Archive | S E R I E S

Have a beautiful weekend!

Link Love 4-8-16 | Misselainious blogHave a lovely weekend everyone! Here’s some fun link love for you to read, watch, or make. 🙂

If you don’t have a green thumb this will help! #plantcare

Haven’t had a watch in years (always use my phone…) but I like this one a lot.

British Library offers over 1 million free vintage images for download.

You can sleep a little better knowing these pjs help women in India escape the sex trade.

These look beautiful and I bet they smell amazing!

Could you do this?  (It’s actually a lot harder than it sounds… Also the older couple in this is too funny and cute!)

Ack! Please say these things things aren’t getting “lost”…maybe I’m old fashioned…

I actually made something off of Pinterest and these brownies were surprisingly simple and quite yummy.  (They don’t have any unhealthy ingredients which means you can eat more right?


Posted on April 15, 2016 by |

How to be a good guest

How to be a good guest | Misselainious blogHere’s the second part of our hospitality posts and this one is on how to be a nice guest!  If you missed how to be a good hostess you can read that here.  I love to travel and many times that includes staying in someone’s home.  I want to have people invite me back so I try to follow these tips my momma taught me!  Keep in mind most hosts don’t expect these things (although some tips are just common courtesy) but I know from experience as a host that it’s always an added gift to have awesome guests.  (And we’ve been blessed with some of the world’s best guests so a lot of the ideas here I’m just borrowing from them!)

Don’t leave a mess
My parents have always taught me that I’m supposed to “leave things better than when I found them.”  While sometimes I struggle with this at home (I’m thinking of some dirty clothes left in the bathroom at the moment…) it’s nice to leave your space looking clean if at all possible.  If you have your own room and bathroom where you’re staying then this isn’t as important but when you leave make sure it doesn’t look like a tornado went through.  If you can’t leave it looking as clean as you found it at least leave it tidy.

Offer to help
I know, I know…you’re on vacation or on a tight schedule but if you are spending a long time at your host’s house then offer to pitch in and help with dishes if you eat meals there.  Assist with food prep or anything else you see your host needing assistance with if you’re able too.  If you’re out but coming back for a meal it’s always nice to offer to pick items up at the store for dinner (granted you have a car and such).  Helping out can be as simple as asking the hosts if they would like you to take the sheets off the bed before you leave on the last day.

Offer to pay for things
Did your host drive you around?  Offer to pay for gas or metered parking if possible.  Maybe treat them to coffee if you’re out.  This isn’t necessary but if you have the money it can be a nice thing to do for your host/hostess.  A lot of times when I’ve been traveling I’ve been broke and haven’t been able to do these things so this one is more just a trip by trip basis.  If you’re there more than a few days offer to pay for some groceries.

Bring things you’ll need
We one time had strangers come to stay at our house.  They were here for a speech and debate competition and just needed a place to crash for the nights.  I’ve never seen someone come so prepared.  They brought sleeping bags and towels and pretty much everything.  They were some of the easiest guest we’ve ever had because they came so prepared and there wasn’t even any clean up after they left!  They drove so this was possible.  Those strangers turned into sweet friends who we always want to have come back.  We’ve told them they really don’t need to bring their sleeping bags anymore…

Be flexible
Remember those guys that came last minute and spent the night?  One of the things that made that possible is that they were flexible with the time and where we could put them.  Since there were more people than we usually host we had to put some on couches in the basement and they were 100% cool with that.  We’ve had other strangers come stay who understood that our schedule was busy and they were super flexible with it.  They were awesome guests!  When I’ve traveled I try make sure that my hosts know that they should just go about their lives as normal.  I try to make sure that my hosts know that I don’t need to be entertained.  By all means go do things if you’re in a new place but don’t make your hosts feel like they need to plan it all or do it all with you.

If you roughly know your itinerary keep your hosts informed of when you’ll be there and when you won’t.  If you’re visiting friends let them know if you have any preferences.  Let them know if you need anything.  Most hosts would rather know what you need than feel like you were too shy to say!

Be thankful
It always amazes me how welcoming people are and so kind to open up their homes to me.  It’s always a gift when someone lets you into their homes and lives even if it’s a short amount of time so express your gratitude to them.  One lost art that is that of a thank you note.  Write the thank you note people!  Just leave a note on your pillow or their counter or send one in the mail when you get home.  Verbally thank your hosts as well but that letter writing is always thoughtful.

Bonus points for bringing a gift!
Like I mentioned earlier some of the time when you’re staying in people’s homes it’s because of a lack of funds so bringing a gift may just be out of the question but if you can it’s always nice to bring flowers or a little gift.  I’ve made a list of quick of hostess gifts here if you need some easy ideas!

What are your favorite things to bring as a gift?  Have you had any funny stories from staying with people?  Please let me know in the comments below so I can laugh with you. 😉

And don’t forget here’s a list of items to bring for your hosts!

Posted on April 11, 2016 by |


Smile. Breath. Today is a new day. Quote 4-8-16 | Misselainious blogIt’s that time again for quotes! I love quotes so much because it gives us a glimpse into other people’s thoughts.  Quotes can also be very encouraging.  Enjoy and have a great weekend friends!

“Use what talents your possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” Henry Van Dyke

“Wonder interprets life through the eyes of eternity, while enjoying the moment.” ~ Ravi Zacharias

“Grown ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again.” ~ Antoine De Saint-Exupery

“Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision.  Visions don’t change, they are only refined.  Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed.  Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.”  ~ John C. Maxwell

“May you refuse to let your emotions dictate your perspective.  You have Jesus.  You have His presence.  And you have His promises!  When what your eyes see is different than what your heart deeply desires, look up and pray, He invites you to walk with Him, talk with Him and involve Him in every detail of your life.  If you’re in the ‘not yet’ season, take time to worship God because He’s God; take time to thank Him too, because He’s been good.  And dare to ask for the impossible, because He’s a wonder-working God.  Your story is not over yet!” ~ Susie Larson

“Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be.  Rest is not stasis but the essence of giving and receiving.  Rest is an act of remembering, imaginatively and intellectually, but also physiologically and physically.  To rest is to become present in a different way than through action, and especially to give up on the will as the prime motivator of endeavor, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals.  To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we put it right; to rest is to fall back, literally or figuratively from outer targets, not even to a sense of inner accomplishment or an imagined state of attained stillness, but to a different kind of meeting place, a living, breathing state of natural exchange…”  ~ David Whyte

“You have made us for Yourself, and our souls are restless till they find their rest in You.” ~ Augustine

“Relying on God has to begin all over again everyday as if nothing had yet been done.” ~ C.S. Lewis

Posted on April 8, 2016 by |

How To Be A Good Hostess

How To Be A Good Hostess | Misselainious blogRecently my mom and I were discussing what makes a good hostess and what makes a good guest and so we thought we’d share a few tips with you in this two part series.  Today we are going to share a few points on how to be a good hostess when you’re having people stay at your home.  And let me just reassure you that I need to work on both of these areas!  I certainly don’t have it all figured out but we’ve been blessed to host a lot of people as well as be guests in strangers/friend’s homes.  We also realize that people have different styles of hosting and that’s totally awesome.  Think of these as “guidelines” 😉

Be calm
This one speaks for itself.  Someone who is rushing around like a chicken with their head cut off will not put their guests at ease.  Instead it makes them feel like they are imposing.

Be welcoming
I know this probably seems like a given but have you ever been at someone’s home who wasn’t warm and welcoming?  It’s not fun.  Your countenance will set the tone.  People can tell if you’re not thrilled to have them.  So be excited when they arrive!  I think this also goes to say that if you just don’t feel like you’re up for the task of hosting people it’s okay to ask people to come at another date or even just say no.  We’ve had times when we’ve let people come at the drop of a hat though.  Which leads me to my next point.

Be flexible
I can’t stress this one enough probably because if you aren’t flexible you will end up being stressed!  Remember how I said that we’ve had people come at a moments notice?

Well last summer my cousin showed up in town with four other guys and they ended up crashing at our place for the night.  I literally found out a few hours before they came.  Thankfully they were awesome guests (that’s the next part of the series) and we wished they could have stayed a little longer.  Because we were able to just run with it we ended up having a great time but if you’re stressed about feeding people or where they will sleep it makes for a bummer of a deal for you and for them.

Part of being flexible also means letting go of expectations for how you want things done.  This may mean ditching your idea of a beautiful dinner and instead ordering take out when guests come to town.  If you want to be a good hostess be flexible.  One time my brother brought some friends home for Christmas and it was a last minute deal.  We didn’t know them at all and weren’t sure how it would all work out but in the end we had one of the best Christmases we’ve ever had.  While it’s okay to say no to having people in your home you may be pleasantly surprised when you’re flexible enough to let people stay.

Be prepared
Yes, be flexible but if you know guests are going to be arriving take some time to be prepared.  Is your guest joining you for dinner?  Prepare ahead of time something you can just pull together quickly that way if you’re out all day sight seeing or having adventures or even just coming from work things will flow smoothly.  Buy extra toilet paper.  Always have fresh linens and towels ready.  These are the sorts of things that help make for an enjoyable time being a hostess.  If you want a more detailed list on how to create a guest basket and help people feel at home in your house then you can check out the list HERE that I’ve made of practical ways to do so. Plus there is a sweet FREE welcome printout (like the one above) and a wifi printout too!

If you have a stranger coming through town that just needs a place to stay:
You can still use the tips above but also feel free to go about your life.  Tell them to make themselves at home.

If you’re having a friend for the weekend:
Let them know your schedule beforehand so that they can know what to expect from you time wise.  If you have the entire time blocked off to hang out with them then have a blast!

If you’re having a long term guest (more than 2-3 nights):
Don’t feel like you have to entertain people the whole time.  Hopefully they’ve come with a plan and if not feel free to suggest things and explain the public transportation.

Psst. Here’s those freebies to help make life a little easier and prettier next time you host guests! Enjoy, friends!

I hope that this topic on how to be a good hostess was helpful! What are your best hostess tips? Anything you’d add to this list? Do you have a beautiful or horrible tale to share with us about a time you hosted guests? I’d love to hear you stories in the comments below!

Posted on April 6, 2016 by |

Have a nice weekend!

Link-love 4-1-16 | Misselainious blogWhat an absolutely amazing story and article.  If all you read today is this then it will have been well worth the time.  It’s one to bookmark or print out.

All you need is some creativity and…..celery!?  Watch this amazing artist.

A film has never been made this way…when you see how they are doing it you’ll understand why…

Hee hee make sure you read to the very end! 😉

8 tips for taking great photos.

This looks and sounds amazing!

Now here’s a way to be intentional while coloring.

Posted on April 1, 2016 by |

Good Friday Quotes

Good Friday Quotes | Misselainious blog“If Christ is God, He cannot sin, and if suffering was a sin in and by itself, He could not have suffered and died for us.  However, since He took the most horrific death to redeem us, He showed us in fact that suffering and pain have great power.” ~ E.A. Bucchianeri

“Our death died at the cross. It did not faint. It died.”~ Conrad Mbewe

“It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun’s light failed.  And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.  Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!”  And having said this he breathed his last.  Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying, ‘Certainly this man was innocent!'”  ~ Luke 23:44-47

“Christ and His cross are not separable in this life; howbeit Christ and His cross part at heaven’s door, for there is no house-room for crosses in heaven.  One tear, one sigh, one sad heart, one fear, one loss, one thought of trouble cannot find lodging there.”  Samuel Rutherford

“Love was compressed for all history in that lonely figure on the cross, who said that he could call down angels at any moment on a rescue mission, but chose not to – because of us.  At Calvary, God accepted his own unbreakable terms of justice.”  Philip Yancey

“If we want proof of God’s love for us, then we must look first at the Cross where God offered up His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.  Calvary is the one objective, absolute, irrefutable proof of God’s love for us.”  Jerry Bridges

“The cross of Christ is first and centrally God’s means of reconciling sinful people to his sinless self.  But it is bigger than that too.  From the ground we see the cross bridge to God.  From the air, the cross is our bridge to the restoration of all things.  The cross of the battered Son of God is the battering ram through the blockade and Eden.  It is our key into a better Eden, into the wonders of the new – covenant kingdom, which the old was just a shadow.  The cross is the linchpin in God’s plan to restore all creation.  Is it any wonder, then, that the empty tomb opened out into a garden?” ~ Matt Chandler

Posted on March 25, 2016 by |


Quotes 3-18-16 | Misselainious blog“Accustom yourself to look first to the dreadful consequences of failure; then fix your eye on the glorious prize which is before you; and when your strength begins to fail, and your spirits are well nigh exhausted, let the animating view rekindle your resolution, and call forth in renewed vigour the fainting energies of your soul.” William Wilberforce

“Why shouldn’t art be pretty?  There are enough unpleasant things in the world.” Pierre-Auguste Renior

“For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.” J.R.R. Tolkien

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”  Voltaire

“It is astonishing how many difficulties clear up without any effort when the inner life gets straightened out.  If half the time we spend trying to fix up outward things was spent in getting our hearts right, we would be delighted with the result.  Strange as it may seem, harmony within our hearts depends mostly upon our getting into harmony with God.” A.W. Tozer

“I pray that we’ll understand the transforming power that lies in saying no, because it’s an act of faith, a tangible demonstration of the belief that you are so much more than what you do.  I pray that we’ll live with intention, hope, and love in this wild season and in every season, and that the God who loves us will bring new life to our worn-out hearts this year and every year, that we’ll live, truly and deeply, in the present, instead of waiting, waiting, waiting for perfect.” Shauna Niequist

Posted on March 18, 2016 by |

Have a beautiful weekend!

Link Love 3-11-16 | Misselainious blogIf you haven’t seen these gorgeous photos and video of Misty Copeland recreating Degas artwork then you’re in for a treat!

Need time saving tricks?  Me too! I especially like #4.

Stop crying over chopped onions?! YES PLEASE!

These gorgeous two seasons portraits by my friend Miriam.

HAHA! Wait for it…. 😉

The choreography at the end made my jaw drop.  Wow.

It’s spring! There are pretty petals everywhere so here’s a lovely tutorial on how to arrange flowers.

Prettiest pasta I ever did see!

44 cozy nooks you’ll want to crawl into.

Posted on March 11, 2016 by |

Benefits of tea

Benefits of tea | Misselainious blogAnyone that knows me probably knows that I love drinking tea.  That may be an understatement.  Sometimes I have so many cups of tea a day I loose count.  I realize that tea isn’t everyone’s thing but what a lot of people often don’t realize is that tea is beneficial for many different things.  So today I thought I’d share with you a few teas and some (although certainly not an exhaustive list) of the reasons they are good for you.

Peppermint tea: Okay so peppermint tea is my favorite tea without a doubt because I love the fresh taste but then I discovered peppermint tea is also really helpful for an upset tummy (or if you just ate too much food). Use hot and steaming water that hasn’t quite boiled and steep for 5-10 minutes.

Fresh squeezed lemon with honey tea: I love the sweet and sour taste of this and it’s really good if you have a cold or need to sooth a sore throat.  Also fresh squeezed lemon in warm water in the morning is a good way to jump start your digestive system.

Echinacea tea: supports the immune system! Pour freshly boiled water over tea bag or tea leaves.  Cover and let steep for 10-15 minutes

Rooibos tea: this tea is high in antioxidant properties. (I love drinking this with coconut milk and honey so add that if you wish after it’s been steeped!)  Bring water to a boil and steep for 5-7 minutes.

Chamomile tea: this tea is great for helping you sleep better.  Bring water to the point of boiling and then let it rest while you prepare your cup and tea.  Steep for 5-7 minutes.

Lavender tea: Stressed out?  This tea is very soothing and will help relax stressed nerves.  You’ll want to steep this tea for a little longer (10 minutes) since it is so mild.

Ginger tea: this one is good for nausea so if you’re on a boat ride or you’re pregnant…  Use fresh ginger slices if possible.  Boil water and steep for 5-10 minutes.  (A little honey would be nice with this since ginger is quite a strong flavor.)

Rosehip tea:  is a great source of Vitamin C.  It also has diuretic properties.  This tea is also good for your skin but is best avoided by those who have diabetes.

I highly recommend using organic teas since you are pouring hot water over the ingredients to release the properties in them.  You don’t want harmful chemicals being released into your water!  Whenever possible I would also suggest using loose leaf teas since you don’t have to wonder what the tea bags themselves are made of.  Quick tip: The best way to store loose leaf tea is in an air tight container.  If you like the convenience of a tea bag Numi or Choice Organic teas are great (this isn’t a sponsored post I just like their tea and know they are better about their tea bags.)

Please note that since teas can have a medicinal effect not all of them are safe for pregnant or nursing women or if you have certain health issues.

Many of these teas are helpful for a lot more than things I listed and it’s quite fascinating to discover all the ways teas are beneficial for your health.  Now go enjoy a cup of tea because it’s tea time!

What are your favorite teas?  Do you have any tea time tips for us?  Have you noticed any benefits from drinking tea?  Please share in the comments below!

Posted on March 7, 2016 by |


“If you do things out of duty, it will deplete you. If you do things out of love, it will energize you.” Mother Theresa“The first and most important step in the process of becoming genuine is to be once again authenticated by the original designer.” Erwin Raphael McManus

“If you do things out of duty, it will deplete you. If you do things out of love, it will energize you.” Mother Theresa

“God does not give us everything we want, but he does fulfill his promises.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.” Chinese Proverb

“Don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.” Elizabeth Elliot

“To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark- that is faith.” Charles H. Spurgeon

Posted on March 4, 2016 by |

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