Author Archive | misselaini

{Day 126}

I love enjoyable “firsts”.  Like the first time seeing my nephew ride his bike or my first time in a wedding.  Last night I saw a movie outdoors for the first time and it was such fun.  Sometimes firsts come in the form of little things but they can definitely be big as well.  What are some of your favorite firsts? A visit to a country you have never been to or a taste of a new food?  Maybe something you were scared to do but did anyways and loved it?  If you can’t think of anything that you have done recently that is a “first” then I would challenge you to go find something new whether it be a different style of books to read or a visit to a park you have never been to.  Looking forward to hearing about your “firsts” in the comments. 🙂

UPDATE:  $35,254.45 😀

Posted on September 3, 2011 by |

{Day 125}

Wow Day 125 of daily blogging…. I have something that I think you will really like.  I received this email from the sweet lady at Warm Blankets yesterday:  “By the way, I wanted to encourage you that all the support you have raised is providing for the daily needs of all of the new homes. Not only did it help them open, but it is helping to stabilize the children as we look for sponsors for the homes. This transition period is so crucial, and thanks to you it has been smooth and seamless for these new kids.”  She hopes to send pictures soon as well. 🙂  You all are making such a difference!

O.K.  About this outfit.  So I am hoping to go see Roman Holiday in the park this evening.  Since it stars Audrey Hepburn I felt that it was fitting to wear a shirt with her on it. 😉  She is one of my style icons after all.  The movie is in black and white so I decided to make this picture black and white. 🙂

You did it! You put us over the $35K mark.  Check out the new total: $35,219.45 😀  You are amazing!!!!!

Posted on September 2, 2011 by |

{Day 124}

Yesterday evening my dad and I grabbed a blanket and went to the park to hear jazz.  A few friends of mine showed up and joined us and we swing danced on the lawn.  The band played, we danced, and we people watched.  Don’t you just love people watching?  Not in a creepy stalker way of course.  Not (of course) in a “Didn’t your mother teach you not to stare?” type of way.  Hey we were just being observant that’s all. 😉  Some of the older couples were just adorable.  One older gentleman had a hat on and was salsa dancing with his wife.  To cute.  I loved how the children had no inhibitions.  They didn’t care what they looked like and they were just having fun.  Are you the type that jumps in and dances through life or would you rather sit and watch?  I used to be the later but I am growing and learning the beauty of being like a child and not caring what others think.  (Growing is a key word…I have by NO means arrived.)  🙂  Love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

UPDATE: Think we can get to the $35K mark today?  Look we are almost there!!! $34,979.60 😀

Posted on September 1, 2011 by |

{Day 123}

Last night I sat down on the bench that was so familiar and in the middle of the stillness I laid my fingers down to touch the the melody makers in front of me.  I used to play my piano with such ease.  I spent hours upon hours practicing so I would be perfect.  The songs would flow off the pages into my soul and come out like fairy dust making my fingers fly.  I wish I could fully describe the way that playing the piano makes me feel.  As if my soul was flying.  When I have no words left I can go to my beautiful instrument and speak a language that even words can’t always express.  Any emotion can be given utterance.  I realized though last night that I had forgotten so much since I don’t practice anymore.  Practice isn’t always easy but it is rewarding.  Is there some lost joy that you miss?  Don’t let it fade.   We should be beauty makers.  I wrote much more poetically about my piano, beauty, and pain here.  Do you play an instrument?  If so what and how does it make you feel?  Or do you have a song you really just enjoy?  As always would love to hear about it in the comments. 🙂

Btw I just threw this outfit on because I literally had 2 minutes to take pictures…
You can see the awesome detail of this belt here. 🙂
(I love that the post number is 123…if you have been reading for a while you’ll know why.)

UPDATE:  $34,929.60 😀  More babies getting fed!

Posted on August 31, 2011 by |

{Day 122}

Let me just quickly say that I forgot to mention yesterday how lovely I think the picture is that I received.  Somebody is a little artist. 🙂  Anyways I went to the post office yesterday to check the box I set up for this project and although I didn’t expect to receive anything I hoped there would be a letter.  Sure enough there was. 🙂  It was the sweetest little note with $40 dollars inside for the orphans.  Even better.  One of the best things about this project has been the kind comments, encouraging emails, questions, and especially the mail.  There is just something so delightful about receiving a letter.  Thank you to everyone that has made my day a little brighter because of a comment, email, or letter.  I love hearing from you!  Do you like getting mail (real mail. bills don’t count…)?  Do you send letters through snail mail?  I have a box full of letters that I have received over the years.  Do you?  Love to hear about it in the comments!

UPDATE: $34,889.60 🙂 We are almost to the 35K mark!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Want to donate and get us there?  🙂

Posted on August 30, 2011 by |

{Day 121}

I’m so happy to write this post.  You see a big package came for me a few days ago.  I eagerly unwrapped it to find a card from all the wonderful people at Warm Blankets Orphan Care, a letter, and this picture.  Here is part of the letter and I feel that is also for those of you who have so generously donated:  “If you could look deep into the fibers and brush strokes of this painting, I think you would be astounded at what you see.  You would see a girl dancing and singing with her friends; the smile of a little boy who’s just happy to be held; a group of children joyously singing to God.  You would see the hope that you have given the orphans…
This painting was made just for you!  One of your precious orphans (insert this is where I cried…) painted this with love and appreciation for you.  To echo them: Thank you for your dedication to restoring the childhoods of the children in India! Their joyous expression would not be possible without you.”  I hope you read that as if it was for you because without you I could not have done this.  Thank you! And if you haven’t had the blessing of giving it’s not to late to give today! 😀  (And then go back and read that letter again) 😉

Now comes the work to see if it is possible for me to go meet “my” darling children.  How I long to give them hugs.  I don’t know if they get to see this blog even though I know they have heard about it.  If they are reading this then this is for them:  I love you.  You are special and you have so much worth.  I pray for you and hope that you know just how loved you are.

I really like hair tutorials.  Mine is kinda a mess but you can see how to do this one here. 🙂

Posted on August 29, 2011 by |

{Day 120}

Warning: Random Post.  So the project didn’t just affect me.  I haven’t heard my dad’s side yet but yesterday I heard a piece of my mom’s.  Out of habit I was thinking that I needed to wash the dress and then I looked at her and expressed how glad I was that I didn’t need to wash it when we got back from vacation since I haven’t worn it.  Then I asked if she was glad I was done having that be my daily outfit.  Apparently from the look she gave me this was a stupid question. 😉  From her point of view she said she felt like I was always in mourning because the dress was black (LOL!).  Add to that the miserable weather we were having and she said it felt like I was mourning along with the elements.  Haha!  Another friend couldn’t figure out what was different about me till she realized I was wearing pants.  You see I met her while wearing the dress…I love hearing others point of view about me being in the same dress for so long.  Anyways I have been blogging now for the past 120 days…wow.  For someone who wasn’t keen on writing this is a miracle.  I’m curious to know though…what would you like to hear about?  Any topics you’d like to see me write about?  I’d love to hear your suggestions! Hope you liked the styling of my gray dress this week.  🙂   xxx

Posted on August 28, 2011 by |

{Day 119}

This week has been so wonderful.  It has been restful in so many ways.  Pulling back from the rush and bustle of life has been lovely.  I’ve been deeply breathing in the fir scented breeze and exhaling long.  One week doesn’t feel long enough…  Do you live a busy hurried life or a full life?  I feel that there is a difference.  I want the later and not the former.  One lifestyle seems so stressful.  Stress is a joy robber.  The full life though is one of purpose and joy.  Not rushing around like a chicken with your head cut off but still being useful and productive.  I wonder all the time where the balance is.  What do you do to pull back so “life” doesn’t take the place of truly living?  Thoughts?

UPDATE!  $34,272.25    Keep it coming! I love putting these updates in the post. 😀

I love that this dress can take me from a garden party look to a chic office look. (Funny side note: I have had this jacket since high school when I was part of the speech and debate team.  I still find it amusing that my fifteen year old self gave speeches…in a suit.)

Posted on August 27, 2011 by |

{Day 118}

I’ve been listening to the river now for the last four days.  It is peaceful, calming, bubbling with joy, yet always running.  That is how I constantly want to be.  To have peace and rest in my soul.  I know that this peace is possible for I have felt it.  I know that this joy is real because I have reveled in it.  And the running?  Well physically I’d keel over in less than 2.5 seconds but spiritually I want to run this race well…just like the river runs its course.  Never stopping even though the seasons change and the flow or pace varies.  To not grow weary in well doing.  Personally my peace comes from Jesus and so does my strength to run hard.  It is not my own doing.  Hope you are off to a fun weekend you wonderful people!

UPDATE: Slowly but surely! $34,232.25

Posted on August 26, 2011 by |

{Day 117}

15 pink balloons with hand written notes were released into the sky.  They floated away from the tea party.  These beautiful young girls were there to have fun and make a difference.  I wish I could have been there (in Australia!!!), but since I couldn’t be the pictures are making me smile.  A very sweet and creative reader helped her younger sisters throw a Miss.Elaini.Ous party.  These ladies are very inspiring.  You really need to check out the pictures.  It will not disappoint!

Still going up!!!! $34,222.25 😀

Oh yeah and I just flipped the dress around. 😀

Posted on August 25, 2011 by |

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