{ Hands and tales (DAY 443) }

handsandtalesemma2 handsandtalesemmaIf you missed why I’ll be having Hands and Tales as a part of this blog at times you can read why here. πŸ™‚

What was the happiest day of your life?

The day of my mom’s miscarriage. We were at community group and we broke off into prayer groups. A friend started praying for me (it had just happened that day) and reminded me that this child was worshiping the Lord! He would never have to feel the pain that we feel. All he/ she would know is the glory of God! It was the hardest day of my life and also the happiest. I was closer to God on that day than I have ever been. The miscarriage reminded me that all the things that I had been putting my hope in… My family… My friends… This baby… They would all be gone someday. All I ultimately have is God. All I can be sure of is the Father.

Who has touched your life the most?

I think in answer to the second question I would have to say my dad. Even though that’s terribly cliche haha. He’s been such an incredible example of humility and grace and he has such an inspiring passion for the Lord. I can only pray that some of it will rub off on me someday.Β  My cousin has also been super influential.Β  She knows better than anyone else how to make me angry but she’s taught me a lot about unconditional love and she’s pushed me (hard) in the areas that I most needed pushing.

2 Responses to { Hands and tales (DAY 443) }

  1. Haley H. March 9, 2014 at 5:37 pm #

    I absolutely love this series! I think it is such a great idea. God bless!

    • misselaini March 10, 2014 at 9:12 pm #

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. I know I’m having fun doing it and hearing people’s stories. πŸ™‚

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