My kiddos got to go to camp! 😀 That fact makes this little miss very happy. Sometimes when I see pictures of my kids it makes me cry because I miss them so very much but these pictures of them playing and learning at camp makes me smile…really BIG. I hope these snapshots bring a smile to your face. Smile for at least 30 seconds O.K.? Just because they’re cute and because it’s good for you. No really, just try it. 🙂
My birthday is next week and I would like nothing better than to hit the $60K goal. I know, I know…a bit ambitious but would you try and help me get there? Donate even 5 bucks (forgo 2 coffee’s?) and get your friends to donate too? Or whoever. 🙂 Thanks everyone! So grateful for all you faithful readers.
Picture 2 (Jayasri showing off her lovely bead work…hello I just melted)