any garden and our minds are no different.  We can dwell on them or we can tell them to leave.  But dirt isn’t too pretty either.  So if you’re going to take something out and something is guaranteed to grow there why not plant beautiful things?

There’s so many things these days that say to think positively and it will change your life.  While I’m not into the whole “just be happy deal and think that it will fix everything” I do believe that what we choose to listen to, dwell on, and tell ourselves matters.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8

We don’t always get to pick what enters our minds but we do get to choose if it will stay.  Here’s the thing though, pulling weeds isn’t fun or easy.  You can’t just pull off the heads of the flowers you have to get the root.  Getting the weeds when they are small or first pop up is easiest but the longer you let them sit the harder they are to pull and then they multiply.

Here’s some really beautiful news though.  Remember those tulips I mentioned, the ones we didn’t plant?  Well someone else took the time to plant them.  Now today my family and others who walk by get the enjoyment of them.  The same goes for the encouraging and beautiful words we say to others (and ourselves).

We can plant beautiful things.  We can leave them for others to benefit from.  Your words may even lie dormant for some time just like our tulips do each winter.  Yet, every spring we are surprised again by them.  Maybe your encouragement to someone won’t help today (although I’m sure it won’t hurt!) but it may spring up in their minds some day down the road right when they are walking down a place that’s not too pretty and needs some beauty.  Isn’t that amazing.  You can plant little seeds of grace, love, and beauty wherever you go.  I hope you do!

There’s an important word in that verse, the word practice.  Practice means you do it over and over and over.  Practice is the repetition of an action.  What will you practice today?  Will you practice encouragement or doubt?  Will you practice joy or frustration?  Will you practice grace or condemnation?  What will you allow to grow in your thought garden?  Are there some weeds you need to pull up by the roots?  Are there some spring flowers you need to water?  Friend, I hope your garden is filled with the most beautiful and lovingly cared for thoughts today.

Please “sow and plant” some encouraging thoughts for others to read in the comments below and then text a friend what you shared with us!

Posted on April 4, 2016 by |

What you need today

What you need today | Misselainious blogDo you ever just feel frustrated with your day?  A few weeks ago I was standing in the kitchen talking to my mom about how I was feeling that way.  I didn’t have any ideas for posts for the following week and I was a bit stressed about it.  Right there she stopped and asked me if I had what I needed for the current week.  I did. “Well then you have manna for today.”

So here’s the thing.  Manna is a weird food that the people of Israel used to gather daily as their sustenance.  Every day they would gather what they needed.  If they gathered too much it would rot.  Key word in this example is daily.  They couldn’t gather for two weeks and sit back and be done. They couldn’t even gather for two days except on the sixth day so they could have a rest day.  No, this offer was only good for 24 hours before it had to be renewed.  What do you need today?

So here’s some easy tips for you.

Are you feeling frustrated with all you need to do next week, tomorrow, in a month? What you need today is to focus on the tasks at hand.  This will make all the difference.  This doesn’t mean you don’t hustle and get things done.  It does mean you can stop stressing about it.  Today you just need to put one foot in front of the other.

Write out a list of everything you need to do.  I know everything probably feels like a priority but order them in such a way that highest priority is at the top.  What’s at the beginning of the list needs to get done first.  Do that item.  Take a break.  Do the next thing on the list.  Work your way down.  Don’t put things that can be done another day on the list!

This leads me to my second tip.  Work in 25-30 minute intervals with a 5 minute break.  At first I thought this was a super bad idea since I feel like it’s usually at about 30 minutes in that I finally get ideas flowing and progress made.  Yet since my progress was seriously lacking of late I decided that maybe I was just getting too brain dead staring at my computer hours at a time thinking I would actually get more done. (I wasn’t.)  When I stick to the 30 minute method I get WAY more done.  I think knowing you only have a short amount of time forces you to move past the distractions and zero in.  It’s also a great motivation knowing that once you’ve put in those 25-30 minutes you can be rewarded with a little break.  I know a few other people that do this and they’ve said it works for them as well.

During your breaks grab a snack, drink some water, have a mini dance party, or go the bathroom.  Maybe check social media…but make sure you set your timer!  The bottom line is to be intentional.

You can’t do everything today.  That is okay.  Start with what you have, where you are, and let today be your focus.  Worrying about future days only robs from today.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

What do you need to do today?  Let me know what’s the highest priority for you today in the comments below.

Posted on March 30, 2016 by |

What truly matters?

What truly matters? | Misselainious blogHave you ever wondered what things in life truly matter?  What are the ones that “count”?  Do you find it’s easy to loose sight of why we are here?  Do you wonder why we are here in the first place?

I’m pretty sure it’d be hard to find a person who didn’t want to be loved and usually to love in return.  I don’t think that’s a coincidence.  Do you believe you are made for love?

Here’s the thing though.  While we live in a beautiful world we still see that it is broken.  Earthquakes, floods, disease, corruption are a fact of life.  We know that peace and love and joy are ultimate, but reality shows we still struggle to make this happen.  Where did this brokenness come from?  It comes from inside of each of us.  I know it’s pretty easy to think we are mostly good people.  But if it is our good works that will make us “win” who will receive the victors crown?  I mean sure, you probably haven’t murdered someone but you’re also not a Mother Teresa so where’s the line?  Does it matter?

Perfection is the line.  Yep, wow that’s not good news is it.  No one is perfect.  Yet, there was ONE person who was, Jesus.  And that one person who deserved all the praise because he was not just fully human but fully God knew we could never measure up.  Since he’s perfect he also values justice and so what a mess we are left with.  Thankfully Jesus entered our mess.  He came and died in our place to satisfy the justice of God.  That my friend, is good news.

What truly matters?  What matters is that we are loved by the God of the universe.  Let that sink in for a moment.  That same God died for you.  He didn’t stay dead though because the grave could not hold him.  Love won out and he arose!  Now the barrier of sin is removed because of Christ’s sacrifice.  Justice has been paid and we get the rewards.  This will either send a thrill of joy through your heart or a shiver of disdain down your spine but you can’t be neutral to that reality.

What really matters is that we can have a relationship with Jesus, the God who created soft pink blossoms and who also knows every atom of every star in the heavens.  Do you want that?  All it takes is putting your hope in what He has done for you.  Have you ever stood somewhere in creation and been awed?  For me one of those moments was at the Grand Canyon.  People literally drive out into the middle of nowhere to see something that will make them catch their breath.  We want to see beauty.  We want to be awed.  I’ll even go so far as to say that we want to feel small in the presence of grander.  hat’s why we marvel at a sunset flaming with color.  That’s why we look at the stars in wonder.

All those feelings are supposed to point us to something greater.  All those feelings of desiring love are reminders that we were created for something more.  We’re here to know and love and worship a God who is entirely good and perfect and lovely.

Since this broken world shows so many stunning moments of glory that take our breath away just think what being with the One who created it all will be like?!  We all worship something.  We crave things, people, situations.  Will you worship those things, people, or situations that are broken pieces or will you worship and love the One who will never let you go?  Will you worship the One who let his heart be broken so that he could mend yours?

I believe that’s why we’re here, to glorify God and to ENJOY him forever as the shorter catechism states.  You do have a purpose.  It’s to enjoy true beauty and love Himself for forever.

Want to talk about this?  Feel free to leave a comment below or if you have questions and want to email me you can at misselaini {@} (remove brackets and spaces)  I don’t have all the answers but I’d love to chat with you about Jesus if you’ve never heard of him or wonder what his story means for you. 🙂

Posted on March 23, 2016 by |

When things don’t make sense

When things don't make sense | Misselainious blogHave things ever just not made sense to you? Maybe your life today isn’t where you dreamed it would be five years ago. Maybe the career, the education, the spouse, the children, the travel or the success you’d imagined hasn’t gone according to plan. In fact maybe you’ve even started to believe that because things are so opposite of what you’d envisioned that you feel you’re going backwards. Confusion may have you stuck in a rut wondering how things got the way they were.

If you’re in a season of things not making sense then you’re not alone.

This week is a poignant one for me. It’s Holy week. The week that we pause a little bit more and reflect on the man Jesus. As a woman who deeply loves Jesus this week is essential for my faith. It’s a week though that had you had lived it, it wouldn’t have made any sense. I wonder what this week really felt like to the disciples.

The disciples had their whole world turned upside down in a short matter of time and it was pretty traumatic. Here are the disciples following their Lord at the beginning of the week to shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt. 21:9) Just a few short days later though and they are watching as their leader is arrested and tried. The one they thought was their triumphant king was marred beyond recognition and killed before their eyes.

Let’s pause and consider here. These disciples believed that this was the person whom their entire culture had been pointing to for thousands of years. They had left everything to follow this man. They’d seen things that people had never seen before. They’d seen blind people given sight and lame men walk. They’d seen someone who broke through cultural restraints and fed the multitudes. They’d had a front seat to seeing the glory. Now the very one who had led them was buried. Suddenly everything didn’t make sense. In a twinkling they went from being the disciples of a praised man to men fearful for their very lives.

Sometimes this is the view we have of our lives. You know the feeling where everything is dark and unclear? That’s the in the grave view. Here’s the good news though. That isn’t the end of the story. In fact it was a very short part of the story (albeit a traumatic part). Three days later everything started to make a whole lot more sense. Jesus really was who he said he was. And the disciples realized something even more important. This man they were serving really was a king. He was the king of the whole world and he’d come to make all the bad things untrue.

Your story isn’t over either. Right now you may feel buried. You may feel like everything is dark. You may feel like hiding like the disciples. Things may not make any sense at all. My friend it’s not the end of the story. God is in control and he’s aware of what’s going on. He hasn’t left us and he never will. So in the midst of the confusion remember that God isn’t surprised by what’s going on. He knows and he cares. He cares so much he was willing to die. He’s not going to leave you in the dark. He’s come to bring light and life.

How does knowing this make a difference in your life?  Please feel free to share in the comments below! Have a great Monday friends. 🙂

Posted on March 21, 2016 by |

A divine gift

Forgiveness- A divine gift | Misselainious blogToday I have my amazing mom guest blogging for me!  A) Because this is a hard topic and B) she’s really wise! Thanks mom, I have a huge amount of respect and love for you.  

Have you ever been wronged or hurt deeply by people who should have your confidence and respect?  Have you ever played and replayed a hurtful scenario in your mind and wish you could forget but you can’t seem to?

When this happens you know in your heart that you should forgive, but instead you want to hurt back, you want to get even, you want revenge.  You even believe your feelings are justified.  They were clearly in the wrong.

Recently, I found myself in this predicament.  I rehearsed the verses I knew about forgiveness, especially those from Matthew 18: 23-35

“Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants.  When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.  And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made.  So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’  And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt.  But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’  So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt.  When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place.  Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me.  And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’  And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt.  So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

This parable, which usually moves me to repentance, was having no affect on me.  I prayed to the Lord admitting that the battle in my heart was fierce.  I said, “I do not want to forgive!  I want to hurt those who have hurt me in the same way I have been wounded.  I really need your help Lord, I need a divine intervention.”

It was just a short time later that I picked up an old book, The Words of Jesus From the Cross, by Spurgeon, and read these words: “It is remarkable that our Lord’s prayer to his Father was not for himself.  The first of His seven great cries on the cross has scarcely even an indirect reference to Himself; it is ‘Father forgive them.’  This petition is altogether for others, and although there is an allusion to the cruelties which they were exercising upon himself, yet it is remote; and you will observe, he does not say, ‘I forgive them’—that is taken for granted—he seems to lose sight of the fact that they were doing any wrong to himself, it is the wrong which they were doing to the Father that was on his mind, the insult which they are paying to the Father, in the person of the Son; he thinks not of himself at all.  The cry, ‘Father, forgive them,’ is altogether unselfish.  He himself is, in the prayer, as though he were not; so complete is his self—annihilation, that he loses sight of himself and his woes.”

This was the arrow that pierced my heart.  In all my fuming I had lost sight of whose glory matters.  I had forgotten the first statement of the Westminster Catechism: “What is the chief end of man?  Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”  The passion for my glory instead of God’s had clouded my vision.

When I thought about forgiving offenses done to me, I was unable to forgive, but when I realized it was the wrong, which they were doing to the Father that was most grave, the insult that they were paying to the Father, then I could ask Him to forgive them, and for grace for me to forgive for His glory.  The ability to forgive took divine intervention. It was God’s great grace to help me identify in a small way with my Savior Jesus Christ on the cross, and also stamp a little more of his image on my soul.  It is also a testimony to a skeptical world that God alone has the divine power and character to forgive and to grant it to His children who ask Him for it.

Have you ever experienced a time when forgiveness seemed impossible?  How did you deal with it?  Feel free to share with us in the comments below!

Posted on March 14, 2016 by |

Moments of kindness

Moments of kindness | Misselainious blogThe most beautiful thing just happened to me.  It was one of those moments of kindness that still has me smiling.  I was on my walk and having a conversation with Jesus and one of my neighbors saw me and came over.  She offered to let me pick a little bouquet of daffodils that fill the corner of her yard.

Now you have to know that I love, love, love daffodils.  They are like happy little dew drops of straight sunshine and they make me smile.  I’ve been wanting daffodils for a few weeks now since they started popping up.  I had just been thanking the Lord for the day and thinking how I really wanted him to just show me something special.  Lo and behold it wasn’t even a moment later when my neighbor was so kind to offer me one of my very favorite flowers.  The thing is though that she didn’t know they were my favorite.  In fact she doesn’t really even know me.

It was like the Lord just winked at me and wanted me to know that he was giving me a bouquet.  He romances me like that and it’s really the most astonishing thing.  It awes me.  I don’t need flowers.  Yet he knows how much my heart delights in them.  So just because he could he made sure I got some.  Here’s the thing, the God of the universe who is making sure the sun stays in place also takes the time to see a girl taking a walk and sends some of her favorite flowers her way! That’s amazing!  He used a neighbor just being spontaneously kind.  It was just a moment but it made my day.

I wonder how the world would change if we took more opportunities to be a moment of kindness to someone else?  Not to make us feel good about ourselves but to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Sure random acts of kinds are awesome but what if we were more intentional about doing little things to show people we care.  In the long run I think it’s the little things that can make the most impact.  It’s taking the time to notice someone and say, “I see you.”

All around you there are people needing to know they aren’t forgotten.  Showing someone kindness can change their day maybe even their life.  There have been certain moments of kindness shown to me that I will literally never forget because they made such a huge impact on me.  Yet I bet that if you were to ask those amazing people about it they wouldn’t even really recall it with much clarity.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”Mother Teresa

I hope today you choose to give a moment of kindness to someone.  I hope it’s for a bigger purpose than just feeling good about doing it (although that certainly is a perk!).

Friends let’s love well.

Will you spread some joy with us today by sharing of a time when someone did something “small” for you that made your day?  I’d love to hear your stories about moments of kindness so please leave a comment below. 🙂

Posted on March 9, 2016 by |

Leap Day 2016

Leap Day 2016 | Misselainious blog

Today is leap day. The day that magically appears as February 29th every four years. It’s an extra day in our year. 366 days instead of the usual 365. There’s something physiologically weird about having an extra day. Yet isn’t that what most of us are clamoring for, more hours in our days? Don’t we all wish we just had a little more time?

Here’s the thing. We all get an equal amount of hours in our days. We all get the same 60 minutes to each hour. Some people use this time well and take advantage of it. Some do not. Leap day is still just a day.

I was recently talking with a young woman when a poignant question came up. “If someone were to look at the way you spend your time what would he or she say are the most important priorities in your life?” (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) That’s a very thought provoking question and one I think I often don’t want to consider. Yet I think it’s very crucial that we do. If we don’t take time to examine what we are doing the days will just roll into weeks and the years will pass by faster than we can imagine.

So much of our culture seems to say, “Put off responsibility and play! You’re entitled to it!” Hold up. We aren’t entitled to anything. I think the people that use their time wisely know how to work hard and rest well. They know how to filter out what is most important from the fluff. They have goals instead of dreams. You can wish all day for this or that but until you’re willing to put in the effort it’s really unlikely it’s going to drop in your lap.

There’s a scene from one of my favorite films (and books) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien where Gandalf (the leader of the fellowship) is engaged in a moving conversation with Frodo who is the ring bearer (the one on whom the world’s fate seems to rest upon). While Frodo wishes the ring had never come to him Gandalf comforts him with the fact that no one wishes for hard things. Then Gandalf says this gem, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

None of us know how much time we will get in our lives. In light of that fact will we squander the time we’ve been given or will we use it to the fullest? I want the highest priority of my life to be Jesus and so this is my prayer, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)

We may get this extra leap day today but I hope that all your days you make the time to choose what is important. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” Abraham Lincoln

Happy Leap Day everyone! What are some of your top priorities? What helps you refocus? Please share in the comments below!

Posted on February 29, 2016 by |

Why abide?

Abiding |  Misselainious blogLately I’ve been thinking a lot about the word abide. I’ve read it many times in my Bible in different passages but I’d never been captivated as I have been lately by the idea of it in John 15. Let’s read the passage, understand better what this word implies, and then consider how it applies to our lives.

The passage
In John 15 the Greek root for the word abide(s), meno, shows up ten times in just a short number of verses from 4-11. When one word is used that frequently it means it’s important!

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.  I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.  If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.  As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.  These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:4-11 ESV)

Understanding the word
What does abide really mean? The idea is that we remain or act in accordance with something. It’s the staying or continuing in something. In this case the something is someone, the Lord.

How we can apply this
In light of better understanding the word abide how does that apply to our lives? Jesus tells us to abide. Stay in His love, enjoy His love. Only when we abide are we receiving the life giving sap of the vine that produces fruit. It is a waiting process. It is allowing Christ to flow through us. It’s not resisting.

The imagery in this passage of a vine and branches is so beautiful because branches aren’t supporting the vine but the vine supports the branches. Since Christ supports us it isn’t by our own strength that we abide. “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” (1Thess. 5:24 ESV)

Recently I read this passage by Catherine Marshall from her book on prayer: “Our human hang-up is thinking that spirituality is something we do. ‘Not so,’ says Jesus. ‘Rather it is My life in you.’ The branch does not have to stretch and strain to grow and produce fruit. The branch’s part is simply to remain connected to the Vine, to abide there so that the life-giving sap can flow. Then only do we ‘bear much fruit.’”

You know what the most beautiful fruit is that we get? We get more of Jesus and his joy and love. Listen again to that last part of verse 11, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Our fullest ability to understand and experience joy is found in Christ. If you want joy and gladness then be continually connecting to the Lord. Jonathan Edwards put it so eloquently when he wrote, “The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.”

When we are happy in Jesus that brings him glory. The result of abiding in Christ is JOY! It’s this incredible dance happening. Isn’t it awesome and mind blowing that he designed it that way?

To quote John Piper in his book God’s Passion for His glory, “Sometimes people ask: should we pursue obedience to God or joy in God? Edwards would answer: The question involves a category confusion. It’s like asking: should I pursue fruit or apples? Obedience is doing what we are told. And we are told to delight ourselves in the Lord. Therefore pursuing joy in God is obedience.”

John 15 is such a beautiful passage and what it teaches us about abiding is crucial to our understanding of joy in Christ. If you want to bear much fruit and joy then abide in Christ’s love. May you abide, rest, remain, and stay connected to Jesus who is the source of true life.

Have you studied this passage before? What have you personally learned about abiding? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Posted on February 22, 2016 by |

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