{Day 115}

Yesterday I laid on a warm rock in the middle of the gently moving river.  Occasionally I would dip my toes in the water and feel them get all tingly from the cool temperature.  At one point I just stopped reading my novel and gazed at the crystal turquoise expanse above me.  I felt like I was in the most incredible snow globe…minus the snow of course. 😉  As I watched I spotted a handsome dragonfly in his black tuxedo and shiny midnight blue bow tie nod and give right away (like a true gentleman) to an elegant butterfly dancing and swishing past in a gown of lemon yellow and brown polka dots.  And then they were gone.  Just like that out of sight.  I miss so many of these glorious moments.  I’d love to hear about a moment you have enjoyed today.  Maybe it is the steam curling from your coffee because it is THAT hot?  Or a tiny flower pushing its way through a crack in your driveway?  What do you see?  Let’s live with eyes wide open shall we?

CHECK THIS NEW TOTAL OUT!!!!! $34,127 😀 😀 😀

12 Responses to {Day 115}

  1. Katie Joy August 23, 2011 at 4:41 am #

    I went to the lake on Sunday (after church, of course) to my great aunt and uncle’s cottage. Everyone was either inside the cottage or out on the boat, and I had my journal and some time for my Savior…..how beautiful it was! The breeze was just right, there but not blowing my hair in my face. The sun was shining brightly, the lake was sparkling, I was eating a brownie, it just about as perfect as you can get (on earth).

    Another recent ‘perfect’ moment is when I was sitting in a parking lot (right after having eaten frozen yogurt) and one of my friends was braiding my hair and we were talking about goals in life, God, and frozen yogurt! 🙂 She left for college last week and that was one of our last great talks. The sun was setting, it was getting cooler (from about 85-90 F down to 70 something), our tummies were full of ice cream tasting goodness, and we were talking about the Lord…..can’t get more ‘perfect’ than that! 🙂

    Love your hair in this picture!

    Katie Joy 🙂

    • misselaini August 24, 2011 at 12:28 am #

      Thank you for sharing those beautiful reflections with me. Lovely. I so enjoy those “perfect” days. 🙂

  2. Poem Girl August 23, 2011 at 8:58 am #

    Dear Elaini,
    hmm my first memory today was “I’m that tired really” it isn’t very much I know but I just love the comfortableness of my room in the morning the warm air all around me making me drowsy and cozy thick blankets up to my neck well more like up to my ankles it was a pretty scorching night anyways by the end of the day I’ll have a million good memories we’re searching for an adventure here somewhere close by both fun, educational, and exciting hmm sounds like a museum to me let me know what you think ha ha yes I’d better go now praying that your day is filled with great memories and adventures blessed by Gods love.
    Yours Truly
    Poem Girl or S

    • misselaini August 24, 2011 at 12:29 am #

      I totally get that! There are lots of times I just feel tired. You’re not alone. 🙂

  3. Moriah Ortega August 23, 2011 at 12:39 pm #

    How I long to live with “eyes wide open.” To be inspired by all the little things that God has placed in my path! Today I held a little girl in my arms and got kisses from her sweet little lips. I saw it rain and then got to see the sunshine when it stopped. I got to knead warm bread dough and listen to inspiring music.

    I’m smiling now. 🙂 Thank you God.

    • misselaini August 24, 2011 at 12:32 am #

      I do to. Love your “eyes wide open” moments. 🙂 You made me smile too. 😀

  4. Sarah August 23, 2011 at 1:59 pm #

    This truly made me smile!

    You should write a little poem about that gentleman and his graceful miss.
    Thank you for sharing a glimpse of beauty from your day!


    • misselaini August 24, 2011 at 12:33 am #

      Haha I am so glad it made you smile. I know its kind of silly but that’s sorta the point. 🙂

  5. Sandi August 24, 2011 at 9:49 am #

    Ah, to take time out from our seemingly busy days – to take in God’s glory – His creation around us – His blessings that are whispered and if we are listening, we giggle with joy – I love to look out my front window and see the bright orange and yellow dahlias standing tall. The butterflies flutter around constantly – white ones, yellow ones, spotted ones. It reminds me of when I was a little girl in my mom’s back yard so many years ago. These are precious blessings. Thanks for reminding us to pause even if it is for a moment.

    • misselaini August 25, 2011 at 12:04 am #

      Thank you for painting that beautiful picture for me to imagine. Lovely!

  6. Lisa August 24, 2011 at 4:18 pm #


    Where did you get your boots from? I love them and have been looking for a pair!


    • misselaini August 25, 2011 at 12:08 am #

      Hi Lisa! Actually these boots were in a box that my friend got from someone else and she didn’t want them so I became the lucky owner of them. 😀 Sorry I can’t be of more help there…. 🙁

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