{ Reruns part 2 }

DSC_0601Last year was a vulnerable year for me with writing on this blog.  Consequently my most vulnerable and hard to publish posts were also the ones that received the most responses.  So even though theses were challenging posts for me, this time around I can post them a bit more easily. 🙂  This week I will re-post the two most responded to blog posts from 2013.  Once again I hope you are encouraged and blessed…. Happy New Year everyone!  I’m excited to see what God will do in 2014 as I chronicle the adventures God has in store for me (and my kiddos in India).

“Smile Elaini.”  “I’m trying daddy but that’s as much as I can.”  I forced my mouth to smile as much as it could as my father snapped a picture of me and a dear friend, but it felt like stretching a rubber band out that has lost it’s elasticity, cracking.  Sometimes it happens slowly and at other times it hits me fast and hard.  This time it had happened almost overnight.  That point where my eyes swell almost shut and my face cracks open creating fissures of raw.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror.  And in that moment my soul felt raw too.  It wasn’t the first time this had happened.  No, I’d dealt with it for years in my past with no relief.  Though things have gotten somewhat better I’m still often reminded that I don’t have a healthy body.

Back when I was 16 ½ and my body fell apart for four years I wrestled with many, many thought processes.  One of them was my worth.  I was stripped of everything I considered, at that time, made me worthy of living.  This included but was not limited to my health, my friends, the way I looked, my independence, and even my ability to process, think clearly, and focus.  I didn’t understand why I was alive.  All I could do was lie in bed and have people wait on me.  And when I looked in the mirror I cringed.  I felt like I was staring at a monster, but the monster was me.  I’d never really struggled with body image issues but this took things to a whole new level.  A nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from and couldn’t ever leave because it was my very self.  But as my skin and soul cracked wide upon something unexpected happened.  My bloody painful skin pointed me to the One who cracked open heaven wide and came down to bleed and die for me.  As I wrestled with and finally surrendered to that truth on a new level it changed everything.  I realized my worth had already been set by the One who spoke light into being and spun galaxies into life with a gentle breath.

Even though any outward beauty I had possessed was stripped there was a deeper and longer lasting beauty that could be mine.  You would think that after four years of dealing with this 24/7 I would get it.  But no, I forget.  So as I stood and gazed at myself in the mirror and felt the raw skin on my face I just asked Jesus to be with me.  I had a wedding to attend in the evening and I wanted to feel like I looked nice.  He responded in the most tender beautiful way.  You know what?  He called me sweetheart!  And my heart thrilled as he whispered to my soul that the painful skin and “ugly” face in the here and now was going to make heaven that much more precious and beautiful. 

I’m reminded of a scene in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis that illustrates a similar point.  When Aslan comes back from the dead after being killed by the witch in Narnia as a ransom for a traitor he says this so eloquently, “…though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know. Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of time. But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation. She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward.”

There it is.  Truth.  That death itself has already begun to work backwards because Jesus defeated death on the cross when he rose again three days later.  My body may be deteriorating but life and newness of my soul can be renewed day by day.  And although it feels like my body is unraveling cell by cell my spirit is being knit up close to Jesus.  At that point there is nothing to compare.  Living pulled in tight to Jesus’ heart is always the best option.  Hands down.  I’d much rather have discomfort here if it will make heaven that much sweeter and glorious.

I realized that I had been focusing on the wrong thing.  I don’t believe it is wrong to want to look beautiful on the outside but I had been distracted by pain and looks.  I’d only been focusing on how I felt and what I would look like for the wedding.  And Jesus whispered to me to turn my gaze away from myself and put it on him and seek to serve those I would come in contact with.  To forget about myself and being inward focused and learn to draw others out and bring them joy.  So while my smile may be a little funny and tight right now my soul is smiling as I start this journey once again of focusing on the right things.  I’m learning to smile from the inside out because I have Jesus.  That’s all I need and want.

(Photo credit: Rachel Coker) “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” 1 Cor. 13:12

8 Responses to { Reruns part 2 }

  1. Laura January 9, 2014 at 12:25 pm #

    Miss Elani, I want you to know something. Your blog post is the third place in a matter of days where I have seen the theme, “Gaze at Jesus.” I’ve been struggling with an oober lot lately, and that keeps popping up. I really think that Jesus wants me to stop looking at all the things that are wrong, like my fear of different things (our neighbors dog, telling others about the Gospel etc.), and look at Him. Only when my heart is truly captivated by Him will I be able to conquer those things. But not in my own strength. From His! So thanks for posting this. It was a lovely reminder to gaze upon my King.

    • misselaini January 11, 2014 at 3:45 pm #

      Wow! That’s so neat. Sounds like God is speaking quite clearly to you. I love it when He does that! Yes, and His perfect love will cast out fear. May you be so completely enamored in Him that you are able to surrender all your fears too. xxx

  2. Grace January 9, 2014 at 1:19 pm #

    This post touched me so deeply Elaini. I haven’t had the same health problems you have, but I have terrible anxiety issues. I had a period about a year ago when my soul felt the way you describe your face, raw. I felt exposed and like no one would understand what I was feeling, I felt like they would only see me as the girl with “issues”. Jesus showed me a lot about how He saw me and the beautiful things He had in mind for me, despite my shortcomings and total humanity. I really connected with you in this post, it is a beautiful message and you are a beautiful inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

    • misselaini January 11, 2014 at 3:46 pm #

      Oh Grace, I’m so sorry for the struggle you have had to face but what a beautiful gift that He gave you in revealing more of Himself to you. May His love overwhelm your heart instead of anxiety. Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. Celeste J. January 10, 2014 at 9:33 pm #

    Reading this one (and Rerun #1) brought tears to my eyes (just as they did the first time I read them in 2013). It seems I can never be reminded enough of these truths that you present so preciously. Thank you again!

    • misselaini January 11, 2014 at 3:47 pm #

      Celeste, thank you for encouraging me! I too need to remind myself daily of these truths and you are not alone!

  4. Hannah January 12, 2014 at 12:55 pm #

    This was a great post! It’s amazing how God helped you through these physical struggles. By the way, my sister and I both think you are a very beautiful lady. 😉 keep writing! -Hannah

    • misselaini January 15, 2014 at 5:55 pm #

      God is so gracious to me! Thank you sweet Hannah. 🙂

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